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International Conference


K. Akimoto, GXI-3: Japan’s Energy Basic Policy in GXI VISION 2050, International Symposium on Green Transformation Initiative and Innovation Zero-Carbon Energy Systems (GXI-ZES), Jan. 16, 2025, Japan

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K. Akimoto, Analyses on transitions of energy-intensive sectors to net-zero emissions consistent with the Paris long-term targets using an IAM, 17th IAMC Annual Meeting 2024, Nov. 5, 2024, South Korea
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, D. Kang,M. Nagashima , Analyses on transitions to net-zero emissions in Asian countries, Proceedings on International Conference on sUstainable Energy (ICUE 2024) on Energy Transition and Net-Zero Climate Future (IEEE Xplore Digital Library), Oct. 22, 2024, Thailand
A. Hayashi, K. Akimoto, T. Tsurusaki, J. Xuan, Impacts of working from home on household energy demand including automobile fuel: An analysis using official statistics of Japan, EDITS Annual Meeting 2024, Oct. 9, 2024, Austria
K. Akimoto, Welcome and future plans of EDITS, EDITS Annual Meeting 2024, Oct. 8, 2024, Austria
K. Akimoto, M. Nagashima, F. Sano, A. Hayashi, Y. Nakano, N. Onishi, Demand side solutions for the transformation towards net-zero society- EDITS Project, International Energy Workshop(IEW 2024), Jun. 28, 2024, Germany
A. Hayashi, F. Sano, M. Nagashima, K. Akimoto, Analysis of critical mineral demand under different scenarios for net-zero emissions, International Energy Workshop (IEW 2024), Jun. 28, 2024, Germany
D. Kang, T. Homma, M. Nagashima, K. Akimoto, The Cooperative Emission Reduction Efforts of Japan, South Korea and China: The Evaluation of 2030 NDC Targets and Impacts on Chemical Sector, International Energy Workshop (IEW 2024), Jun. 27, 2024, Germany
K. Akimoto, T. Homma, Energy and climate policies in Japan, Green Macroeconomic Modeling Initiative Meeting, Apr. 24, 2024, USA

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J. SIEED, K. Akimoto, An alternative way of energy demand modelling for the changing world, 16th IAMC Annual Meeting, Nov. 16, 2023, Italy
T. Homma, M. Nagashima, D. Kang, K. Akimoto, An economic analysis of carbon border adjustment mechanism for energy-intensive and trade-exposed industries under the NDC emission targets, 16th IAMC Annual Meeting, Nov. 14, 2023, Italy
K. Akimoto, Demand-side emissions reduction and the related policies and measures, EDITS Annunal Meeting 2023, Nov. 8, 2023, Portugal
A. Hayashi, How well could low energy demand society alleviate the mineral concerns on the pathways to decarbonization?, EDITS Annunal Meeting 2023, Nov. 7, 2023, Portugal
D. Wiedenhofer, J. Streeck, B. Plank, A. Mastrucci, B. van Ruijven, B. Boza-Kiss, G. Unlu, L. Niamir, V. Krey, A. Gruebler, M. F. G. León, Y. Ju, J. Norman, L. Magalar, N. Bento, F. Wiese, E. Verdolini, J. Jupesta, K. Akimoto, A. Hayashi, S. Pauliuk, Lower energy and materials demand for net-zero GHG futures for industry – a critical review of the potentials, strategies, and modelling approaches required for transformative insights, 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023), Jul. 3, 2023, Netherland
K. Akimoto, Demand-side measures and the role of comprehensive and quantitative scenario developments, Oxford Symposium on Technology and Global Change, Jun. 20, 2023, UK
J. Sieed, Analysis of Optimal Transition in Electricity Sector of Bangladesh for Different Growth and Emission Reduction Scenarios, 41st International Energy Workshop (IEW2023) Proceedings, Jun. 16, 2023, USA
T. Homma, How to build and run the DEARS (Dynamic Energy-economic model with multi-Regions and multi-Sectors), International Conference on Global Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Development, May 13, 2023, Thailand
K. Akimoto, Analyses on climate change mitigation measures using a technology-rich global energy systems model, International Conference on Global Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Development, May 12, 2023
M. Nagashima, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, Climate change mitigation measures for carbon neutrality in Japan, International Symposium: Ambient Air Quality and Climate Change Studies in Northeast Asian Countries, Feb. 22, 2023, Korea

