Other Publications (in Japanese)
K. Akimoto, The 7th Basic Energy Plan, Doshisha University Carbon Recycling Technology Forum, Mar. 7, 2025
K. Akimoto, Analyses on the emissions reduction targets in 2040 using RITE DNE21+ model, Climate Modelling Workshop between EU and Japan, Mar. 3, 2025
K. Akimoto, The 7th Basic Energy Plan: Its Vision and Challenges, The 5th Symposium on Symbio Society, FY 2024, Feb. 7, 2025
K. Akimoto, Global Warming, Energy, and Resilience, Study Group on Japan's Energy: 'Living and Energy', Feb. 5, 2025
K. Akimoto, Analysis of Japan’s Emission Reduction Scenarios and Policy Trends, ALPS International Symposium, Feb. 4, 2025
K. Akimoto, Future Outlook of Japan’s Electricity Demand, Energy Forum, Feb. 1, 2025
K. Akimoto, Analysis of the 2040 Energy Mix and Its Economic Impacts, Keidanren Journal, Feb. 1, 2025
K. Akimoto, Linkages Between Energy and Climate Change, "Energy Issues You Need to Know Now" Kansai Electric Power × University of Hyogo Collaboration Seminar, Jan. 31, 2025
K. Akimoto, Review of the Draft 7th Basic Energy Plan, Net Zero Emissions Research Group, Jan. 21, 2025
K. Akimoto, Challenges and Future Prospects of the Power and Energy Industry, Genkai Electric Federation Policy Seminar, Jan. 21, 2025
K. Akimoto, The Role of Renewable Energy in the 7th Basic Energy Plan, 19th Renewable Energy World Exhibition & Forum, Jan. 20, 2025
K. Akimoto, Scenario Analysis and Policy Implications of the 7th Basic Energy Plan, Eneryg Syposiumu, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan(IEE), Jan. 15, 2025
J. Jupesta, U. Korwatanasakul, K. Akimoto, Energy Transition in Japan from the Perspective of Economics and Technology, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia is Eria(ERIA), ERIA Research Project Report FY2024, No. 28, Chapter 6, pp230-269, Jan. 13, 2025
K. Akimoto, e-Methane: A Viable Alternative to Fossil Fuels, The Energy Conservation, Dec. 30, 2024
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, Japan's Energy Supply and Demand for 2050 Carbon Neutrality, Basic Policy Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, Dec. 25, 2024
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, Japan's Energy Supply and Demand for 2050 Carbon Neutrality, Basic Policy Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, Dec. 3, 2024
K. Akimoto, Energy and Climate Change Measures in Japan and Abroad, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium 2024, Dec. 3, 2024
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, Analysis of Sensitivity for Japan's 2040 Emission Reduction Target Based on the RITE DNE21+ Model, Joint Meeting of the Subcommittee on Climate Change Measures for Achieving Net Zero by 2050, Central Environmental Council, and the Working Group on Mid- to Long-term Global Warming Countermeasures, Committee on Industrial Structure, Industrial Structure Council, Nov. 25, 2024
K. Akimoto, Demand-side measures, including digital and social innovation, enabling near term action, COP29 Official Side Event, Nov. 19, 2024
K. Akimoto, Importance of demand-side solutions for the net-zero society transformation, The COP29 Side-event at the Japan Pavilion on November 15, 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 15, 2024
F. Sano, Transition Roadmap for Achieving Carbon Neutrality, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Nov. 10, 2024
K. Akimoto, Roadmap and Innovations for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050, Advanced Seminar on Global Warming Mitigation Technologies, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nov.8, 2024
K. Akimoto, The Revision of the Next Basic Energy Plan: Issues and Direction, Chugoku Economic Federation, Oct. 30, 2024
A. Hayashi, Carbon Neutral Scenarios and Energy/Food: Insights from Global Model-Based Analysis, Symposium of the Center for Symbiotic Science and Technology, Nara Women's University, Oct. 20, 2024
A. Hayashi, Carbon Neutral Scenarios and Energy/Food: Insights from Global Model-Based Analysis, Symposium of the Center for Symbiotic Science and Technology, Nara Women's University, Oct. 20, 2024
K. Akimoto, Generation Costs by Energy Source: A Key Focus in the Review of the Basic Energy Plan, Japan Atomic Energy Relations Foundation - Nuclear Seminar for Media Professionals, Oct. 2, 2024
K. Akimoto, Outlook for Mid- to Long-Term Electricity Demand: Increasing IT Demand and Electrification of Industries and Other Sectors, Senior Networkof the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Oct.1, 2024
K. Akimoto, Prospects of the 7th Basic Energy Plan and Expectations for Nuclear Energy, Fukui Prefecture Atomic Energy Peaceful Use Council Energy Forum in Tsuruga, Sept. 28, 2024
M. Nagashima, Chapter IV 1.0, Global Environmental Issue, 1.1 Global Environmental Issues, The Japan Institute of Energy, Sept. 20, 2024
K. Akimoto, Japan's Electricity Supply and Demand Outlook Toward 2050, Symposium for climate change technology to support the future in Kansai, Sep.19, 2024
K. Akimoto, The impact of geopolitical developments on energy security and environment: Japan’s perspectives, 15th Japan-Europe Forum, Sep. 16, 2024
K. Akimoto, The Status and Role of CCS in Japan, JCOAL/JOGMEC, Energy Security with Decarbonization Symposium 2024, Sep. 3, 2024
K. Akimoto, Key Energy Policy Issues Towards Around 2040, Energy Policy Working Group of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), Sep.2, 2024
K. Akimoto, Prospects for the 7th Basic Energy Plan, Kansai Branch of the Association of Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation Technologies, Aug. 29, 2024
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, Y. Nakano, Cost and Potential Estimates of Renewable Energy, Subcommittee on the Large-Scale Introduction of Renewable Energy and Next-Generation Power Networks, General Resources and Energy Study Committee, Aug. 19, 2024
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, Japan’s Energy Demand Towards Carbon Neutrality by 2050, Expert Working Group for Achieving GX, Aug. 9, 2024
K. Akimoto, Prospects for Our Country's Energy and Climate Change Measures Considering Domestic and International Situations, RITE Exchange Meeting, Jul. 12, 2024
K. Akimoto, IAM modelling and their policy deployment: based on the experiences as a YSSPer, IIASA Seminar, Jul. 4, 2024
K. Akimoto, Japan's Energy Strategy Toward Carbon Neutrality, Tohoku Energy Forum 'Hiroba', Jul. 1, 2024
K. Akimoto, Trends and Challenges of e-Methane and e-Fuels Toward Carbon Neutrality, The 1st Energy Policy Roundtable: Trends of e-Methane and e-Fuels, Jun. 24, 2024
K. Akimoto, How to Reconcile the Growth in Electricity Demand with Decarbonization, Lecture for the Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER), Jun.21, 2024
K. Akimoto, The Outlook of the 7th Basic Energy Plan and Expectations for Nuclear Power, Lecture for the Fukui Prefecture Nuclear Peaceful Use Council Takahama Branch General Meeting, Jun. 15, 2024
K. Akimoto, Global Outlook and Transportation Sector Forecast Towards Carbon Neutrality, Transportation Decarbonization Symposium II, Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute (JTTRI), Jun. 12, 2024
K. Akimoto, Prospects of Pumped Storage Power Generation Towards Carbon Neutrality, The Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA), Hydroelectric Power Working Group (WG), Jun. 12, 2024
K. Akimoto, IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change Mitigation, Petrotec, vol. 47 No. 6, pp399-406, Jun. 1, 2024
K. Akimoto, Prospects for Fossil Fuels and CCUS/CDR under the Long-term Goals of the Paris Agreement, The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology, May. 31, 2024
K. Wada, Outcomes and Implications of the Global Stocktake, The 17th Regular Meeting of the Research Society on Carbon Neutrality in the Industrial Sector, May. 27, 2024
K. Akimoto, Promotion of Carbon Neutrality and the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Power, KAKKIN, May. 25, 2024
K. Akimoto, Nuclear Power in Achieving Carbon Neutrality and the Global Issues, ERIA/IEEJ Symposium on Considering Nuclear Power from the Perspective of Power Consumption Areas, May. 23, 2024
K. Akimoto, Strategies for Carbon Neutrality: Opportunities and Challenges, Earth Day OSAKA 2024, Apr. 22, 2024
K. Akimoto, Outlook for the Seventh Strategic Energy Plan, Committee on Earth Environment and Energy, Kansai Economic Federation (Kankeiren), Mar. 22, 2024
K. Akimoto, International Trends in CO2 Emission Reduction and Economic Impacts: COP28, US IRA, EU CBAM, and Japan's GX, GXI Symposium, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Mar. 12, 2024
K. Akimoto, Perspectives and Prospects for Future Action on the Gap in Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Strategies, ALPS International Symposium, Mar. 8, 2024
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, N. Mochizuki, Outlook for Japan's Electricity Demand Towards 2050 (Focusing on Data Centers, Semiconductors, Automobiles, Iron & Chemical Industries, and Distributed Generation), The 4th Review Meeting on Future Electricity Supply and Demand Scenarios, Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan(OCCTO), Mar. 5, 2024
K. Akimoto, Towards IPCC AR7 - Evaluating Diverse Technologies and Measures in a Technologically Neutral Manner, IPCC Symposium, Mar. 4, 2024
K. Akimoto, Transition Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality, Transition Finance: 9th Environmental Infrastructure Review Meeting, Mar. 1, 2024
K. Akimoto, The Future of Energy Policy: Impacts on Industries and Future Initiatives, along with Challenges Toward GX, IPEJ-Chugoku, Feb. 24, 2024
K. Akimoto, To Achieve Carbon Neutrality: Understanding the Gap Between Ideals and Realities and Crafting Effective Strategies with Flexibility, House of Councillors Investigative Committee on Resources, Energy, and Sustainable Society, Feb. 21, 2024
