CO2 Geological Sequestration Project
Last Updated: June 27, 2003
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) is responsible
for a five-year project of "Research and Developement of Geological
Sequestration Technology for Carbon Dioxide" (2000-2004). The project
aims to establish a technology that provides stable, safe and long-term
geological sequestration of carbon dioxide emitted from large-scale sources
in Japan. Research and development are carried out in cooperation with
Engineering Advancement Association of Japan (ENAA).
Overview of the CO2 Geological Sequestration System |

Note: This figure is explaining the implementation of the CO2 geological sequestration technology.
Basic Research |
Basic experiments
Experimental studies have been conducted at the laboratory level to collect data such as effects of CO2 injection on seismic wave properties, the solubility of carbon dioxide
in aquifers and the interaction between carbon dioxide, formation water,
and rocks. These data are to be used in evaluating the long-term stability
and safety for geological sequestration.
Monitoring methods
Monitoring methods have been investigated in order to study monitoring
technologies that might be applicable in the future. The review was made
on the basis of the reports and materials presented in the Carbon Capture
Project gRisk Assessment Workshoph at Nottingham UK in May 2002 and in
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gWorkshop on carbon dioxide
capture and storageh at Regina Canada in November 2002.
Simulation R&D
Simulation R&D is intended to develop a simulator for prediction of
the long-term behaviors of carbon dioxide sequestered underground,and to
establish a method for an EIA. A simulator for the storage of natural gas
(GEM-UGS) has been selected for the core code. This simulator can deal
with many kinds of natural phenomena. However, it appears that several
phenomena are not to be simulated by the core code, although they may be
important for determining the long-term behavior of carbon dioxide in the
subsurface. Consequently,element modules will be added to the core code.
System study
A system study has been conducted with two objectives:to identify the environmental
impact and safety levels for the cases of possible combinations among locations
of large-scale sources of carbon dioxide, means of recovery and transportation,
and storage points by using multi-dimensional, quantitative evaluation
indices and to elucidate the significance of the geological sequestraton
technology in terms of cost, safety, social acceptance and others factors
among a variety of optional countermeasure against global warming.
Injection Experiment |
Japan has ...
- Less Distribution of Oil & Gas Fields (Estimated Capacity: 2 Gt-CO2)
- Much Distribution of Aquifers (Estimated Capacity: 88 Gt-CO2)
Therefore, main target is "Aquifer".
Purpose of Experiment
- Actual Behavior of CO2 in Aquifer
- Simulation Modeling based on Actual Data
- Inferred to be useful for understandings of CO2 behavior
Injection Parameter
- Injection Rate: 20 t-CO2/day (supercritical phase)
- Injection Pressure: 7-11 MPa (at the top of the well), Max. 19 MPa (at
the bottom of the well)
- Temperature of CO2: 32 ºC
- Duration of Injection: Around 18 months
- Total Amount of CO2: Around 10,000 t-CO2

Field Test Site (Active Gas Field)

CO2 Monitoring at the Test Site

Source and Receiver Geometry of Seismic Tomography
Plan of Monitoring
- Cross-well Seismic Tomography (Baseline measurement has been carried out)
- Time-lapse Logging (Resistivity, Neutron and Sonic Log)
- Measuring (In-situ Pressure & Temperature)
- Micro-seismic Activity
Geological Study |
The geological study aims to establish the procedures and methodology of
geo-technical analysis and evaluation for the carbon dioxide sequestration,
and to provide a useful guideline for the site selection. Geological study
also aims to do the preliminary study on the site selection, by compiling
the existing geological information of the offshore areas surrounding Japan.
Schedule |

CO2 Geological Sequestraion Project
TEL: +81-774-75-2309@FAX: +81-774-75-2316
- Related Laboratory: CO2 Sequestration Research Group