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A. Hayashi, J. Jupesta, K. Akimoto, Global potential of carbon sequestration using biochar from crop residues: A study toward net-zero emissions, Grand Renewable Energy 2022 International Conference, Dec. 16, 2022, Japan
J. Jupesta, K. Akimoto, Digital Transformation in Agriculture: Green Supply Chain towards Industry 4.0, Data for Policy 2022 Conference, Dec. 5, 2022, China
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, M. Nagashima, Assessments of Japan’s transition pathways toward carbon neutrality by using DNE21+ model, The 2022 Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium (IAMC), Nov.30, 2022, USA
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, M. Nagashima, N. Onishi, Current Status of Energy and Climate Policies in Japan and the Assessments of NDCs with DNE21+ Model, International Conference on Global Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Development, Oct. 14, 2022, South Korea
T. Homma, Economic analysis on NDC reduction targets in 2030, using a global energy-economic model (DEARS), International Conference on Global Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Development, Oct. 14, 2022, South Korea
J. Jupesta, The role of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) in the industry, The 2nd International Conference on Climate Change and Environment Sustainability (CCES), Oct. 5, 2022, China
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, Role of Synthetic Methane for the Carbon Neutrality and the Transition in Gaseous fuels, The 43rd IAEE International Conference, Aug. 3, 2022, Japan
J. Jupesta, K. Akimoto, T. Soejima, S. Suh, The role of Hydrogen for Zero Carbon Emissions, The 43rd IAEE International Conference, Aug. 2, 2022, Japan
K. Akimoto, The competitiveness issues under deep emission reductions: the roles and limitations of BCA, 27th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Jun. 29, 2022, Italy
K. Akimoto, Climate mitigation measures and costs for carbon neutrality, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, May. 22, 2022, Japan
K. Akimoto, Japan’s Energy and Climate Policies Toward Carbon Neutrality, Energy Transformation From Local To Global: Japanese - Polish joint conference, Jagiellonian Institute, Feb.28, 2022, Poland

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K. Akimoto, The Role of CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage for Carbon Neutrality, The First Symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for the Global Environment (CUUTE-1), Dec. 17, 2021, Japan
A. Hayashi, An Analysis on Global Food Access Under Net-Zero Emission Scenarios with Consideration of Direct Air Capture and Carbon Storage, Fourteenth IAMC (The Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium) Annual Meeting, Dec.2, 2021
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, Pathways to carbon neutrality in transport sector: electric vehicles, synthetic fuels, or fossil fuels with negative emission technologies, Fourteenth IAMC (The Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium) Annual Meeting, Dec.1, 2021
K. Akimoto, Potential impacts of digitalization on global energy consumptions and their quantitative and systematic analyses of fully autonomous cars, International Energy Workshop (IEW), Jun. 14, 2021, Germany
K. Akimoto, Scenario Analyses for 2050 Carbon Neutrality in Japan, IRENA Forum, Jun. 8, 2021

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K. Akimoto, Economic Analyses on CCS by using an Energy Systems and Climate Change Mitigation Model, Japan-Asia CCUS Forum 2020, Oct. 6, 2020, Japan
T. Nagata, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Analysis on the contribution of natural gas as mid- and long-term countermeasure for global warming, International Gas Union Research Conference 2020, Feb. 24, 2020, Oman
N. Wang, K. Akimoto, How artificial intelligence will affect the energy system and climate change: an exploration research, 7th IAEE Asia-Oceania Conference 2020, Feb. 12, 2020, New Zealand

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K. Oshiro, S. Fujimori, K. Gi, H. van Soest, C. Bertram , J. Després, T. Masui, P. Rochedo, M. Roelfsema, Z. Vrontisi, Japan's emission pathways in the context of the 2℃ goals and their implications for the mid-century strategy, 12th Annual Meeting of the IAMC, Dec. 3, 2019, Japan
K. Gi, F. Sano, A. Hayashi, K. Akimoto, Conditions and mechanism behind co-benefits of CO2 emissions reduction and ambient PM2.5 concentration reduction in China and India, 12th Annual Meeting of the IAMC, Dec. 2, 2019, Japan
K Akimoto, Current policies and issues, and strategies in the future on energy and climate change response, 10th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science: Beyond the Decade of Zero Emission Energy, Sep. 4, 2019, Japan
Takashi Homma, Evaluations on consumption-based CO2 Emissions in Europe, The 16th IAEE European Conference, Aug. 27, 2019
K. Gi, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Bottom-up development of service demand scenarios by consideration of heterogeneous actors and transparent reflection of a narrative of future socioeconomic change: A case study of passenger travel demand in Japan, 38th International Energy Workshop, Jun. 5, 2019, France
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, Analysis of Energy Intensity of Basic Materials Industry in Japan, 42nd IAEE International Conference, Jun. 1, 2019, Canada
N. Wang, K. Akimoto, The strategy of delivering CCS projects: Lessons from three-decade pilot and demonstration experience, MIT Applied Energy Symposium 2019, May 24, 2019, USA
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, J. Oda, K. Gi, H. Kanaboshi, T. Nagata, Development of energy demand scenarios taking sharing economy evolution into account based on SSPs and its alleviating effect on emissions reductions efforts, Scenarios Forum2019, Mar. 11-13, 2019, U.S.