K. Akimoto, Outcome of COP28: Delicate Consensus and Positive Shift Towards Nuclear Power, Monthly magazine of the Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization, Feb. 1, 2024
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, Outlook on Japan's Electricity Demand Towards 2050 (Basic Demand, Energy Efficiency, Electrification), Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan(OCCTO), Jan. 18, 2024
K. Wada, Integrated Assessment Model for Evaluating Climate Strategies and Net-zero Energy Systems , U.S. -Japan Exchange Program for Green Growth Collaboration through Clean Energy Technologies (EXCET) Workshop, Jan. 16, 2024
K. Akimoto, Emission Reduction Potential and Cost: Verification and Implications from IPCC Reports and Others, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium 2023, Dec. 20, 2023
K. Akimoto, Current Status and Prospects of Climate Change Mitigation, Advanced Professional Field Task 4: 3rd Study Session (Kyoto University), Dec. 14, 2023
K. Akimoto, Importance of demand side solutions for the transformation towards net-zero society, The COP28 Side-event at the Japan Pavilion, Dec. 11, 2023 in Dubai
K. Akimoto, Measures in Supply and Demand for Achieving Carbon Neutrality and Scenario Analysis, JST Symposium on Social Scenario Research for Achieving a Low-Carbon Society, Dec. 4, 2023
K. Akimoto, Policy Trends and Future Prospects Toward Achieving Carbon Neutrality, The Japan Petroleum Institute, Dec.1, 2023
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, N. Mochizuki, Outlook on Japan's Electricity Demand Toward 2050, Workshop on Future Electricity Supply and Demand Scenarios by the Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan (OCCTO), Nov. 30, 2023
K. Akimoto, Prospects and Challenges Toward Achieving Carbon Neutrality: The Role Expected of Nuclear Power, Leture at Tokyo Atomic Industrial Consortium, Nov. 28, 2023
K. Akimoto, Current Status and Challenges of Japan Toward Achieving a Decarbonized Society, Lecture on Energy at Yoichi Chamber of Commerce, Nov. 16, 2023
J. Sieed, Japan's Power Sector Transition to Net-Zero by 2050, International Technical Workshop on Industrial and Power Sectors Modeling, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2, 2023
K. Akimoto, International Trends Toward Carbon Neutrality, 33rd Seminar & Salon of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Nov. 2, 2023
K. Akimoto, Recent Developments Surrounding Methanation Technology, CMC Publishing pp3-10, Oct. 31, 2023
K. Akimoto, Our Country's Energy Supply and Demand, KEIZAI DOYUKAI(Japan Association of Corporate Executives), Advanced Science and Technology Strategy Review Committee, Oct. 31, 2023
K. Akimoto, Achieving Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Energy Sector: Addressing the Challenges Outlined in the New Roadmap by the IEA, Japan Atomic Energy Relations Foundation - Nuclear Seminar for Media Professionals, Oct. 31, 2023
K. Akimoto, IPCC as a Climate Change Science: The Position of the IPCC, IPCC Symposium: Towards the IPCC 7th Assessment Report – Let's Take Action for the Future, Oct. 23, 2023
A. Hayashi, Research on Climate Change Mitigation, Nara Women's University, Oct. 16, 2023
F. Sano, Outline of DNE21+ model, Asian Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Workshop, Sep. 30, 2023
T. Homma, How to build and run the DEARS (Dynamic Energy-economic Analysis model with multi-Regions and multi-Sectors), ver.2023Sep., Asian Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Workshop, Sep. 30, 2023
K. Akimoto, Filling the gaps in the estimates of emissions reduction potentials and costs between technology bottom-up studies and IAMs, Asian Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Workshop, Sep. 29, 2023
M. Nagashima, Accounting for the financial sector in the IAMs: Literature review and challenges, Asian Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Workshop, Sep. 29, 2023
A. Hayashi, Grid-based model for agricultural land-use and water resource assessment (GLaW): Model framework and an example of findings from model analysis, Asian Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) Workshop, Sep. 29, 2023
A. Hayashi, Carbon Neutrality and the Energy-Food System, Energy and Resources Society Summer Workshop, Sep. 25, 2026
K. Akimoto, Analysis and Evaluation of Hydrogen-based Carbon-neutral Fuels, Symposium for climate change technology to support the future in Kansai, Sep. 21, 2023
M. Nagashima, Chapter IV 1.0, Global Environmental Issue, 1.1 Global Environmental Issues, The Japan Institute of Energy,Vol.102 No. 5, pp687-692, Sep. 20, 2023
K. Akimoto, Toward the Realization of Green Transformation GX, Kanagawa Prefecture Business Owners Association Lecture Event, Sep. 6, 2023
K. Akimoto, Carbon Neutrality from the Demand Perspective, Fukuoka Prefecture Regional Energy Policy Research Association, Aug. 30, 2023
K. Akimoto, Climate Change Policies and International Competitiveness, Ministry of Finance, Fiscal Policy Institute Study Group, Aug. 29, 2023
K. Akimoto, Prospects and Challenges for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050, Energy Issue Study Group by Experts in the Electric Newspaper, Aug. 28, 2023
K. Akimoto, Trends toward Accelerating the Expansion of Methanation Adoption, The Energy Conservation, Jul. 30, 2023
K. Akimoto, Current Situation and Recognition of Challenges in the Electricity Market, Electric Power Policy Research Association, Jul. 24, 2023
K. Akimoto, Technologies and Challenges for Carbon Neutrality, 2023 Annual General Meeting Lecture of All Nippon Nowwovens Association, Jul. 14, 2023
K. Akimoto, Strategies for Achieving Corporate Carbon Neutrality, 2023 Annual General Meeting Lecture of Environmental Partnership Organizing Club (EPOC), Jul. 13, 2023
K. Akimoto, Trends in Energy Transition both Domestically and Internationally, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Jul. 10, 2023
D. Kang, The Assessment on Energy System and Macro-economic Impact of Energy System Investment for North Korea, NAVIGATE-ENGAGE Summer School on Integrated Assessment Models, Jul. 03, 2023
M. Nagashima, J. Oda, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Impact of climate change mitigation on Japan’s energy security, ENGAGE _Climate Solutions Explorer (website), Jun. 30, 2023
A. Hayashi, F. Sano, T. Homma, K. Akimoto, Impact of climate change mitigation on Japan’s food security, ENGAGE _Climate Solutions Explorer (website), Jun. 30, 2023
K. Akimoto, The Situation Surrounding Energy and Global Warming, Energy Course of Aomori Nuclear Fuel Technology Center , Jun. 27-29, 2023
K. Akimoto, Scenarios on a low energy demand society induced by sharing and circular economy associated with digitalization, IEA Academy, Jun. 16, 2023
M. Nagashima, Hands-on experience with the Scenario Explorer, EDITS second quarterly meeting 2023 (online), Jun. 13, 2023
K. Akimoto, Technological Prospects for Achieving Carbon Neutrality, Zeolite Forum, Jun. 9, 2023
K. Akimoto, Policies for Achieving Carbon Neutrality, The Society of Sensing Technology of Japan, Jun. 8, 2023
J. Jupesta, K. Akimoto, K. Halsnaes, F. Denton, F. Teng, F. Creutzig, A. Castaneda, Twinning Digital Transformation (Dx) and Green Transformation (Gx) towards Sustainable Development, Virtual Conference on Digital Connectivity Pathways: Exploring the Issues, Constraints, and Collaboration Prospects for Asia and the Pacific, Jun. 6, 2023
K. Akimoto, Developments of a comprehensive and quantitative global scenario for high wellbeing with low resource use (High-with-Low) focusing on demand-side measures, Demand side solutions for Mitigating Climate Change (On the occasion of World Environment Day), Jun. 5, 2023
K. Akimoto, Utilization Strategies for Negative Emission Technologies in Japan, Energy Forum, June 1, 2023
K. Akimoto, Latest Trends in Accelerating GX for Achieving Carbon Neutrality, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Environmental and Energy Business Study Group, May. 30, 2023
K. Akimoto, Outlook for the Road Transport Sector towards Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050, Automotive Technology Association 2023 Spring Conference Academic Lecture, May. 25, 2023
K. Akimoto, IPCC Integrated Report: Balancing Scientific Accuracy and Understandability, IPCC Symposium: "Learning the Latest Insights on Climate Change from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report - Integrated Report", May 22, 2023
K. Akimoto, The Situation of Japan and the World Regarding Global Warming, Hokkaido Energy and Environmental Education Research Committee 2023 Annual General Meeting and Lecture, May 20, 2023
E. Kraemer-Mbula, J. Jupesta, B. Mishra, Sustainable and Scalable Food, Water, and Land Systems through Technology, Innovation and Inclusion, Think7 (T7) Japan Summit, Apr. 27, 2023
K. Akimoto, Future direction of decarbonization and carbon neutrality, Energy Sector Committee, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Apr. 17, 2023
K. Akimoto, T. Homma, Analysis on Economic Impacts of the Nationally Determinded Contributions and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms for 2030, Cabinet Office, "Economic Analysis", Mar. 31, 2023
M. Nagashima, The Role of the Financial Sector in Addressing Climate Change: Review on Quantitative Analysis Regarding ESG Investments and Green Bonds, Cabinet Office, "Economic Analysis", Mar. 31, 2023
K. Akimoto, Strategies towards carbon neutrality, Global Environment Subcommittee of KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation), Mar. 27, 2023
K. Akimoto, Analysis and Evaluation of the Role of Hydrogen-Based Energy towards Achieving Carbon Neutrality, Low-Carbon Strategy Study Group, Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 20, 2023
K. Akimoto, Climate Change Risks and the Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality, Forum hosted by the Japan Insurance and Pension Risk Society, Mar. 18, 2023
