Laboratory Measurements on Gas Permeability and P-wave Velocity in Two Porous Sandstones During CO2 Flooding
ΉΖfή, 120, 2, 91-98, 2004.
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Laboratory experiments were conducted to measure gas permeability
and P-wave velocity under hydrostatic pressure in Shirahama and Tako
sandstones with porosity of 12 and 24,
respectively. In dry samples, gas permeability and P-wave velocity were
significantly changed with increasing hydrostatic pressure in Shirahama
sandstoneCas a result of the closure of micropores with low aspect
ratio, while in Tako sandstone they were less affected. In
water-saturated sample, velocity changes caused by CO2 injection, are
typically on the order of -6%. P-wave velocities decreased almost
simultaneously along horizontal paths in two orthogonal directions.
Results of P-wave velocity tomography suggested that cross-well seismic
profiling is useful to monitor migrations of the
lnjected CO2 in geological sequestration sites.
Copyright(C) Research Institute of Innovative
Technology for the Earth (RITE). All rights reserved.