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K. Akimoto, F. Sano, K. Gi, Alternative pathways for deep emission reductions with low energy demands and low carbon prices considering a car- and ride-sharing society, IAMC annual meeting, Nov. 13-15, 2018, Spain
N. Wang, K. Akimoto, The interplay of climate policy and electric sector deregulation: the perspective of firm’s investment strategy in renewable energy, 6th IAEE Asian Conference, Nov. 3, 2018, China
T. Nagata, Y. Arino, Y. Nakano, K. Akimoto, Assessment of Equity of Feed-in Tariff in Japan,ICUE2018 on Green Energy for Sustainable Development, Oct. 24, 2018, Thailand
K. Gi, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, R. Hiwatari, K. Tobita, Contribution of fusion energy to low-carbon development under the Paris Agreement and accompanying uncertainties, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Oct. 24, 2018, India
N. Wang, K. Akimoto, Toward a strategic design of the CCS demonstration projects: A statistical approach, GHGT-14, Oct. 23, 2018, Australia
K. Akimoto, T. Homma, F. Sano, B. S-Tehrani, Evaluations on emission reduction efforts of NDCs and their economic impacts by sector, WCERE 2018 - 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Jun. 26, 2018, Sweden
A. Hayashi, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, An analysis of large-scale supply cost of energy crops under climate change scenarios, Grand Renewable Energy 2018 (GRE2018), Jun. 21, 2018, Japan
Y. Arino, Ex-post evaluation of cost effectiveness of residential solar PV diffusion policy in Japan: The case of feed-in tariff, Grand Renewable Energy 2018 (GRE2018), Jun. 19, 2018, Japan

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K. Gi, F. Sano, A. Hayashi, K. Akimoto, An analysis of cost-efficient energy systems in consideration of climate change and ambient PM2.5 concentration mitigation by using a global energy systems model, 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Oct. 8, 2017, Croatia
A. Hayashi, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, An assessment of global land-use change required for achieving the 2℃ and 1.5℃ targets, 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Oct. 8, 2017, Croatia
J. Oda, T. Homma, K. Akimoto, Estimation of Japanese Steel Product Trade Elasticity of Substitution, 23rd 15th IAEE European Conference 2017, Sep. 6, 2017, Austria
Y. Arino, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, An Economic Evaluation of the Nationally Determined Contributions of the Paris Agreement under Multiple Scenarios on Fossil Fuel Prices, 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Jun. 30, 2017, Athens, Greece
B. Shoai Tehrani, P. Da Costa, K. Akimoto, Y. Nakagami, Combined effects of electricity market liberalization and climate policy: Lessons from Europe, 40th IAEE International Conference, Jun. 20, 2017, Singapore
N. Wang, G. Mogi, Deregulation and Utility Innovation: The Case of Japanese Electric Sector, 40th IAEE International Conference, Jun. 20, 2017, Singapore
M. Sugiyama, Y. Arino, S. Asayama, A. Ishii, T. Kosugi, A. Kurosawa, S. Watanabe, Towards co-producing environmental scenario research: A case of climate engineering, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, May 20, 2017, Japan
Y. Nakagami, K. Akimoto, An analysis of long-term reduction scenario of CO2 and position for CCS, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, May 20, 2017, Japan
Takashi Homma, Yosuke Arino, Ayami Hayashi, Miyuki Nagashima, Toshimasa Tomoda, Keigo Akimoto, Economic Impacts of Climate Change Adaptation Considering Spill-over Effects of Stock Investment as Adaptation Measures: Coastal Sector, ICEESD 2017 : 19th International Conference on Ecosystems, Environment and Sustainable Development, Feb. 16-17, 2017, UK

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K. Gi, Underlying policies and evaluations of Japan's Nationally Determined Contribution, 9th Annual Meeting of the IAMC (Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium), Dec. 6, 2016
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Tomoda, GHG emission pathways for the 1.5 ℃ temperature rise target and their challenges, 9th Annual Meeting of the IAMC (Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium), Dec. 5, 2016
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, Preliminary Study on Policy Mix Effects on Economic Viability of Carbon Capture and Storage Project in Japanese Steel Industry, 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies(GHGT-13), Nov. 16, 2016
B. Shoai-Tehrani, P. Da Costa, K. Akimoto, Y. Nakagami, Are Deregulated Electricity Market and Climate Policy compatible? Lessons from overseas, from Europe to Japan, USAEE, Oct. 25, 2016
K. Gi, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Assessment of Potential and Breakeven Prices of Fusion Power Plants Under Low-Carbon Development Scenarios, 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Oct. 21, 2016, Kyoto, Japan
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, K. Gi, An analysis on correlation between climate change mitgation and air pollution control by using a global energy systems model, 11th SDEWES Conference, Sep. 6, 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
Y. Arino, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Impacts of continuing low fossil fuel prices on the global greenhouse gas emissions reduction pledged in INDCs, The Sixth Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, Aug. 9, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan
B. Shoai Tehrani, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, A Review of Micro and Macro-economic Conditions for Off-grid Integration of Renewable Energies, The Sixth Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, Aug. 8, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan
K. Akimoto, Evaluation of 2030 GHG emissions based on the submitted NDCs and their consistency with temperature rise target emission pathways considering scientific and policy uncertainties, wholeSEM 3rd Annual Conference, Jul. 4, 2016
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, Carbon intensity and its determination in Japanese steel industry, The 5th IAEE Asian Conference, Feb. 14, 2016, Australia