T. Homma, Analysis on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism under the 2030 NDC Emission Reduction Targets, Low-Carbon Strategy Study Group, Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 15, 2023
K. Akimoto, Japan and the World Situation on Global Warming, The 2nd Energy Basket Workshop of Ene Female 21, Mar. 14, 2023
K. Akimoto, Prospects for Japan's Energy Policy, The 61st Meeting of the Energy Technology Committee of the Osaka Science and Technology Center, Mar. 13, 2023
K. Akimoto, How to strike a balance between overcoming the energy crisis and achieving carbon neutrality, Kansai Jinzu Kai Annual Meeting, Mar. 11, 2023
K. Wada, Scenarios in the IPCC 6th Assessment Report, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Mar. 10, 2023
K. Akimoto, IPCC Compendium, Summary for Policymakers, Chapter 17. Sustainable Development, Lecture of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Mar. 7, 2023
K. Wada, Chapter 6 Energy System, Lecture of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Mar. 7, 2023
F. Sano, Analysis of transition toward carbon neutrality by the global warming countermeasure evaluation model, Low-Carbon Strategy Study Group, Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 6, 2023
K. Akimoto, Analysis of Low Energy Demand Society by DX and Realization of GX, IATSS Research, Mar. 6, 2023
K. Akimoto, Technologies and Challenges toward Carbon Neutrality, SDGs Seminar for the Association of Liquid Filtration and Purification Industry, Feb. 22, 2023
K. Akimoto, Environment and Energy Technologies by 2050 and the Domestic and International Trends for Carbon Neutral Society, Osaka Prefecture Environmental and Energy Technology Seeds Survey and Public Awareness Project Symposium, Feb. 20, 2023
K. Akimoto, Global Warming in Japan and the World, Lecture for the Kashiwazaki Energy Forum 50th Anniversary, Feb. 10, 2023
K. Akimoto, Carbon Neutral Technology and Business Opportunities for SMEs, Symposium for Energy Use in Hiroshima, Feb. 9, 2023
K. Akimoto, Toward carbon neutrality by 2050, Special Lecture for Ehime Prefectural Misaki High School, Feb. 6, 2023
K. Akimoto, The Contribution of Biomass to Achieving Carbon Neutrality, Biomass Industry City Promotion Symposium, Feb. 3, 2023
K. Akimoto, Model Analysis of the Scenario for Realization of Carbon Neutrality in Japan by 2050, The Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, vol. 143 No. 2, pp71-74, Feb.1, 2023
K. Akimoto, Interpreting the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report "Climate Change Mitigation", Management Accounting Meeting, Capital Investment Research Institute, Development Bank of Japan, Jan. 13, 2023
K. Akimoto, Climate change mitigation measures for the carbon neutrality and the transition, International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems (IZES), Jan.12, 2023
K. Akimoto, Issues related to tight electricity supply and demand and soaring energy prices, and responses toward future realization of GX, Lecture at the Joint Labor-Management Meeting of the Electricity Related Group, General Federation, Dec. 16, 2022
K. Akimoto, Quantitative Scenario Construction for a Low-Energy Demand Society Driven by Digitalization Advancements, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium 2022, Dec. 7, 2022
K. Akimoto, Carbon Neutrality Measures and the Role of Hydrogen-Related Technologies, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Dec. 5, 2022
K. Akimoto, The role of CCS and the challenges for the large deployments, Japan CCS Forum 2022, Dec. 1, 2022
K. Akimoto, Corporate management based on carbon neutrality, Tohoku Economic Federation, Nov.29, 2022
K. Akimoto, Global Warming Situation in Japan and the World, Hokaidou Enetalk21, Nov.28, 2022
J. Jupesta, K. Akimoto, R. Boer, Is It Possible to Achieve Carbon Neutrality in Palm Oil Production?, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, Springer, Nov.26, 2022
K. Akimoto, Prospects and Challenges of Measures towards Carbon Neutrality, Fall Lectures at High Pressure Institute of Japan, Nov.24, 2022
K. Akimoto, Future energy policy trends, Aomori Prefecture Comprehensive Energy Policy Study Group, Nov.21, 2022
K. Akimoto, The Pathways of Automobiles toward Carbon Neutrality -Synergies and Trade-offs of SDGs, Japan Pavilion of Side Event at COP27 organized by Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association(JAMA), Nov.18, 2022
K. Akimoto, Opening remarks and the background of the Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations (EDITS) network, Japan Pavilion of Side Event at COP27, Nov.17, 2022
K. Akimoto, The Emissions Reduction Efforts and Effects, and the Impacts on Competitiveness and Border Carbon Adjustment, Japan Pavilion of Side Event at COP27, Nov.11, 2022
K. Akimoto, Welcome to the Side Event on High Services with Low Energy and Resource Demand for Low-Carbon Pathways and the SDGs, UNFCCC Side Event at COP27, Nov.10, 2022
K. Akimoto, Technologies and Challenges for Carbon Neutrality, New Frontier Materials Subcommittee of the Osaka Industrial Reserch Association, Nov.7, 2022
K. Akimoto, The Potential and Future of Methanation, Paradigm shift following the introduction of LNG, Energy Forum, Nov.1, 2022
K. Akimoto, What will happen to Japan from now on? Let's think about energy together! ~ Based on the world situation ~, Fukui Atomic Energy Center Seminar at Fukui City, Oct.29, 2022
K. Akimoto, What will happen to Japan from now on? Let's think about energy together! ~ Based on the world situation ~, Fukui Atomic Energy Center Seminar at Echizen City, Oct.29, 2022
K. Akimoto, Effect of Circular Sharing Economy on Green Transformation GX, Growth-oriented Resource Autonomous Economic Design Study Group of the METI, Oct.27, 2022
K. Akimoto, Carbon Neutrality from the Perspective of Demand, Himeji Chamber of Commerce and Industry Decarbonizing Seminar, Oct. 21, 2022
K. Wada, Outline of the Sixth Assessment Report of WGIII, The future energy systems, RITE IPCC Webinar, Oct. 13, 2022
K. Akimoto, Emission Reduction Costs and Potential Comparison with IPCC Estimates and Implications, RITE Symposium for climate change technology to support the future in Kansai, Sep. 22, 2022
K. Wada, Overview of IPCC AR6 WGIII, the Future of Energy Systems, TECUSE Study Meetin, Sep. 21, 2022
M. Nagashima, Chapter IV 1.0, Global Environmental Issue, 1.1 Global Environmental Issues, The Japan Institute of Energy, Sep.20, 2022
K. Akimoto, 2050 Carbon Neutral Response: CCUS Roles and Challenges, Symposium of the Senior Network (SNW), the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Sep.16, 2022
K. Akimoto, Prospects for Measures Toward Carbon Neutrality, The 35th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Sep.16, 2022
K. Wada, Energy systems transition toward net-zero GHG emissions, SCEJ 53rd Autumn Meeting, Sep. 16, 2022
K. Akimoto, Toward the Achievement of Japan's 2030 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target, PRI (Responsible Investment Principles) Webinars, Sep. 14, 2022
K. Akimoto, Long-Term Measures for Stable Energy Supply and Realization of Carbon Neutrality, The 16th ESI Symposium "Dealing with Energy Supply-Demand Tightness", Sep.5, 2022
K. Akimoto, Preliminary analyses using DNE21+ model, 2022 Annual EDITS Meeting, Transformation to high wellbeing with low energy demand, Sep. 1, 2022
N. Onishi, J. JUPESTA, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Preliminary assessment of the impact of Additive Manufacturing / 3D printing technology in terms of energy demand, 2022 Annual EDITS Meeting, Transformation to high wellbeing with low energy demand, Aug. 31, 2022
A. Hayashi, T. Homma, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, The potential contribution of global food wastage reductions on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, 2022 Annual EDITS Meeting, Transformation to high wellbeing with low energy demand, Aug. 31, 2022
K. Akimoto, Opening Remarks of The 2022 Annual Meeting at IIASA, 2022 Annual EDITS Meeting, Transformation to high wellbeing with low energy demand, Aug. 30, 2022
K. Akimoto, Proposals for Japan's Energy Policy in a Decarbonized Society, Kakkin Memorial Meeting in Kagoshima, Aug. 27, 2022
K. Akimoto, Measures for achieving carbon neutrality: Quantitative Scenario Analysis, Kansai Branch of the Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society, Aug. 25, 2022
K. Akimoto, Implications of the IPCC sixth Assessment Report on climate change Mitigation, Japan Association for Chemical Innovation, Aug. 25, 2022
K. Akimoto, Measures for a Carbon-Neutral Society and Corporate Efforts, Ibaraki Chamber of Commerce and Industry Assembly Memorial Meeting, Aug. 24, 2022
K. Akimoto, Costs, Potential and Sustainable Development - IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (3), Focus & Research, Real Estate Economic Institute Co., LTD, Jul. 20, 2022
K. Akimoto, Prospects for Offshore Wind Power Generation, 158th Maritime Technology Forum, Jul. 5, 2022
M. Nagashima, Quantitative assessment of climate change mitigations and policy implications, Center for Evidence-Based Policy Making (Osaka university), Jul. 5, 2022
K. Akimoto, Achieving carbon neutrality - IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (2) -, Focus & Research, Real Estate Economic Institute Co., LTD, Jun. 29, 2022
K. Akimoto, History and Positioning of the IPCC - IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (1) -, Focus & Research, Real Estate Economic Institute Co., LTD, Jun. 22, 2022
K. Akimoto, Recent energy situation and future prospects, Society for the Next Generation from Energy Policy, Jun. 7, 2022
K. Akimoto, The essence of the climate change problem is the tragedy of the common land: Rethinking under the Russian Problem, International Environmental and Economics Institute, Jun. 6, 2022
