Last Update: Nov.1, 2003
Relating Publications to "New Earth 21" Program
K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, Y. Fujii, K. Yamaji, Assessment of Global Warming Mitigation Options with Integrated Assessment Model DNE21. Energy Economics, Vol.26, 635-653, 2004.
W.Zhou, Y.Yanagisawa, A.Kurosawa, Y.Fujii, K.Yamaji, T.Kawabe, "Simulation of CO2 Emission in Japan, China and North America with DNE21 Model", Energy and Resources, Vol.19, No.4, 371-377, 1998 (in Japanese).
International Conference
T.Tomoda, K.Akimoto, Y.Fujii, Electric Power Generation up to 2050FUncertainties and Possible Over-Simplification in the Modeling Approach, Workshop on Longer-Term Energy and Environment Scenarios, Oct.2001.
K.Akimoto, M.Murai, Y.Fujii, T.Sugiyama, Y.Kaya, Integrated Assessment of Global Warming Mitigation Options Considering Cooling Effects of Sulphur Emissions, The 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Aug.2000.
Y.Kaya (ed.), "The CO2 Reduction Strategy"ANikkan-kougyou-shinbun-sha, 2000 (in Japanese).
Resarch articles, international conference proceedings, books, etc. relating to the DNE21 model by other researchers
K.Yamaji (ed.), "Bioenergy", Mioshin-shuppan, 2000 (in Japanese).
K.Yamaji, J.Fujino, K.Osada, Global energy system to maintain atmospheric CO2 concentration at 550 ppm. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol. 3, 159-171, 2000.
K.Takase, Y.Fujii, Y.Kaya, Method for Scenario Development Using Shadow Prices as Non-Cost Decision Criteria, T.IEE Japan, Vol.118-C, No.10, 1438-1444, 1998 (in Japanese).
K.Akimoto, A.Matsunaga, Y.Fujii, K.Yamaji, Game Theoretic Analysis for Carbon Emission Permits Trading among Multiple World Regions with an Optimizing Global Energy Model, T.IEE Japan, Vol.118-C, No.10, 1424-1431, 1998 (in Japanese).
Y. Fujii, K. Yamaji, Assessment of technological options in the global energy system for limiting the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol. 1, 113-139, 1998.
K. Yamaji, Y. Fujii, Analysis of the Role of Technology in Climate Change with Dynamic New Earth 21 Model. In: Proceeding of the IPCC Asia-Pacific Workshop on Integrated Assessment Models, 487-494, 1997.
K.Yamaji, Y.Fujii, "Global Energy Strategy", Denryoku-shinpou-sha, 1995 (in Japanese).
Y.Fujii, Y.Kaya, Assessment of Technology Options for Reducing CO2 Emissions from Man's Global Energy System, T.IEE Japan, Vol.113-B, No.11, 1213-1222, 1993 (in Japanese).