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F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, K. Tokushige, B. Shoai Tehrani, Evaluation on the Japan's INDC in comparison with other nations', and in the context of achieving 2℃ target, Eighth annual meeting of the IAMC 2015, Nov. 16, 2015, Germany
B. Shoai Tehrani, K. Akimoto, Measuring the impacts of climate change on human well-being through life quality index, The Fifth Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, Aug. 7, 2015, Taiwan
K. Wada, Scaling up technology transfer through the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, Our Common Future under Climate Change (CFCC) Conference, Jul. 30, 2015, France
Y. Arino, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, J. Oda, T. Tomoda, An analysis on the option values of geoengineering under uncertainties in climate change, 21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economist, Jun. 25, 2015, Finland
T. Homma, K. Akimoto, The economic impacts of climate policies under the shared socioeconomic pathways, 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Jun. 17-19, 2015, Australia
K. Akimoto, Quantitative analyses on emission reduction efforts under the voluntary action plan in Japan, Technical Workshop on Policy Approaches for Industrial Sector in the Climate-Energy Interface, Jan. 16, 2015, France

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F. Sano, K. Akimoto, K. Wada, Evaluation of diffusion and deployment of climate mitigation technologies considering heterogeneity of technology adoption in IAM, 7th Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, Nov. 18, 2014, U.S.
Y. Arino, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, J. Oda, An analysis on the option values of geoengineering under uncertainties in future climate change, 7th Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, Nov. 17, 2014, U.S.
B. Shoai Tehrani, Investment in low carbon technologies: Assessment of European mix evolution with world model DNE21+ combined to investment preference indicator, European IAEE Conference, Oct. 31, 2014, Italy
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, K. Oshima, Renewable energy and its observed effect on electricity price, Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Jul. 27-Aug. 1, 2014, Japan
A. Hayashi, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Tomoda、Evaluation of global energy crop production potential up to 2100 under socioeconomic development and climate change scenarios, Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Jul. 27-Aug. 1, 2014, Japan
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, K. Wada, Evaluation of contribution of renewable energy to climate change mitigation, Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Jul. 27-Aug. 1, 2014, Japan
B. Shoai Tehrani, T. Tomoda, J.C. Bouquet, Electricity investment and nuclear development: Invest choice modeling based on value creation, International Dependency and Structure Modelling (DSM) Conference, Jul. 2-4, 2014, France
K. Wada, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, Quantitative risk assessment of rising electricity prices in Japan, The 37th IAEE International Conference, Jun. 15-18, 2014, U.S.
K. Wada, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, The Water-Food-Economy-Climate nexus of ALPS scenario, CESM Societal Dimensions Working Group Meeting, Feb. 27, 2014, U.S.

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K. Akimoto, Assessment of relationships among climate change, food access and energy access with Integrated Assessment Model, The 6th Annual Meeting of the IAMC, Oct. 29, 2013, Japan
K. Wada, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, The impact of behavioral and institutional factors in energy investment decision, The 6th Annual Meeting of the IAMC, Oct. 29-30, 2013, Japan
T. Homma, M. Nagashima, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, K. Wada, T. Tomoda, A study on sharing the burden of financing options for climate change, 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2013), Sep. 24, 2013, Croatia
A. Hayashi, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, K. Wada, Evaluation of water resource in Asia under climate change and socio-economic development scenarios, The 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technologies, Jul. 7, 2013, Japan
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Tomoda, Numerical evaluation of energy and material efficiency in iron and steel sector, 6th IAEE Annual International Conference, Jun. 16-20, 2013, Korea
T. Homma, K. Akimoto, Economic impacts of power supply and CO2 emission reductions of Japan after the Fukushima nuclear power accident, 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Jun. 12-14, 2013, China