K. Akimoto, Causes of power shortage and problems to prevent a recurrence, Policy Research Forum "Reformers", Jun. 1, 2022
K. Akimoto, Sixth Basic Energy Plan from the Perspective of Global Warming Countermeasures, Journal of Japan Solar Energy Society, May. 31, 2022
K. Akimoto, Role of hydrogen toward carbon neutrality, Study Group on Effective Utilization of Coal and Carbon Resources, May. 27, 2022
K. Akimoto, Several opportunities to achieve net-zero and the transition, “Transition to Net-Zero: The Role of Finance and Pathway toward Sustainable Future” by Financial Services Agency, May. 26, 2022
F. Sano, Technologies and costs for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, 5th InfoSyEnergy Members-only Workshop for Energy Research, May. 24, 2022
K. Akimoto, Japan's Energy and Climate Policies Toward Carbon Neutrality, JICA, May. 23, 2022
K. Akimoto, Supplementary Views of the IPCC WG3 Report and the Recent Energy Situation, IPCC Symposium, May. 19, 2022
K. Akimoto, Measures and cost potential for achieving carbon neutrality in 2050, The Institute of Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan, May. 18, 2022
K. Akimoto, Measures to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions toward Carbon Neutrality, Youth Conference of New Glass Forum, May. 16, 2022
K. Akimoto, Prospects and Challenges for Achieving carbon neutrality, Japan Techno-Economics Society, May. 12, 2022
K. Akimoto, Domestic and Foreign Situations Surrounding Japan's Energy and Environment Policies and Policy Directions, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry Policy Board, May. 10, 2022
K. Akimoto, Prospects, and challenges for achieving carbon neutrality, Board of Directors of Osaka Prefectural Industrial, Apr. 25, 2022
K. Akimoto, Japan’s Energy and Climate Policies Toward Carbon Neutrality, TV CHOSUN International Forum, Mar.31, 2022
K. Akimoto, Measures to achieve carbon neutrality, Keynote of Carbon Neutral Study Group in Industrial World, Osaka Science and Technology Center, Mar. 29, 2022
K. Akimoto, The Sixth Basic Energy Plan and future development of carbon neutrality, etc., Workshop for young executives of Tsuruga and Mihama, Mar. 22, 2022
K. Akimoto, Energy trends in Japan toward carbon neutrality, Institute of Integrated Atmospheric Environment(IIAE), Mar. 15, 2022
K. Akimoto, The role of emission reduction measures for carbon neutrality and the scenarios for Japan, Japan Spotlight, March/April Issue 2022, 21-25pp, Mar. 10, 2022
K. Akimoto, Analysis and evaluation of 2050 carbon neutral measures and costs, Low-Carbon Strategy Study Group, Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 9, 2022
T. Homma, Overview of the World Energy Economy Model DEAR and Economic Impact Analysis of NDCs, Low-Carbon Strategy Study Group, Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 9, 2022
K. Akimoto, Evaluation and Implication for NDCs by 2030, ALPS International Symposium, Mar. 8, 2022
T. Homma, Impact on International Competitiveness for Japanese Industry and Analysis of BCA, ALPS International Symposium, Mar. 8, 2022
F. Sano, Evaluation Model for Global Energy and Global Warming Countermeasures, DNE21 +, Low-Carbon Strategy Study Group, Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 7, 2022
F. Sano, 2030 NDCs Emission Reduction Efforts and Analysis and Evaluation of Emission Pathways Towards Carbon Neutrality, Low-Carbon Strategy Study Group, Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 7, 2022
K. Akimoto, The role of carbon capture and storage technology toward carbon neutrality, New Glass, Vol.37 No.1, Mar. 1, 2022
K. Akimoto, Outlook after the COP Glasgow; Agreement Economic compatibility is a major principle, Nikkei Economics Class, Feb.28, 2022
K. Akimoto, Prospects for Carbon Neutrality by 2050: Role of Renewable Energy and Tasks for Conversion to Main Power Sources, Renewable Energy Association for Sustainable Power supply (REASP), Feb.25, 2022
T. Homma, M. Nagashima, K. Akimoto, Economic analysis on border carbon adjustment (BCA) under ambitious targets of NDCs in 2030, Atlantic Council's private virtual workshop: the potential for the formation of a carbon club, Feb. 22, 2022
K. Akimoto, Basic Policy on the Use of Nuclear Energy, Atomic Energy Commission, Feb. 22, 2022
K. Akimoto, Role of nuclear power in carbon neutrality and geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste, Ishikawa Prefectural Disaster Prevention Association, Feb. 20, 2022
K. Akimoto, Measures towards carbon neutrality, Council of Industrial and Construction Vehicle Workers' Unions, Feb. 15, 2022
K. Akimoto, Expectations and issues for sustainable finance, Kansai Business Seminar, Feb. 8, 2022
K. Akimoto, Measures for Carbon Neutral -Technical Measures and Business Opportunities-, Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry study group to promote carbon neutrality, which contributes to the growth of enterprises, Feb. 4, 2022
K. Akimoto, Future image of electric power system for carbon neutrality and role of hydrogen and electricity storage technology, Electric Technology Research Association, Feb. 1, 2022
K. Akimoto, 2050 Carbon Neutral Scenario Analyses, CCS Long-Term Roadmap Study Meeting, Jan. 28, 2022
K. Akimoto, Approach for system analysis research on climate change mitigation measures, JST CRDS Comprehensive Knowledge Workshop, Jan. 27, 2022
K. Akimoto, National Energy Policy towards 2050 Carbon Neutral, Co-creative Innovation Platform for Renewable Energy(CIREn), Jan. 25, 2022
K. Akimoto, Energy Systems in Japan for Achieving Carbon Neutrality, The 8th China-Japan-Korea (CJK) Dialogue, Jan. 17, 2022
K. Akimoto, Analysis of the role of biomass in carbon neutrality, 17th Biomass Science Conference of the founding of the Japan Energy Society, Jan. 19, 2022
K. Akimoto, Japan's energy supply and demand outlook for 2050, Tokyo University of Science Professional Engineers Association, Jan. 15, 2022
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Analysis of trends in methanation and their role in scenarios aimed at a long-term decarbonized society, Transportation & Economy, Vol. 895, Jan. 1, 2022
K. Akimoto, 2050 Japan's Energy Mix for Carbon Neutral, JSCE Magazine,“Civil Engineering”, Vol. 107, 50-52pp, Jan. 1, 2022
K. Akimoto, Application of quantum computing technology to carbon neutrality, Quantum Computing Technology Symposium 2021, Dec. 19, 2021
K. Akimoto, Investing in decarbonized power sources in electricity liberalization, Electrical Review, Dec. 10, 2021
K. Akimoto, The role of nuclear power in carbon neutrality and final disposal of high-level radioactive waste, Amagasaki Minami Rotary Club, Dec. 2, 2021
K. Akimoto, Pathway to 2050 Carbon Neutrality -Systematic measures for energy supply and road transportation-, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium, Dec. 1, 2021
K. Akimoto, Prospects and Challenges for 2050 Carbon Neutral, Energy Technology Committee of The Japan Iron and Steel Federation, Nov. 26, 2021
K. Akimoto, 2050 Carbon Neutral Analysis, Workshop at Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Nov. 22, 2021
K. Akimoto, Energy Strategy for 2050 Carbon Neutral, KAKKIN workshop, Nov. 20, 2021
K. Akimoto, Global warming toward carbon neutrality, Technical Workshop at Glass Manufactures' Association of Japan, Nov. 17, 2021
K. Akimoto, Key technology for achieving negative emissions at the Expo, Consortium about the Negative Emission Technology at Expo 2025, Nov. 16, 2021
K. Akimoto, Background and Overview of EDITS: Energy demand changes induced by technological and social innovations, Japan Pavilion of Side Event at COP26, Nov. 11, 2021
K. Akimoto, Technical challenges for carbon neutrality, Academic forum of Science Council of Japan, Nov. 11, 2021
K. Akimoto, T. Homma, M. Nagashima, Estimations of Carbon Leakages under Ambitious NDCs and the Policy Implications, RFF Seminar "Carbon Border Measures: Policies to Combat Leakage and Encourage Climate Ambition", Nov. 9, 2021
K. Akimoto, 2050 Carbon Neutral Global Warming Countermeasure Technology Outlook, The 62nd Symposium on Glasses and Photonic Materials, Nov. 8, 2021
T. Homma, Findings from analysis of border carbon adjustment (BCA) under ambitious targets of NDCs, Virtual RFF Live event: Carbon Border Measures: What Happens with Ambitious Climate Policies?, Nov. 3, 2021
K. Akimoto, Japan's position toward carbon neutrality; Impact on corporate management, Lecture of Resources and Energy Subcommittee, The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nov. 2, 2021
K. Akimoto, The 6th Energy Basic Plan, Green Forum 21, Nov. 1, 2021
K. Akimoto, Future trends in energy mix and electricity tariffs, Autumn Conference Lecture of Japan Foundry Society, Oct. 26, 2021
K. Akimoto, Carbon Neutral; Decarbonization and the Whereabouts of a Hydrogen Society, Lecture of Electricity and Electronics Subcommittee, The Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan, Oct. 22, 2021
K. Akimoto, Prospects and Challenges for Realizing Carbon Neutral, Online Seminar of The latest knowledge of global warming and corporate efforts toward a carbon-free society for Tokio Marine Research Institute and Tokio Marine & Nichido, Oct. 21, 2021
K. Akimoto, The 6th Energy Basic Plan, Research project on energy decarbonization of Energy and Resources Society, Oct. 15, 2021
K. Akimoto, Energy system for carbon neutrality; The role of electricity and hydrogen, 2nd Lecture for Global Environmental Technology Research Forum of Osaka, Science and Technology Center, Oct. 13, 2021
K. Akimoto, Role and Cost of Negative Emission Technologies for Carbon Neutrality, ICEF 8th Annual Meeting, Oct. 7, 2021
K. Akimoto, Carbon Neutral for SMEs; Technical Measures and Business Opportunities, Lecture for Resona SME Promotion Foundation Management, Oct. 6, 2021
K. Akimoto, Utilization of various measures including nuclear power toward carbon neutrality -Receiving the 6th Basic Energy Plan-, Hokuriku Genshiryoku Kondankai, Oct. 1, 2021
