

I. 論文発表



  1. M. Sorai and T. Ohsumi, Ocean uptake potential for carbon dioxide sequestration, Geochemical Journal, 2004/5, in press.
  2. 時松宏治, 徂徠正夫, 間木道政, 村井重夫, 大隅多加志, 茅陽一,CO2海洋隔離の経済的便益評価, エネルギー・資源, 2004/7, 第25巻, 第4号, 51-57.
  3. K. Tokimatsu, M. Sorai, Y. Kaya, M. Magi, S. Murai and T. Ohsumi,Evaluation of Benefits of CO2 Ocean Sequestration,7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2004/9/5, in press.


  1. K. Lee, J. Kita and A. Ishimatsu, Effects of lethal levels of environmental hypercapnia on cardiovascular and blood-gas status in Yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, Zoological Science, 2003/4, Vol. 20, 417-422.
  2. M. Hayashi, J. Kita and A. Ishimatsu, Acid-base responses to lethal aquatic hypercapnia in three marine fishes, Marine Biology, 2003/12, No.144, 153-160. in press.
  3. T. Kikkawa, J. Kita and A. Ishimatsu, Comparison of the lethal effect of CO2 and acidification on red sea bream (Pagrus major) during the early developmental stages, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2004/1, No.48, 108-110. in press.
  4. T. Kikkawa, A. Ishimatsu and J. Kita,Acute CO2 Tolerance During the Early Developmental Stages of Four Marine Teleosts, Environ Toxicol, 2004/1, No.18, 375-382.
  5. T. Ohsumi, What is the Ocean Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide?, Journal of Oceanography, 2004/7, 693-694.
  6. J. Kita and T. Ohsumi, Perspectives on Biological Research for CO2 Ocean Sequestration, Journal of Oceanography, 2004/7, 695-703.
  7. A. Ishimatsu, T. Kikkawa, M. Hayashi, K. S. Lee and J. Kita, Effects of CO2 on Marine Fish: Larvae and Adults, Journal of Oceanography, 2004/7, 731-741.
  8. H. Kurihara, S. Shimode and Y. Shirayama, Sub-Lethal Effects of Elevated Concentration of CO2 on Planktonic Copepods and Sea Urchins, Journal of Oceanography, 2004/7, 743-750.
  9. A. Yamaguchi, Y. Watanabe, H. Ishida, T. Harimoto, K. Furusawa, S. Suzuki, J. Ishizaka, T. Ikeda and M. M. Takahashi, Latitudinal Differences in the Planktonic Biomass and Community Structure Down to the Greater Depths in the Western North Pacific, Journal of Oceanography, 2004/7, 773-787.
  10. S. Someya, S. Bando, Y. Song, B. Chen and M. Nishio, Laser-Dye Imaging of the pH Field in a Laboratory Experiment, Journal of Oceanography, 2004/7, 789-795.
  11. B.Chen, Y.Song, M.Nishio and M.Akai, A Eulerian-Eulerian Physical -Biological Impact Model of Zooplankton Injury Due to CO2 Ocean Sequestration, Journal of Oceanography, 2004/7, 797-805.
  12. T. Sato, Numerical Simulation of Biological Impact Caused by Direct Injection of Carbon Dioxide in the Ocean, Journal of Oceanography, 2004/7, 807-816.
  13. M. Hayashi, J. Kita and A. Ishimatsu, Comparison of the acid-base responses to CO2 and acidification in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), Marine Polution Bulletin, 2004/7, in press.
  14. J. Kita and T. Ohsumi, Biological impact assessment of CO2 ocean sequestration, 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2004/9/5, in press.


  1. T. Sato, and K. Sato, Numerical Prediction of Dilution Process and Biological Impacts in CO2 Ocean Sequestration, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2002/06, 169-180.
  2. Y. Song, M. Nishio, B. Chen, S. Someya, T. Uchida and M. Akai, Measurement on Density of CO2 Solution by Mach-zehnder Interferometry, Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 2002/10,vol.972,206-212.
  3. B.Chen, M.Nishio, Y.Song, S.Someya and M.Akai, Numerical Visualization of Two-phase Plume Formation in stratification Flow Environment, New York Academy of Science, 2002/10,vol.972,285-291.
  4. B. Chen, Y. Song, M. Nshio and S. Someya, Numerical Simulation of the Inner Structure of Two-phase Plume Formed in a Stratification Environment, Journal of Visualization, 2003/2, Vol.6, No.1, 9-20.
  5. Y. Song, M. Nishio, B. Chen, S. Someya and T. Ohsumi, Measurement on CO2 Solution Density by Optical Technology, Journal of Visualization, 2003/02, Vol.6, No.1,41-51.
  6. Y. Masuda, Y. Yamanaka, T. Hashioka, M. Magi, S. Murai and T. Ohsumi, A lagrangian method combined with high resolution ocean general circulation model to evaluate CO2 ocean sequestration,7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies,2004/9/5, in press.
  7. J. Minamiura and M. Ozaki, CO2 Release in Deep Ocean by Moving Ship, 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2004/9/5, in press.