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K. Akimoto, Beyond Kyoto - More effective framework for climate change, GHGT-11, Nov. 19-22, 2012, Japan
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, M. Nagashima, K. Wada, T. Tomoda, Analysis of CCS impacts on Asian energy security, GHGT-11, Nov. 19-22, 2012, Japan
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, K. Wada, M. Nagashima, Analysis of CCS diffusion barriers for CO2 emission reduction considering technology diffusion barriers in the real world, GHGT-11, Nov. 19-22, 2012, Japan
M. Nagashima, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, A. Hayashi, T. Homma, J. Oda, K. Wada, K. Tokushige, T. Tomoda, Comprehensive analysis of measures towards sustainable development and climate stabilization: ALPS Scenarios, GHGT-11, Nov. 19-22, 2012, Japan
K. Wada, F. Sano, Decomposition analysis of emission reduction scenarios with DNE21+ model, AMPERE, Nov. 14, 2012, Netherlands.
K. Akimoto, K. Wada, F. Sano, A. Hayashi, T. Homma, J. Oda, M. Nagashima, K. Tokushige, T. Tomoda, Consistent analysis of different scenarios of climate stabilization and sustainable development, IAMC (Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium) 2012 Annual Meeting, Nov. 12, 2012, Netherlands
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, A. Hayashi, M. Nagashima, K. Wada, T. Tomoda, Comprehensive evaluation of sustainable development and climate stabilization: ALPS Project, IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, Oct. 24, 2012, Austria
A. Hayashi, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, J. Oda, K. Wada, M. Nagashima, T. Tomoda, K. Tokushige, Global evaluation of land area required for food production and water stress, IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, Oct. 24, 2012, Austria
T. Homma, Analysis of economic impacts including poverty under global CO2 emissionreduction targets, GTAP Conference 2012, Jun. 29, 2012, Switzerland
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, A. Hayashi T. Homma, J. Oda, M. Nagashima, K. Tokushige, T. Tomoda, Policies for Environmentally Sustainable Development: Asia's Perspective, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, May 24, 2012, Singapore
K. Wada, F. Sano, DNE21+'s study results and energy policy debate in Japan, AMPERE, May 23, 2012, Italy.
K. Wada, F. Sano, Solar and wind representation in DNE21+ model for EMF27 Study, EMF27, Stanford University, May 1, 2012, US
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, J. Oda, K. Wada, Analysis of Asian Long-term Climate Change Mitigation in Power Generation sector, 3rd IAEE Asian Conference, Feb. 20, 2012, Japan.
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, M. Nagashima, K. Wada, T. Tomoda, Assessment of Asian energy security index in the context of global CO2 mitigation, 3rd IAEE Asian Conference, Feb. 20, 2012, Japan
K. Wada, Co-benefits of energy efficiency in the context of climate change mitigation, IGES International Workshop on a Co-Benefits Approach, Feb. 13, 2012, Japan

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K. Wada, F. Sano, Energy Efficiency - Technological Uncertainty and Barriers of Deployment, EMF24 Potsdam, Nov. 7, 2011, Germany
K. Wada, Climate Policies in Japan Update, 2nd AMPERE meeting, Oct. 3, 2011, Austria
M. Nagashima, Overview of ALPS Project and Future Perspectives, Seminar on Japan's contribution to IIASA activities, Sep. 16, 2011, Austria
K. Wada, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, J. Oda, Energy-efficiency Oportunities in the Residential Sector and Their Feasibility, The Sixth Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Sep. 14, 2011, Croatia
K. Akimoto, For Rightful Understanding of Scenarios, Symposium on IPCC-AR5 (Mitigation Policy and Transformation Pathways), Jul. 5, 2011, Japan
M. Nagashima, Importance of Removing Social Barriers for Realizing Emission Reductions. Symposium on IPCC-AR5 (Mitigation Policy and Transformation Pathways), Jul. 5, 2011, Japan
K. Akimoto, Scenarios for Sustainable Development and Global Warming Response, UN Expert group meeting on SD21 sustainable development scenarios for Rio+20, Jun. 27-29, 2011, IIASA, Austria
K. Akimoto, Toward Effective and Sustainable Global Warming Mitigations, Hartwell II Meeting, Apr. 8, 2011, UK

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J. Oda, K. Akimoto, An Analysis of CCS Investment under Uncertainty, GHGT-10, Sep. 20-23, 2010, Netherlands
K. Tokushige, K. Akimoto, Role and issues of CCS in long-term sustainable emission reductions and toward sustainable development, GHGT-10, Sep. 20-23, 2010, Netherlands
K. Wada, Baseline Scenarios and Comparability, The third Asian Modeling Exercise Meeting, Sep. 13-15, Korea
K. Akimoto, (link to the presentation file) Analyses on GHG Mitigation Cost and Measures and their Implications, International Conference on Post-Kyoto Climate Change Mitigation Modeling, Jun. 17, 2010, Korea