K. Akimoto, Technology and cost to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, Symposium for Global Warming Solutions to Support Our Future Society in Kansai, Sep. 30, 2021
K. Akimoto, Energy Demand Side Technology and Social Change Prospects, and International Model Comparison Project, Second Symposium for Research Committee of Japan's Energy Supply and Demand for 2050, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Sep. 27, 2021
K. Akimoto, Role of Transition Finance for Clean Coal, The 30th Clean Coal Day International Symposium, Sep. 22, 2021
K. Akimoto, Trends in Environmental Issues-Global Environmental Issues, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, Vol.100 No.5 pp.650-652, Sep. 20, 2021
K. Akimoto, Chapter 2 Relationship between Carbon Neutral and Nuclear Power and Section 4.3 Costs of Variable Renewable Energy, National Burden and Issues, New Trends in Nuclear Power, September 2021(No.2), Sep. 17, 2021
K. Akimoto, 2050 Carbon Neutral Measures and Scenario Analysis, Japan Risk Forum, Sep. 10, 2021
K. Akimoto, Significance and challenges of carbon prices toward the realization of carbon neutrality in 2050, Japan Tax Association, Sep. 10, 2021
K. Akimoto, 2050 Carbon Neutral -Scenario for Realization-, Lecture at The Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association(JRMA), Sep. 9, 2021
K. Akimoto, Future Strategy for 2050 Carbon Neutral (Decarbonized Society), Lecture for Kanagawa Prefecture Management Association, Sep. 8, 2021
K. Akimoto, Prospects and challenges for achieving carbon neutrality in 2050, Lecture at The Japan Society of Industrial Machinery Manufacturers (JSIM), Sep. 1, 2021
K. Akimoto, Climate change business outlook, Lecture at Local Resilience Research Institute(LRRI), Aug. 25, 2021
K. Akimoto, Energy mix outlook, The 74th Engineer's Evening of The Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan, Aug. 20, 2021
K. Akimoto, 6th Basic Energy Plan-Difficulty of "Scientific Evaluation", IEEI website, Aug. 10, 2021
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, Japan's 2050 carbon neutral scenario analysis and 2030 target outlook, TECUSE Study Meeting, Jul. 21, 2021
K. Akimoto, Technology outlook and scenario analysis for 2050 carbon neutrality, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Jul. 21, 2021
K. Akimoto, How do we reduce greenhouse gas emissions towards 2050 carbon neutrality?, Energy Environment Seminar of Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization, Jul. 17, 2021
K. Akimoto, Scenario analysis for 2050 carbon neutral, Japan Risk Forum, Jul. 16, 2021
K. Akimoto, Direction and scenario of response toward carbon neutrality, 1st Anniversary Symposium for Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay, Jul. 13, 2021
K. Akimoto, Energy Strategy for Achieving 2050 Carbon Neutral, Lecture of Energy Subcommittee for Japan Association for Chemical Innovation, Jul. 7, 2021
T. Homma, Impact analysis of the introduction of border carbon adjustments for steel products, 5th Study Group of RIETI Global Intelligence Project Arimura FF Group, Jul. 2, 2021
K. Akimoto, Transition of energy policy, technical issues to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, Japan Engineers Association, Chūgoku region, Jun. 26, 2021
K. Akimoto, Significance and challenges of carbon pricing, Carbon Pricing Study Group, Japan Tax Research Association, Jun. 18, 2021
K. Akimoto, About 2050 carbon neutral, KAKKIN workshop, Jun. 17, 2021
K. Akimoto, Expectations for the success of an ambitious plan, Gas Energy News, Jun. 14, 2021
K. Akimoto, Energy Strategy for Carbon Neutral, WiN-Japan Annual Meeting, Jun. 11, 2021
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, A response strategy for carbon neutrality, Electrical Review, Jun. 10, 2021
H. Kanaboshi, K. Akimoto, Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuel Technology Outlook for Carbon Neutral, Electrical Review, Jun. 10, 2021
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, 2050 Carbon Neutral Scenario Analysis (Interim Report), Meeting of the latest nuclear replacement promotion parliamentary federation for the realization of a carbon-free society and the maintenance and improvement of national power, The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, May. 27.2021
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, 2050 Carbon Neutral Scenario Analysis (Interim Report), Environmental Energy Study Group, The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, May. 25, 2021
K. Akimoto, Prospects and Challenges for Japan's 2050 Carbon Neutral Realization, 13th Environment and Energy Symposium(Sanroren Shikoku), May. 22, 2021
K. Akimoto, Global warming countermeasures through technological and social innovation in final demand, Journal of Society of Environmental Conservation Engineering, May. 20, 2021
K. Akimoto, Detailed design of Japan's feed-in premium (FIP) system, Energy and Power, No.296, 2021 Spring Issue, May. 14, 2021
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, 2050 Carbon Neutral Scenario Analysis (Interim Report), METI Strategic Policy Committee of Advisory Committee in Natural Resources and Energy, May. 13, 2021
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, H. Kanaboshi, Role of Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels for Energy Systems of Carbon Neutrality, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, May. 10, 2021
A. Hayashi, To reduce greenhouse gas emissions - Reduction of food loss by utilizing IT technology -, Energy Review, Apri. 20, 2021
K. Akimoto, Direction of response toward the realization of carbon neutrality in 2050, Chunichi Social Meeting, Apr. 16, 2021
K. Akimoto, Roles and issues of various measures toward carbon neutrality and positioning of nuclear power, The 50th JAIF Annual Conference, Apr. 13, 2021
K. Akimoto, Roadmap and challenges for achieving "real zero in 2050" in Japan, Ritsumeikan University Open Research Lecture, Mar. 31, 2021
K. Akimoto, Long-term scenarios on energy systems and the role of renewable energies, Journal of Japan Solar Energy Society, Mar. 31, 2021
K. Akimoto, The role of nuclear fusion in the carbon-neutral era, Liberal Democratic Party Nuclear Fusion Promotion Parliamentary Assembly, Mar. 29, 2021
K. Akimoto, Energy Strategy for 2050 Carbon Neutral, Lunch Seminar, Ministry of Finance Japan, Mar. 18, 2021
K. Akimoto, Recent trends for carbon neutrality and Scenario analysis in Japan, FY2020 ALPS International Symposium, Mar. 9, 2021
M. Nagashima, Co-benefit and trade-offs analyses of climate change mitigations, ENGAGE (Exploring National and Global Actions to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions) 3rd project meeting, Mar. 4, 2021
K. Akimoto, T. Homma, Analysis of border carbon adjustment; For a case study of steel products, Workshop on Economic Methods for Realizing Carbon Neutrality Around the World by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mar. 1, 2021
K. Akimoto, Technology attracting attention in a carbon-neutral society, Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Feb. 26, 2021
K. Akimoto, Rule of hydrogen to carry out for 2050 Carbon Neutral, Union of Kansai Governments, Feb. 9, 2021
K. Akimoto, Energy Technology Perspectives for Carbon Neutrality Including from the Japan's View, Net zero Pathways Session of IEA, Feb. 5, 2021
K. Akimoto, Prospect of energy for 2050 Carbon Neutral, Japan Association of Corporate Executives, Feb. 5, 2021
K. Akimoto, Role of nuclear power for scenario toward a sustainable society, ATOMOΣ, The Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Feb. 1, 2021
K. Akimoto, Impacts of global warming mitigation and innovation on products, services and social system, New Energy Subcommittee of the Japan Petroleum Institute, Jan. 29, 2021
K. Akimoto, About 2050 Carbon Neutral, Workshop on Tomorrow's environment and energy, Jan. 29, 2021
K. Akimoto, Prospects for Next strategic energy plan and 2050 Carbon Neutral, The 37th Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment, Jan. 27, 2021
K. Akimoto, A Decarbonized Society through Innovation, called “Challenge Zero”, Keidanren Jounal, Jan. 15, 2021
K. Akimoto, Aspect and Issues of CCS and CCU with carbon neutral, Energy Forum, Jan. 15, 2021
K. Akimoto, Global warming countermeasures and economic development toward decarbonization after Covid-19, Life and Environment, Jan. 1, 2021
F. Sano, T. Nagata, K. Akimoto, Role of hydrogen and synthetic methane under long-term scenarios toward carbon neutrality, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Vol. 42, No.1, Jan. 10, 2021(in Japanese)
K. Akimoto, Overview of RITE and Current Climate Policies in Japan, Global Climate Policy Network (GCPN) Meeting, Dec. 14, 2020
K. Akimoto, Japan’s energy policy and measures, FORUM Energy Think Together, Dec. 10, 2020
K. Akimoto, Evaluation of energy system toward net zero emissions, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium 2020, Dec. 9, 2020
K. Akimoto, Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations (EDITS): Welcome and Rationale of the Workshop, Joint IIASA-RITE Virtual Expert Dialogue for EDITS Project, Dec. 8, 2020
K. Akimoto, Trend and future task for Japan’s 2050 Carbon Neutral Declaration and Next Strategic Energy Plan, Industrial policy committee of the Federation of Electric Power Related Industry Worker's Unions of Japan, Nov. 24, 2020
K. Akimoto, Prospects for energy and global warming after corona: The potential of digital technology, Resources and Energy Forum 2020@The Komaba Festival, Nov. 21, 2020
K. Akimoto, Recent energy situation, Meeting for location area opinion leaders, Nov. 19, 2020
K. Akimoto, F. Sano, The concept for a carbon-free society, The Green Innovation Strategy Meeting, Nov. 11, 2020
A. Hayashi, The Expectation on Food Systems toward the Realization of a Sustainable Decarbonized Society, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Nov. 10, 2020