b. その他の論文


  1. 村井重夫, 「CO2固定化・削減・有効利用の最新技術−地球温暖化対策関連技術−」, 2004/9,12-23.


  1. 石松惇, 吉川貴志, 林正治, 喜田潤,海水環境:高二酸化炭素の影響, 日本海水学会誌, 2003/05, 第57巻第4号, 285-288..


  1. S. Murai and T. Ohsumi, International Field Experiment on Ocean Carbon Sequestration, Environmental Science & Technology, (letter), 2002/11, 399A
  2. B. Chen, Y. Song, M. Nishio and M. Akai, Large-eddy Simulation on Double-plume Formation Induced by CO2 Dissolution in the Ocean, Tellus,2003/02, 55B, 723-730.
  3. 尾崎雅彦, 深海への溶解希釈によるCO2海洋隔離の可能性 シリーズ「深海からの恵み」(第5回), 日本深海技術協会会報, 2004/7, 2004/3号(通巻42号),4-9.

II. 口頭発表


  1. S. Murai, T. Ohsumi, F. Nishibori and M. Ozaki, The Second Phase of Japanese R&D Program for CO2 Ocean Sequestration, Sixth international conference on greenhouse gas control technologies, 2002/10/01.
  2. T. Ohsumi, Ocean storage including costs and risks, The IPCC Workshop on Carbon Capture and Storage, 2002/11/19(招待).
  3. T. Ohsumi, What is the CO2 Ocean Sequestration?, RITE国際ワークショップ「二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術に関する生物影響研究の進展」, 2003/11/10.
  4. 間木道政, 下島公紀, 今村正裕, 小池祐一, 喜田潤, 三戸彩絵子, 大隅多加志, 熱帯海域における人為起源気体物質の挙動とそのモデル化の検討,ブルーアースシンポジウム(第7回「みらいシンポジウム」),2004/1/16.
  5. 村井重夫,炭酸ガス隔離における最近の研究動向(地中貯留と海洋隔離),資源・素材学会関西支部総会及び講演会,2004/5/31.
  6. K. Tokimatsu, M. Sorai, Y. Kaya, M. Magi, S. Murai and T. Ohsumi,Evaluation of Benefits of CO2 Ocean Sequestration,7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2004/9/5.