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F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Sectoral GHG emission reduction in the World, Japan and Korea, Sectoral Business seminar for Korea-Japan Low-Carbon Green Growth, Oct. 21, 2009, Korea
T. Honma, K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, Evluation of CO2 emissions based on the consumption-based measurement under CO2 reduction scenarios of different reduction levels, GTAP Conference 2009 (Twelfth Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis), Jun. 10-12, 2009, Chile
K. Akimoto, Estimates for GHG Mitigation Potentials and Costs by RITE, Workshop on estimating GHG mitigation potentials and costs for Annex I countries, May. 28-29, 2009, Austria
M. Nagashima, The sectoral approach to analyze global mitigation potential, UNFCCC AWG-KP Workshop on issues relating to the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by Annex I parties, Mar. 27, 2009, Germany
M. Nagashima, The sectoral approach to analyze global mitigation potential, Workshop on mitigation potentials, comparability of efforts and sectoral approaches, Mar. 23, 2009, Germany

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T. Tomoda, K. Akimoto, International Emission Reduction Frameworks and targets after KP-Investigation from a desirable long-term stabilization level, and of cost-potentials of emission reduction by nation and by sector-, 2nd Japan-Germany Meeting Towards Copenhagen Summit, Dec. 2008, Germany
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, Diffusion of CCS and Energy Efficient Technologies in Power and Iron & Steel Sectors, GHGT-9, Nov. 2008, U.S.
K. Tokushige, K. Akimoto, A framework to add incentives for managements after CO2 injections, GHGT-9, Nov. 2008, U.S.
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, Global Emission Reduction Potentials and Scenarios in Energy Supply and End-use Sectors, 2nd International Workshop on Sectoral Emission Reduction Potential, Oct. 2008, France
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Overview of DNE21+ model, 2nd International Expert Meeting on Bottom-up Based Analysis on Mitigation Potential, Oct. 2008, France
K. Akimoto, Activities for Global Scenario Development by RITE, IAMC (Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium) Meeting, Sep. 2008, Austria
K. Akimoto, Long- and mid-term emission reduction targets to keep continued fight against climate change, International Meeting on Mid-Long Term Strategy for Climate Change, Jun. 2008, Japan
T. Homma, K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, Evaluation of sectoral and regional CO2 emissions: production-based and consumption-based accounting measurements, GTAP Conference 2008 (11th Annual Conference "Future of Global Economy"), Jun. 2008, Finland
M. Kii, Integrated assessment for climate change in Asia consisting with global scenarios, Asia Energy Environment Modeling Forum (AEEMF): 4th Annual Workshop, Jun. 2008, China
F. Sano, Sectoral analysis of mitigation potential, Sectoral Approaches to International Climate Policy Workshop, May. 2008, France
K. Akimoto, Mitigation potentials in energy supply and end-use sectors, International Workshop on Sectoral Emission Reduction Potential, May. 2008, France
K. Akimoto, Scenarios toward low carbon future- Technology diffusions and developments, The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate- Steel Task Force 4th Workshop, Apr. 2008, Korea
K. Akimoto, Toward deep emission cuts by the joint efforts of developed and developing countries through sectoral approach, Joint Dialogue on Future International Actions to Address Global Climate Change, Feb. 2008, Japan

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T. Homma, S. Mori, K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, Y. Murota, A study of fuel substitution flexibility effects on economic impacts of carbon emission constraints using an energy-multi-sector-economy model, 16th International Input-Output Conference, Jul. 2007, Turkey
T. Homma, K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, S. Mori, Y. Murota, Sectoral economic impacts of CO2 mitigation policies under different levels of stabilization targets:A study with the hybrid model DEARS, GTAP Conference 2007 (10th Annual Conference "Assessing the Foundations of Global Economic Analysis") , Jun. 2007, U.S.
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, J. Oda, T. Tomoda, CO2 Emission Reduction Effect and Cost of Diffusion of Energy Efficient Technologies in Transport Sector, International Energy Workshop 2007, Jun. 2007, U.S.A.