K. Akimoto, International aspect for long-term energy strategy and a position of renewable energy, Workshop of Japan Solar Energy Society, Nov. 5, 2020
K. Akimoto, The direction of companies for global warming mitigation measures -Role and outlook for a variety of technology, Divisional Group of Natural Resources and Energy, Oct. 30, 2020
K. Akimoto, Energy system for Long-term climate change - The whole system and automotive sector-, “IIAE Workshop of The Future of Automobiles and The Atmospheric Environment” sponsored by Institute of Integrated Atmospheric Environment, Oct. 29, 2020
K. Akimoto, Future aspect for energy and climate change, The possibility and problem with net-zero emissions targets, Seminar of Global Environment and Energy Committee, Kansai Economic Federation, Oct. 12, 2020
K. Akimoto, Current global climate change and the prospect of gas energy, Advisory Committee of Gas Utility Business Review Meeting For 2050 of Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Oct. 6, 2020
K. Akimoto, The role of nuclear power for a sustainable society, Symposium of Atomic Energy Society in 2020, Open Symposium of Science Council of Japan, Sep. 30, 2020
K. Akimoto, Technological innovation in final demand and global warming in social change, Symposium for climate change technology to support the future in Kansai, Sep. 24, 2020
K. Akimoto, Global Environmental Issue, The Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, Sep. 20, 2020
K. Akimoto, Energy technology perspective to reach net-zero emissions: Digital impact, Osaka Prefecture Energy Policy Council, Sep. 14, 2020
K. Akimoto, Problems and solutions for long-term drastic CO2 emission - RITE Analysis-, Society of SPEED, Jul. 11, 2020
K. Akimoto, Climate change risk management strategy for decarbonization, RITE Meeting, Jul. 3, 2020
K. Akimoto, Expectations for achievements both of the long-term goals under the Paris Agreement and of the Sustainable Development Goals by digitalization technologies, The Mitsubishi Electric Group CSR Report , Jul. 1, 2020
K. Akimoto, Post-covid;Coping with global warming measures and economic development toward decarbonization, Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization's Website, "EneHyakka", Jun.10, 2020
K. Gi, Assessment of Fusion Energy Introduction under Global Energy Scenarios, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Vol.96, No.5(2020), May. 31, 2020 (in Japanese)
K. Akimoto, Current status and social change with innovation of climate change, Environment Business Forum, May. 15, 2020
K. Akimoto, The trend of global warming countermeasure and the direction toward significant CO2 emissions, The Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association, Feb. 27, 2020
K. Akimoto, The overview of global warming countermeasure for decarbonized society, Glass Industry Conference of Japan, Feb. 19, 2020
K. Akimoto, The trend of consumption-based CO2 emissions: The effects of changing global manufacturing hubs, Workshop on How Finance Should Be Toward Environmental Innovation, by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Feb. 17, 2020
K. Akimoto, Long-term global warming countermeasure under the Paris Agreement and role of broad innovation, Workshop on Future Image of Network Business, Feb. 14, 2020
K. Akimoto, Transformation of energy systems for carbon neutrality and the role of innovation, FY2019 ALPS International Symposium, Feb. 13, 2020
K. Akimoto, Energy system for Long-term decarbonization - The role of electricity and hydrogen -, Hydrogen Seminar by Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Recent Hydrogen and Fuel Cell, - Hydrogen Market Was Began to Spread -", Feb. 5, 2020
K. Akimoto, Difficulty of international cooperation for climate change and a necessity for broad innovation, Energy Forum, February 2020, Feb. 1, 2020
K. Akimoto, The role of innovation and risk management on climate change for sustainable development, IPCC Symposium "Climate change mitigation measures to be implemented now", Jan. 30, 2020
K. Akimoto, Global warming and energy, Kagawa University "The points in Energy and Environmental Problem, which we want to know when job searching", Jan. 29, 2020
K. Akimoto, Systematic analysis on long-term global warming countermeasure for sustainable development, 24th Advanced Science and Technology Symposium, Kansai University, Jan. 23, 2020
K. Akimoto, Energy and measurement and policy on climate change, and role of the nuclear plant, Lecture of Atomic Energy, IKATA Nuclear Power Public Relations Center, Jan. 16, 2020
K. Akimoto, Evaluations of energy system transition for decarbonized society, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium, Dec. 18, 2019
K. Akimoto, Evaluations on International Competitiveness of NDCs and the Role of Technological and Social Innovations toward the Paris Long-term Goals, Official Side Event of The UN Climate Change Conference COP25, Dec. 12, 2019
K. Akimoto, Evaluations on International Competitiveness of NDCs and the Implications of Long-term Deep Emission Reductions, Japan Pavilion of Side Event at COP25, Dec. 11, 2019
K. Gi, Preliminary Modeling Analyses on Global Impacts of Sharing Mobility Beyond Transportation Sector, Joint IIASA-RITE International Workshop: Towards Improved Understanding, Concepts, Policies and Models of Energy Demand, Nov. 13, 2019
K. Akimoto, Opportunities and Challenges, and Impacts of Low Energy Demand Society, Joint IIASA-RITE International Workshop: Towards Improved Understanding, Concepts, Policies and Models of Energy Demand, Nov. 11, 2019
K. Akimoto, Global warming and energy, Seminar to Enjoy Learning about Unusual Weather and Environmental Problem, Nov. 9, 2019
K. Akimoto, To deter climate change with broad technological innovation, Morning Edition of The Nikkei, Nov. 7, 2019
K. Akimoto, The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for a long-term goal of Paris Agreements, 13th YGN young researcher study meeting at Atomic Energy Society of Japan for "Decarbonization, innovation, the role of nuclear power", Nov. 1, 2019
K. Akimoto, Toward the sustainable development:Long-term vision for climate change and short-and-medium term behavior considering actual restrictions, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, Oct. 28, 2019
K. Akimoto, Japan's long-term strategy to achieve Paris Agreement, 2019 Energy Lecture at Kyushu District Conversazione on Energy Problem, Oct. 25, 2019
K. Akimoto, Analysis on climate change - Challenges and solutions for integrated cost minimization analysis-, Research Report at The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, Oct. 15, 2019
K. Akimoto, Impacts of IT and AI on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission Reductions, ICEF, 6th Annual Meeting, Oct. 10, 2019
K. Akimoto, The economic analysis of the fusion power considering global warming response, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Oct. 08, 2019
K. Akimoto, Prospect for global warming and energy policy: The direction of the company response based on the trends for both domestic and overseas, "Environmental Management" Monthly Issue October 2019, Oct. 1, 2019
K. Akimoto, The global energy system of long-term decarbonization -The role of hydrogen and electricity-, Symposium for Global Warming Solutions to Support Our Future Society in Kansai, Sep. 26, 2019
K. Akimoto, Global energy system comparison review under Paris Agreement toaward 2050, Society of Automotive Engineer of Japan, Inc., Sep. 25, 2019
K. Akimoto, Global warming and energy problem – Solution to complex economics and policies, General Meeting of Yokohama Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, July 13, 2019
K. Akimoto, K. Gi, Overview of IPCC Special Report on Global warming of 1.5℃ and its Implications, Energy and Resources, Jul. 1, 2019
K. Akimoto, Effects of global warming mitigation measures induced by sharing economy, Green Forum 21, Jun. 27, 2019
K. Akimoto, Impacts of realization of low-energy demand society due to technology development in IoT or AI on the long-term target under the Paris Agreement, Open Symposium of Science Council of Japan "Roles and issues of innovation for long-term, deep emissions reductions of GHG", Jun. 6, 2019
K. Akimoto, Conditions surrounding climate change and the future of energy and global warming countermeasures and issues, The 29th energy symposium, Environmental and energy research conference of 3 labor association in Chugoku district, Jun. 1, 2019
K. Akimoto, Current condition of energy and global warming mitigation, and pathways towards deep CO2 emissions reduction, Lecture meeting at Meisho Eco Club, Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Apr. 24, 2019
K. Wada, Activity status and outlook of technology mechanism, the 82nd TECUSE Study Meeting, Apr. 17, 2019
K. Akimoto, How to read IPCC special report: an unintended bias, IEEI web article, Apr. 2019
K. Akimoto, Current status of renewable energies usage, and Efforts towards Global warming issues, Present and Future of Nuclear, Mar. 20, 2019
K. Akimoto, Global warming in progress and energy issues, Energy lecture meeting in Hokugenkon, Mar. 19, 2019
K. Akimoto, The emission pathways and mitigation costs for achieving below 1.5℃ and the impacts of low energy demand scenarios, IPCC Symposium, Mar. 6, 2019
K. Akimoto, System cost evaluation of diversifying power source -hidden costs and policy issues-, the 26th Power Talk, Japan Energy Association, Feb. 21, 2019
K. Akimoto, Innovations of products, services and social systems, and their impacts on climate change mitigation measures, ALPS International Symposium, Feb. 19, 2019
K. Akimoto, Analyses on energy and climate change-related issues and future strategies, Research Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, the House of Councillors, National Diet of Japan, Feb. 13, 2019