  1. 吉川貴志, 喜田潤, 石松惇, 海産魚類に及ぼす二酸化炭素と酸性水の影響比較−卵・仔魚における致死影響−, 平成14年度日本水産学会大会,2002/04/02.
  2. 林正裕,喜田潤,石松惇, 海産魚類に及ぼす二酸化炭素と酸性水の影響比較−成魚における酸塩基平衡動態−, 平成14年度日本水産学会大会, 2002/04/02.
  3. 村井重夫, CO2海洋隔離技術の開発, 第22回石橋正義先生記念講演会, 2002/04/27(招待).
  4. J. Kita, A. Ishimastu, T. Kikkawa and M. Hayashi, Effects of CO2 on Marine Fish, Sixth international conference on greenhouse gas control technologies, 2002/10/02 (poster).
  5. 村田恭一, 石松惇, 喜田潤, 二酸化炭素がオーストラリアイセエビに与える影響, 平成15年度日本水産学会大会,2003/04/02.
  6. J. Kita and T. Ohsumi, Perspectives on Biological Research for CO2 Ocean Sequestration, RITE国際ワークショップ「二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術に関する生物影響研究の進展」, 2003/11/10.
  7. A. Ishimatsu, T. Kikkawa, M. Hayashi and J. Kita, Effects of CO2 on Marine Fish: Larvae and Adults, RITE国際ワークショップ「二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術に関する生物影響研究の進展」, 2003/11/10.
  8. T. Kikkawa, J. Kita and A. Ishimatsu, Difference in lethal effects of steady and unsteady CO2 exposure on marine organisms, RITE国際ワークショップ「二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術に関する生物影響研究の進展」, 2003/11/10.
  9. K. Murata, A. Ishimatsu, J. Kita, Acid-base regulation of the lobster, Panulirus cygnus, during hypercapnia, RITE国際ワークショップ「二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術に関する生物影響研究の進展」, 2003/11/10, (poster).
  10. S. Mito, J. Kita and T. Ohsumi, Preliminary Analysis of δ13C and δ15N for determining the food web structure of deep-sea in the western North Pacific, RITE国際ワークショップ「二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術に関する生物影響研究の進展」,2003/11/10 (poster).
  11. E. Kumagai, K. S. Lee, K. Yokouchi, A. Ishimatsu and J. Kita, Acid-base responses of an octopus (Octopus vulgaris) to hypercapnia, RITE国際ワークショップ「二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術に関する生物影響研究の進展」, 2003/11/10 (poster).
  12. J. Kita, S. Mito, T. Ohsumi, Possible use of stable isotopes for determining alteration of deep-sea ecosystem induced by a high-CO2 world, The Ocean in a High CO2 World /An International Science Symposium, 2004/5/10.
  13. A. Ishimastu and J. Kita, Chemical and biological effects on fishes in a high -CO2 world, The Ocean in a High CO2 World /An International Science Symposium, 2004/5/10.
  14. J. Kita and T. Ohsumi, Biological impact assessment of CO2 ocean sequestration, 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2004/9/5.
  15. S. Mito, J. Kita and T. Ohsumi,Study of the food web structure for the biological impact assessment of carbon dioxide ocean sequestration,7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2004/9/5, (poster).
  16. A. Ishimatsu, M. Haysshi, K. Lee, K. Murata, E. Kumagai, T. Kikkawa and J. Kita, Acute physiological impacts of CO2 ocean sequestration on marine animals, 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2004/9/5.
  17. 栗原晴子, 海水のCO2環境変化が海洋生態系にもたらす影響, 日本ベントスプランクトン学会合同大会, 2004/9/24.
  18. H. Kurihara, J. Kita, A. Ishimatsu and Y. Shirayama, Research on the marine ecosystem in a High-CO2 world, 日本海洋学会秋季大会, 2004/9/27.


  1. M. Nishio, Y. Song and B. Chen, An experimental study on clathrate hydrate precipitation from CO2 Solution, Fourth Int. Conf. on Gas Hydrate, 2002/05/19.
  2. 宋永臣, 西尾匡弘, 陳白欣, 大隅多加志, 染矢聡, CO2-海水系自然対流におけるGr数及びSh-Ra関数の実験式, 日本化学工学会第35回秋季大会, 2002/09/18.
  3. B. Chen, Y. Song and M. Nshio, A Hybrid Numerical Model of LCO2 and CO2 Enriched Seawater Dynamics in the Ocean Induced by Moving-Ship Releasing, Sixth international conference on greenhouse gas control technologies, 2002/10/01.
  4. E. Adams, N. Nakashiki, B. Chen, T. Sato and G. Alendal, Plume Experiments and Modeling, Sixth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2002/10/01.
  5. M. Nishio, Y. Song, B. Chen, An experimental study on clathrate hydrate precipitation from CO2 Solution, Sixth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2002/10/1.
  6. M. Nishio, B. Chen and Y. Song, Measurement of CO2 Solution Density Under Deep Ocean and Underground Conditions, Sixth international conference on greenhouse gas control technologies, 2002/10/02 (poster).
  7. 宋永臣, 西尾匡弘, 陳白欣, 大隅多加志, 染矢聡, Sh-Ra相関式による高圧低温海水中でのCO2溶解度の推算, 日本化学工学会第68年会,2003/3/23.
  8. B. Chen, Y. Song, M. Nishio and M. Akai, An Eulerian Biological Impact Model of Floating Marine Organisms on CO2 Ocean Sequestration, RITE国際ワークショップ「二酸化炭素の海洋隔離技術に関する生物影響研究の進展」, 2003/11/10.
  9. Y. Masuda, Y. Yamanaka, T. Hashioka, M. Magi, S. Murai and T. Ohsumi, A lagrangian method combined with high resolution ocean general circulation model to evaluate CO2 ocean sequestration,7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies,2004/9/5.
  10. 増田良帆, 間木道政, 山中康裕, 橋岡豪人, CO2海洋隔離の海洋大循環モデルによるシミュレーション, 日本海洋学会秋季大会, 2004/9/26.

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