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>K. Akimoto, S. Mori, T. Tomoda, Integrated Assessment PHOENIX - Land-use Modeling and Global Warming Impacts on Agriculture -, Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) 22: Climate Policy Scenarios for Stabilization and In Transition, Dec. 2006, Japan
K. Akimoto, Transition to LCS: Effects of Technology Diffusions in Both Energy Supply Side and Demand Side, The Annual Energy Modelling Conference of the UKERC, Dec. 2006, UK
K. Akimoto, Which Is More Effective, the Setting-up of Series of Short-term Targets or a Long-term Target of Emission Reductions? Japan/US Workshop on Technology Development and Policy, Oct. 2006, Japan
K. Dowaki, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Tomoda, S. Mori, An impact analysis on greenhouse gases including an effect of non-CO2 emissions, Operations Research, Sep.2006, Germany
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, Impacts of Gas Supply from Russia on Global Energy Systems,29th Annual IAEE International Conference, Jun. 2006, Germany
T. Homma, S. Mori, K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, Y. Murota, Evaluation of global warming mitigation policies considering changes in industrial structures and IT penetration, the Intermediate Input-Output Meetings 2006, Jul.2006, Japan
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, Evaluations of Technological Options in Steel and Cement Sectors for Mitigating Climate Change with DNE21+ Model, International Energy Workshop, Jun.2006, South Africa.
K. Akimoto, M. Takagi, Y. Hirota, T. Ohsumi, T. Mizuno, T. Tomoda, Economic evaluation for CO2 geological storage considering the scale of economy, 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Jun.2006, Norway.
K. Tokushige, K. Akimoto, T.Tomoda, Public perceptions on the acceptance of CO2 geological storage and the valuable information for the acceptance, 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Jun.2006, Norway.
T. Homma, S. Mori, K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, Y. Murota, Evaluation of Global Warming Mitigation Policies with a Dynamic World Energy-economic Model Considering Changes in Industrial Structures by IT Penetration, 9th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Jun.2006, Ethiopia
K. Akimoto, Effects of Transfer and Diffusion of Energy Efficient Technologies in Industrial Sectors on CO2 Emission Reduction, The Workshop on Globalization, Technology Transfer, and Energy-Efficiency of Energy Intensive Industries in Asia, Jan.2006, China
T. Tomoda, Long-term Target of GWM and Integrated Assessment, 3rd International Workshop on Integrated Climate Models: An interdisciplinary assessment of climate impacts and policies, Jan. 2006, Italy

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S. Mori, K. Akimoto, K. Tokimatsu, A. Hayashi, T. Homma, F. Sano, T. Tomoda, Development of an integrated assessment system for the impact, mitigation and adaptation options of the global warming ?Project PHOENIX 2005, International Energy Workshop 2005, Jul.2005, Japan
T. Homma, S. Mori, K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, Development of a Dynamic Energy-economic Assessment Model with Multi-regions and Multi-sectors for the Evaluation of the Carbon Emission Reduction Policy, International Energy Workshop 2005, Jul.2005, Japan
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, Analyses of World Supply of Natural Gas with DNE21+ Model, International Energy Workshop 2005, Jul.2005, Japan.
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, T. Tomoda, Evaluation of Various International Schemes for Climate Change Mitigation after Kyoto Protocol, International Energy Workshop 2005, Jul.2005, Japan.
K.Akimoto, T.Tomoda, Costs and Technology Role for Different Levels of CO2 Concentration Stabilization, International Scientific Symposium: Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, Feb.2005.
T.Homma, S.Mori, K.Akimoto, H.Yamamoto, T.Kosugi, A multi-regional and multi-sectoral energy-economic model for the assessment of the carbon emission reduction policy, 28th Annual IAEE International Conference, Jun.2005.
F.Sano, K.Akimoto, T.Homma, T.Tomoda, Analysis of subsidy effectiveness for renewables considering technology learning, 28th Annual IAEE International Conference, Jun.2005.
T.Homma, S.Mori, K.Akimoto, H.Yamamoto, T.Kosugi, Development of a multi-regional and multi-sectoral energy-economic model for climate policy assessments, 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Jun.2005.

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S.Mori, An Integrated Assessment of Global Warming Mitigation and Adaptation and the Development of Multi-regional and Multi-sector IAM - Project Phoenix -, Workshop on GHG Stabilization Scenarios, Jan.2004.
Y.Imaseki, T.Ohsumi, Numerical Simulation of Storage and Leakage Behavior of Injected CO2, Risk Assessment Workshop, Feb.2004.
T.Homma, T.Kosugi, S.Mori, K.Akimoto, H.Yamamoto, Development for a multi regional, multi sector economy-energy model for the assessments of climate change policy, 7th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Jun.2004.
K.Akimoto, T.Homma, T.Kosugi, T.Tomoda, Analysis of Energy Strategy by Country for Global Warming Mitigation beyond Kyoto with a World Energy Systems Model, International Energy Workshop, Jun.2004.
S.Mori, T.Tomoda, H.Yamamoto, K.Akimoto, K.Tokimatsu, T.Kosugi, A.Hayashi, T.Homma, Project Phoenix - Integrated Assessment of Global Warming Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation with Multi-region and Multi-sector Model and Scenario Development, International Energy Workshop, Jun.2004.
K.Akimoto, T.Homma, T.Kosugi, Xiaochun Li, T.Tomoda, Y.Fujii, Role of CO2 sequestration by country for global warming mitigation after 2013, 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Sep.2004.
K.Tokimatsu, Y.Kaya, M.Sorai, M.Magi, S.Murai, T.Ohsumi, Evaluation of benefits of CO2 ocean sequestration, 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Sep.2004.
K.Tokushige, K.Akimoto, M.Uno, T.Tomoda, Evaluation of Risk Perception and Public Acceptance of CO2 Underground Storage by Factor Analysis, 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Sep.2004.
Y.Imaseki, T.Ohsumi, M.Uno, H.Okuma, Numerical Simulations of the Injection and Migration Behavior of Carbon Dioxide, 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Sep.2004.
K.Tokimatsu, Role of Innovative Technologies for Global Energy and Environment, 19th World Energy Conference, Sep.2004.
K.Akimoto, Climate Change Mitigation after KP - Costs and Technology Role, Experts Meeting on Modeling Activities dealing with Climate Change, Sep.2004.

