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FY2024 ALPS International Symposium - Global warming countermeasures and policies of major developed countries in a diversifying international context-

FY2024 ALPS International Symposium - Global warming countermeasures and policies of major developed countries in a diversifying international context-


 RITE has been conducting a research project, shortly named ALPS (ALternative Pathways toward Sustainable development and climate stabilization), a subsidy project/entrusted project sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan. This research project aims at contributing to the planning of the international framework and strategy for green growth, and also investigates long-term responses to climate change risks. To achieve carbon neutrality, several options such as renewable energy, nuclear power, CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS), hydrogen energy, and Direct Air Capture (DAC) will be required. When saving energy measures are considered to be important constantly, there is a possibility that the circular sharing economy induced by Digital Transformation (DX) will lead to significant social changes to reduce energy demands. We analyze how these various options can contribute to the Green Transformation (GX) quantitatively and comprehensively. The research is being conducted in cooperation with globally distinguished research institutes in the field of global warming, including IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) in Austria, RFF (Resources for the Future) in the U.S., and IEA (International Energy Agency), aiming to contribute to the formulation of Japan's climate change policies and participate in international discussions at IPCC and COP.
 The world is intensifying efforts to address the climate change crisis, aiming for the 1.5°C target and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. However, the trend of increasing global emissions persists. Moreover, international political instability is increasing due to factors such as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war with no end in sight, escalating military conflicts in the Middle East, and a change in administration following former President Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. Amidst this uncertainty, Japan is advancing its Green Transformation (GX) policy to simultaneously achieve emission reductions and economic growth, as well as strengthen industrial competitiveness, aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050. The draft of the GX2040 Vision has also been compiled. Additionally, since manufacturing bases are located in Asia, the GX2040 Vision outlines a policy to enhance cooperation for decarbonization in the region.
 Focusing on the analysis of these current issues and the challenges in achieving the 1.5°C target, the FY2024 ALPS International Symposium was held as both a forum for discussion and a presentation of the research findings from this project. In this symposium, eminent specialists from Europe, the U.S., and Asia presented international trends and future prospects from various perspectives. Many participants attended the event to gain insights from the latest research findings, which we hope will serve as valuable references for their initiatives.


Speakers (From Left to Right, in Program Order)


February 4th, 2025
Toranomon Hills
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI)
Japanese/English (Simultaneous translation)


10:00 Welcome Remarks
Kenji YAMAJI, President, RITE
10:05 Introductory Remarks
Mr. Takahiro TAJIRI, Deputy Director-General, GX Group, Industrial Competitiveness, Technology and Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
10:15 Introduction
Keigo AKIMOTO, Group Leader, Systems Analysis Group, RITE
Presentation material
10:30 "Global transformations and policies toward carbon-neutral world"
Dr. Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Distinguished Emeritus Scholar and Former Deputy Director General, IIASA
CV Abstract Presentation material
11:20 "Carbon Neutrality in South-East Asia: A policy perspective"
Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal, Professor, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
CV Abstract Presentation material
12:10 Lunch Break
13:10 "Carbon Neutrality in Korea"
Dr. Tae Yong Jung, Professor, Yonsei University
CV Abstract Presentation material
14:00 "Climate-and-trade policy under geopolitical competition"
Dr. Milan Elkerbout, Fellow, RFF
CV Abstract Presentation material
14:50 "The Trump Administration’s Reversal of U.S. Energy and Environmental Policies"
Takahiro UENO, Senior Researcher, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
CV Presentation material (in Japanese)
15:40 "Analysis of emission reduction scenarios and policy in Japan"
Keigo AKIMOTO, Group Leader, Systems Analysis Group, RITE
CV Presentation material (in Japanese)
16:30 Closing Remarks
Takashi HONJO, Senior Managing Director, RITE
16:40 Closed


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