K. Akimoto, Opportunities for achieving low energy demand society through innovations, the quantitative analyses of their impact on climate change mitigation, and future issues to be tackled, Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG) Meeting for G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth, Feb. 12, 2019
K. Akimoto, Significance and challenges of technologies for CCS and CCU under the Paris Agreement, Monthly publication of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Feb. 2019
J. Oda, Analysis of the role of CCS in long-term CO2 emission reduction by integrated assessment model, I2CNER International Workshop (CO2 Capture and Utilization), Feb. 1, 2019
K. Akimoto, A review of electricity supply and demand structure of 2030 in Basic Energy Plan, Symbio community forum, Jan. 28, 2019
K. Akimoto, The 5th Strategic Energy Plan, Workshop for the Electric Power Council for a Low Carbon Society, Jan. 23, 2019
K. Gi, Chapter 5 "Sustainable Development, Povery Eradication and Reducing Inequalities", 2018 special lecture on energy , Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Jan. 18, 2019
F. Sano, Present status of researches on climate change mitigation, Joint research workshop of Tougou C/D and SI-CAT, Jan. 15, 2019
K. Akimoto, The 5th Strategic Energy Plan, Lectures for the Center for Development of Power supply regions, Jan. 11, 2019
K. Wada, Summary of IPCC 1.5℃ Special Report and COP24, JMIP Workshop, Dec. 21, 2018
K. Akimoto, Potentials of low-energy demand and its impact on global warming countermeasures, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium 2018, Dec. 19, 2018
K. Akimoto, Global warming and energy, Seminar on weather anomalies and environmental issues, Dec. 18, 2018
K. Akimoto, T. Homma, F. Sano, Evaluations on emission reduction efforts of NDCs and the Implications of Global Effectiveness on Climate Change Mitigation, COP24 UNFCCC official side event, Dec. 13, 2018 Poland
K. Akimoto, T. Homma, F. Sano, Evaluations on Emission Reduction Efforts of NDCs for Sustainable Measures Responding to Climate Change, COP24 Japan Pavilion side event, Dec. 11, 2018, Poland
K. Akimoto, Trends and the future of global warming policies under the Paris Agreement, The Japan Society of Industrial Machinery Manufacturers, Nov. 26, 2018
K. Akimoto, Science technology, energy and global warming issues, Tokai University Shizuoka Shoyo Senior High School, Nov. 22, 2018
K. Wada, IPCC 1.5℃ Special Report, TECUSE Study Meeting, Nov. 21, 2018
K. Akimoto, The 5th Strategic Energy Plan, Liaison council for affiliate organizations of nuclear fuel tax, Nov. 1, 2018
K. Akimoto, Comments based on IEEJ Outlook 2019, 430th Forum on Research Works, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, Oct. 15, 2018
K. Akimoto, The 5th Strategic Energy Plan, CCS Forum, Oct. 12, 2018
F. Sano, Outline of RITE Global model for energy and climate change mitigation, and economic assessment of CCS under various scenarios, CCS Forum, Oct. 12, 2018
K. Akimoto, The 5th Strategic Energy Plan and future measures of energy and global warming, Keynote seminar in Advanced energy technology exhibition, 2018 Eco-technology exhibition, Oct. 10, 2018
K. Gi, A Consideration of Service Demand in Terms of Time Budgets: A case study of passenger travel demand in Japan, Rethinking Energy Demand Discussion Workshop, Sep. 26, 2018
K. Akimoto, Strategy for responding to climate risk under Paris Agreement and roles of various mitigation technologies, Symposium on technologies for global warming countermeasures towards future society in Kansai, Sep. 26, 2018
K. Akimoto, Global warming and energy strategy, Workshop for women "weather tomorrow, future earth", Sep. 20, 2018
K. Akimoto, The 5th Strategic Energy Plan, Saga Prefectural Government, Aug. 30, 2018
Bianka Shoai-Tehrani, Pascal da Costa, Towards a Sustainable Economy Chapter 2: The Paradoxes of the European Energy Market Regulation: A Historical and Structural Analysis of the Electricity Mix, July 2018
K. Akimoto, An economic assessment of renewable energies and their issues, Society for scientific study on renewable energy and public policy of the University of Tokyo, Jul. 11, 2018
K. Akimoto, An assessment of the 5th Strategic Energy Plan, its impact on SME and required measures, The 5th Energy and Environment Committee of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry/the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jul. 11, 2018
K. Akimoto, Scenario analysis for developing long-term low emission development strategy, RITE Association Meeting, Jul. 6, 2018
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, Strategies of Japanese steel sector for the contribution of worldwide reduction of CO2 emissions, the 234th Nishiyama memorial lectures of technology, Jun. 21, 2018
K. Akimoto, J. Oda, Strategies of Japanese steel sector for the contribution of worldwide reduction of CO2 emissions, the 233rd Nishiyama memorial lectures of technology, Jun. 7, 2018
K. Akimoto, Direction of the 5th Basic Energy plan, Round-table conference on energy policy, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, May 29, 2018
K. Wada, Talanoa Dialogue, TECUSE Study Meeting, May 23, 2018
J. Oda, Trends of energy consumption and CO2 reduction in industry sector: focused on iron and cement sectors, Energy chain WG, Research Institute for Advanced Network Technology, Advanced Collaborative Research Organization for Smart Society, Waseda University, May 17, 2018
K. Akimoto, A position of LNG towards long-term emission reduction and trends in policies for energy and global warming, Plenary meeting of Tokai-Hokuriku Division, Japan Gas Association, May 15, 2018
F. Sano, A study on the scenario of progress in sharing economy, TPES (Tokyo Professional Energy Seminar), Apr. 20, 2018
K. Wada, Outcomes of CTCN advisory committee and TEC, the 72nd TECUSE Study Meeting, Apr. 18, 2018
K. Akimoto, Progress and issues on long-term global warming countermeasures and energy policies, Industrial policy committee of the Federation of Electric Power Related Industry Worker's Unions of Japan, Mar. 27, 2018
K. Akimoto, Differences among emission reduction costs due to uncertainties of climate projection, Integrated Research Program for Advancing Climate Models (TOUGOU), Mar. 8, 2018
K. Akimoto, Differences among emission reduction costs due to uncertainties of climate projection, Scenario initiative meeting, Feb. 20, 2018
K. Akimoto, National and international situation regarding Basic Energy Plan and discussion about its revision, ANRE regional information exchanging program workshop, Feb. 15, 2018
K. Akimoto, Climate change response strategy toward long-term zero CO2 emissions, ALPS International Symposium, Feb, 9, 2018
K. Akimoto, Long-term strategy toward deep emission reductions under several kinds of uncertainties, International Symposium-Prospect of Decarbonization after the Paris Agreement, Feb. 8, 2018
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, Evaluation of Relationship between Embodied Energy and Transport Energy of Cities in Japan, Japan-Brazil Joint Workshop "Towards Sustainable Urban Energy Systems: Experiences from Asia and Latin America", Feb. 2, 2018
K. Akimoto, Countermeasure scenario on energy based on uncertainties of socioeconomy and climate change, Japan Atomic Energy Commission regular meeting, Jan. 30, 2018
K. Akimoto, Let's learn more on energy, Seminar for workshop for women on daily environmental issues in Takayama, Jan. 13, 2018
J. Oda, Energy Intensity in the Japanese Steel Industry: Trend, Determintants, and Decarbonization Challenge, The First International Workshop of Japan Model Intercomparison Project (JMIP), Dec. 15, 2017
K. Wada, IPCC/UNFCCC updates, The First International Workshop of Japan Model Intercomparison Project (JMIP), Dec. 14, 2017
K. Wada, Technology negotiation at COP23, the 68th TECUSE Study Meeting, Dec. 13, 2017
K. Akimoto, An assessment of emission reduction efforts and its policies in the NDCs under the Paris Agreement, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium 2017, Dec. 6, 2017
T. Homma, Impacts of climate change and adaptation - focusing on coastal area-, 2017 special lecture on energy, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Dec. 4, 2017
F. Sano, Mitigation costs of climate change and their economic risk, trade-offs and co-benefits with the countermeasures of air-pollution, 2017 special lecture on energy, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Dec. 4, 2017
Y. Arino, A role of geoengineering method in the light of risk countermeasure for climate change, 2017 special lecture on energy, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Dec. 4, 2017
K. Akimoto, A summary of responces to climate change risk, 2017 special lecture on energy, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Dec. 4, 2017
B. Shoai Tehrani, K. Akimoto, Sustainable Climate Change Response Measures under the Paris Agreement, COP23 side event (Turkish Pavilion), Nov. 15, 2017, Germany
K. Akimoto, Sustainable Climate Change Response Measures under the Paris Agreement, COP23 side event (Japan Pavilion), Nov. 14, 2017, Germany
Y. Kaya, M. Yamaguchi, K. Akimoto, Toward Strong Weak Target, Energy Forum, Oct. 28, 2017
K. Wada, Outcomes of CTCN and TEC, and prospect for technology negotiation at COP23, the 67th TECUSE Study Meeting, Oct. 18, 2017
K. Akimoto, Toward better understandings of uncertainties in climate change countermeasures and development of risk management strategies, Let's Consider Measures for Climate Change Mitigation: IPCC Activities during the Sixth Assessment Cycle and Future Efforts (2), Nov. 29, 2017
K. Wada, Societal and economic implication of the Paris Agreement goals, Environmental Information Science 46-3, Oct. 11, 2017
K. Akimoto, Challenges and opportunities for net zero CO2 emission harmonized with sustainable development, ICEF 4th Annual Meeting, Oct. 5, 2017