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T.Matsumoto, K.Tokimatsu, T.Kosugi, H.Yoshida, Evaluation for Development of Superconducting Technologies in Power Sectors by Using GERT, 7th International Conference on Power Systems Planning and Operation, Feb.2003.
S.Mori, Contribution of Integrated Assessment Models to the Environmental Policy Planning, The Role of Economic Modeling in Climate Change Policy, May.2003.
K.Akimoto, A.Hayashi, T.Kosugi, T.Tomoda, Evaluations of R&D Strategy for Advanced Combined Cycle Power Systems in Japan with a MIP Model Based on GERT, International Energy Workshop, Jun.2003.
S.Mori, Outline of the Integrated Assessment of Global Warming and its Mitigation Technologies in the Changing World Economy and Industry Project and some extensions of MARIA, International Energy Workshop, Jun.2003.

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T.Kosugi, A.Hayashi, K.Akimoto, T.Matsumoto, K.Tokimatsu, H.Yoshida, T.Tomoda, Y.Kaya, Evaluation of CO2 Capture Technologies Development, The 5th International Symposium on CO2 Fixation and Efficient Utilization of Energy, Mar.2002.
K.Tokimatsu, Numerical simulation approach to sustainability on energy and mineral resources consumption under CO2 emission constraint, The 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Mar.2002.
K.Akimoto, T.Tomoda, Y.Fujii, Assessment of IGCC R&D with a Mixed Integer Programming Model Based on GERT, International Energy Workshop (IEW), Jun.2002.
T.Kosugi, A.Hayashi, T.Matsumoto, K.Akimoto, K.Tokimatsu, H.Yoshida, T.Tomoda, Y.Kaya, Evaluation of CO2 Capture Technologies Development, 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, vol.1, pp.51-56, Oct.2002.
K.Akimoto, H.Kotsubo, T.Asami, X.Li, M.Uno, T.Tomoda, T.Ohsumi, Evaluation of Carbon Sequestrations in Japan with a Mathematical Model, 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, vol.1, pp.913-918, Oct.2002.
H.Kotsubo, T.Ohsumi, H.Koide, M.Uno, T.Ito, T.Kobayashi, K.Ishida, Cost Comparison Among Concepts of Injection for CO2 Offshore Underground Sequestration Envisaged in Japan, 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, vol.2, pp.1649-1652, Oct.2002.
T.Asami, M.Uno, N.Matsumiya, S.Niwa, Ranking of Global Energy Systems as Environmental Countermeasure, 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, vol.1, pp.943-948, Oct.2002.
W.Zhou, T.Kosugi, K.Tokimatsu, Potential evaluation of CO2 Emissions Reduction by CDM projects - Project Design to Bring Benefit for both Developed and Developing Countries, 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, vol.2, pp.1195-1200, Oct.2002.
K.Tokimatsu, Y.Asaoka, S.Konishi, Y.Ogawa, K.Okano, K.Yamaji, Evaluation of economical introduction of Nuclear Fusion based on a Long-term World Energy and Environment Model, 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Oct.2002.

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T.Kosugi, K.Tokimatsu, W.Zhou, Evaluation on Introducing a Natural Gas Cogeneration System in Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, Proceedings of the 3rd Shanghai International Conference on Environmental Science, Technology and Policy, pp.113-117, Oct.2001(In Chinese)
T.Tomoda, K.Akimoto, Y.Fujii, Electric Power Generation up to 2050:Uncertainties and Possible Over-Simplification in the Modeling Approach, Workshop on Longer-Term Energy and Environment Scenarios, Oct.2001.
K.Tokimatsu, Y.Asaoka, K.Okano, S.Konishi, Potential of fusion energy in the context of tritium supply, 6th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Nov.2001.
A.Hayashi, K.Akimoto, T.Kosugi, K.Tokimatsu, H.Yoshida, T.Tomoda, Y.Kaya, Evaluation of Advanced Combined Cycle Power Systems Development Using GERT. In: Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference - POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS, 310-315, Nov.2001.