We held a seminar at the Japan Pavilion and the UNFCCC Side Event of COP29 in Azerbaijan
We held a seminar at the Japan Pavilion and the UNFCCC Side Event of COP29 in Azerbaijan
RITE is conducting research on the analysis of greenhouse gas reduction scenarios for carbon neutrality worldwide, and the socio-economic impacts and sustainable development.
We presented our research results at COP29 official side events.
Achieving Green Transformation through demand-side changes brought by technology progress and social innovations (Japan Pavilion)
Diffusion of novel digital technologies along with major social innovation trends are expected to bring about changes on the demand-side that roll-out GX in the entire socio-economy. A comprehensive evaluation of these initiatives is important in presenting the pathway to the Green Transformation of society.
This seminar discussed the role of technological progress and social innovation in realizing a GX society, including a cross-sectoral perspective.
The speakers presented the frontiers in low energy and material demand knowledge and practices based on recent work from the Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations (EDITS) network, and explored how a demand-side transition can contribute to rapid and successful climate change mitigation, while.
[Date/Time] | November 15th (Friday), 2024/15:45-17:00 Local Time, 20:45-22:00 JST |
[Venue] | Japan Pavilion within COP29 Venue & Online |
[Organized] | Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) |
[Program] |
- - Bas van Ruijven, Research Group Leader and Principal Research Scholar, Sustainable Service Systems Research Group, IIASA, Austria
- - Keigo Akimoto, Group Leader, Systems Analysis Group, RITE/ Specially Appointed Professor, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
- - Gregory Nemet, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison/ La Follette School of Public Affairs, Wisconsin Energy Institute, USA
- - Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Professor, Central European University/ Vice-Chair, IPCC, Austria
- - Joyashree Roy, Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
[More Detail]
Presentation Materials by RITE
"Achieving Green Transformation through Demand-side Changes Brought by Technological and Social Innovations (EDITS)" (PDF file 2.2MB)
COP29 Japan Pavilion (Video)

Climate scenarios for this critical decade to achieve sustainable development and resilient future (UNFCCC Side Event)
Policy relevant design and use of scenarios, fast-track CMIP7 scenarios in the IPCC AR7; assessing feasibility, efficacy, and desirability of climate policies in the near term to limit warming and supported the Paris Agreement goals; informing on climate risk, including in a context of overshoot.
[Date/Time] | November 19th (Tuesday), 2024/18:30-20:00 Local Time, 23:30-1:00 JST |
[Venue] | SIDE EVENT 8 |
[Organized] | Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), Ca' Foscari University, Venice (UNIVE), Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth(RITE) |
[Program] |
- - J. Kimutai, UCT Research Associate, Imperial College, KMD, Britain
- - A. Mukherji, Director, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Impact Action Platform (CGIAR), Nepal
- - M. Dhakal, Head of LDC Support Team and Director Climate Analytics South Asia, Nepal
- - D. van Vuuren, project leader, PBL Netherlands, Netherlands
- - M. Tavoni, Director, CMCC-EIEE, Italy
- - C. Buontemp, Director, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), Italy
- - Keigo Akimoto, Group Leader, Systems Analysis Group, RITE/ Specially Appointed Professor, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
Panel Discussion (Moderator)
- - A. Pirani, senior research associate, CMCC-ICR, Italy
- - Diana Urge-Vorsatz, Professor, Central European University/ Vice-Chair, IPCC, Austria
Presentation Materials by RITE
"Demand-side measures, including digital and social innovation, enabling near term action" (PDF file 1.4MB)

| Events |