K. Akimoto, Energy mix issues to be known, Hokugenkon "Environment & Energy Lecture Meeting", Oct. 3, 2017
K. Akimoto, Deep emission reduction from a global perspective, Open Symposium of Science Council of Japan "A Long-term Strategy for GHG emission reduction under the Paris Agreement", Sep. 27, 2017
K. Akimoto, An impact of emission reduction towards 2030 in Japan and its challenge, Kansai Economic Federation / Asia Pacific Institute of Research seminar "A global trend of warming mitigation and challenges in Japan", Sep. 8, 2017
K. Akimoto, A perspective of energy supply and demand, the 28th CEE Symposium "Challenges in analyses of ultra long-term energy supply and demand - a significance and challenges in quantitative analyses and their solutions-", Aug. 30, 2017
K. Akimoto, The analyses on the economic costs, co-benefits and risks for the Paris Agreement goals, IEA Noon Talk, June 12, 2017
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, A. Hayashi, T. Homma, K. Gi, K. Wada, DNE21+ team paper (Assessments of long-term climate change mitigation scenarios from the perspectives of bioenergy contribution and middle-term climate policy), Project meeting of EMF-33 bioenergy study, Apr. 25, 2017, France
K. Wada, Projection of TEC14 meeting and technology negotiation, the 62nd TECUSE Study Meeting, Apr. 19, 2017
K. Akimoto, Emission reduction and estimates of economic effect achieved by energy conservation, low-carbon technologies and products and their overseas expansion, the Task Force meeting for Overseas Expansion Strategies, the Long-term Global Warming Countermeasures Platform, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mar. 31, 2017
K. Akimoto, Energy issues to be known, Lecture on Nuclear (Ikata Nuclear Information Center), Feb. 18, 2017
K. Akimoto, Considering the future of energy in Japan in accord with the Paris Agreement, Lecture at Energy Technology Committee, Osaka Science & Technology Center, Mar. 9, 2017
A. Hayashi, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, T. Homma, Y. Nakagami, Challenges for Land-use and Water Management Under the 2 °C Target, Global Carbon Project/Managing Global Negative Emission Technologies Workshop, Pre-conference, Mar. 1, 2017, Austria
K. Gi, Feasibility assessment of the introduction of nuclear fusion in low-carbon scenario using world energy system model, Practical Usage Strategy Cluster meeting, Fusion Energy Forum of Japan, Feb. 24, 2017
K. Akimoto, Future perspective viewed from energy, Smart Energy Promotion Group of METI Kansai, Feb. 22, 2017
K. Akimoto, Global Warming and Energy, Seminar on "Mental and Environmental Issues", Feb. 21, 2017
K. Akimoto, Energy Mix under the Deregulation of the Electricity Market in Japan, A Lecture on Future Energy Vision of Japan as a Resourceless Nation in Tokyo, Feb. 21, 2017
K. Akimoto, Evaluations on Emission Reduction Efforts of Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement, ALPS International Symposium, Feb. 7, 2017
K. Akimoto, RITE ALPSII Project and IIASA-RITE Collaboration, IIASA-IGES Symposium on the future perspective with a core of "The World in 2050" project, Jan. 31, 2017
Junichiro Oda, ALternative Pathways toward Sustainable development and climate stabilization (ALPS), Expert workshop towards further collaboration between Japanese research community and IIASA, Jan. 30, 2017
K. Akimoto, Evaluations of climate change response measures considering several constraints and multi objectives in the real world, Symposium Measures for tackling Global Warming - IPCC Activities and Perspectives in AR6 Cycle-, Jan. 26, 2017
K. Akimoto, Global warming mitigation in consideration of the Paris Agreement and utilization of nuclear power, Enelog, Jan. 10, 2017
K. Akimoto, Energy strategies and their issues in consideration of global warming mitigation, Regular Meeting of Japan Atomic Energy Commision, Jan. 10, 2017
K. Akimoto, A vision towards global energy supply and demand, Energy Review, Jan., Dec. 20, 2016
K. Akimoto, Evaluations on the emission reduction efforts of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), COP22 Side Event, Nov. 15, 2016
K. Wada, Expectation for IPCC in the course of UNFCCC Process, Japan Energy MIP Workshop, Dec. 12, 2016
K. Akimoto, Future Vision of Global Warming Mitigation and Energy Policies, Seminar on "Mental and Environmental Issues", Dec. 7, 2016
K. Akimoto, Evaluation of a Long-term Target of Paris Agreement using multiple Socioeconomic Scenarios, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium, Dec. 7, 2016
K. Akimoto, Global warming mitigation trends after COP21, Petroleum Technology Dec. 2016 Vol.39 No.12, pp.939-944
J. Aldy, B. Pizer, K. Akimoto, Transparency, Policy Surveillance, and the Comparison of Mitigation Efforts, RFF Discussion Paper, Nov. 2016
K. Akimoto, Energy Mix in accord with Global Warming Mitigation Policy and Issues towards its Achievement, The 11th Environment and Energy Symposium, Nov. 12, 2016
K. Akimoto, Considering Energy Mix from a viewpoint of Global Warming Mitigation, A Lecture on Future Energy Vision of Japan as a Resourceless Nation in Matsuyama, Nov. 8, 2016
B. Shoai-Tehrani, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, A Review of Micro and Macro-economic Conditions for Off-grid Integration of Renewable Energies, Workshop of Policy Alternatives Research Institute of the University of Tokyo, Nov. 1, 2016
K. Akimoto, Clarifying Issues on Carbon Pricing - from Quantitative Data and Analysis -, Task Force for the Expansion of Inward Investment under Long-term Global Warming Countermeasures Platform, Oct. 13, 2016
K. Akimoto, Underlying policies of Nationally Determined Contribution by Japan, ICEF2016, Oct. 6, 2016
K. Akimoto, Energy Mix under the Deregulation of the Electric Power in Japan, A Lecture on Future Energy Vision of Japan as a Resourceless Nation in Osaka, Sep. 12, 2016
K. Wada, Expectation for Business Sector towards an Achievement of Paris Agreement, The 12th Japan-Peru Economic Council, Sep. 12, 2016
K. Akimoto, Analysis and Evaluation Case Study for 1.5℃ Target by RITE, Researchers' Meeting on "Pursuit of Efforts to limit to 1.5℃ (Paris Agreement)" , Sep. 5, 2016
K. Akimoto, Paris Agreement and Future Global Warming Mitigation Strategy, Energy and Environment Education Seminar (Mihama-cho Board of Education), Aug. 26, 2016
K. Wada, An Analysis of Japan's INDC and Long-term Target by RITE, Japan Energy MIP Workshop, Jun. 16, 2016
K. Akimoto, Trends in Japanese Energy Policy & the "Innovative Energy Strategy", JEF Japan Spotlight Jul./Aug. 2016
K. Akimoto, Energy Strategies in accord with Global Warming Mitigation Policy, A Lecture on Future Energy Vision of Japan as a Resourceless Nation in Wakayama, Jun. 21, 2016
K. Akimoto, International Orientation of NDCs and their Long-term Emission Pathways, Open Symposium of Science Council of Japan "A Future Course of Energy and Global Warming Mitigation in accord with Paris Agreement", May 18, 2016
K. Wada, Achievements of COP21 and CTCN Meeting, The 53rd TECUSE Study Meeting, Apr. 20, 2016
K. Akimoto, A Quantitative Analysis of Nuclear Energy from a 3E Perspective, The 49th JAIF Annual Conference, Apr. 13, 2016
K. Akimoto, Best energy mix under electricity system reformation - forecasts and issues in renewable energy, nuclear power and thermal power -, Electrical Review, April 2016
K. Akimoto, Required cost for achieving nationally determined contributions(NDC), Monthly Keidanren, April 2016
K. Akimoto, Analysis of Pathways towards the Achievement of 1.5℃ Target and its Evaluation, Symposium "COP Paris Agreement and Future IPCC Report", Mar. 7, 2016
K. Wada, Co-benefits Policy and Research beyond Paris, Japan-IIASA Workshop, Feb. 23, 2016
K. Akimoto, Accomplishments and future issues of COP21, Energy and Environment Education Workshop Seminar in Kansai, Feb. 13, 2016
K. Akimoto, Considering energy mix and energy policy from a wide, deep point of view, National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College, Jan. 25, 2016
K. Akimoto, International Comparison of Ambitions of INDCs and the Expected Global Emissions, The 117th Symposium of The 21st Century Public Policy Institute "Strategies under COP21", Jan. 15, 2016
K. Akimoto, DNE21+: A Global Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Model, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Vol.37 No.1, 2016
K. Akimoto, Chapter 8 The situation from Japan's viewpoint, Towards a Realistic and Effective Climate Policy, Economica, Dec. 2015
K. Akimoto, Long-term GHG emissions pathways under uncertainty, Review Meeting on How to Study the Future Climate Change Projections, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Dec. 25, 2015
K. Akimoto, Climate change measures & policies and the role of CCS, Committee Relating to Technology Trends Survey on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, Dec. 25, 2015
K. Akimoto, Measuring Emission Reduction Efforts of the INDCs and the Expected Global Emission Reductions and Economic Impacts, Side Event at the COP21, organized by Major Economies Business Forum, Keidanren (BizMEF), Dec. 10, 2015, Paris, France
K. Akimoto, RITE's Evaluations on Emission Reduction Efforts of the INDCs and the Expected Global Emissions, Japan Pavilion at the COP21, Dec. 9, 2015, Paris, France
K. Gi, Chapter 10 Industry & living environment (Editor), Chronological Environmental Tables 2015-2016, Maruzen Publishing, Dec. 2015
K. Akimoto, Prospects of energy policy in Japan, National Nuclear Power Plant Municipality Council, Nov. 19, 2015
K. Wada, Technology transfer negotiations and mechanism in the context of UNFCCC, COP21 Countdown Seminar, Nov. 18, 2015
K. Akimoto, Assessment of efforts for INDCs emissions reductions and the global emissions pathways, on the website of International Environment and Economy Institute (IEEI)http://ieei.or.jp/2015/11/special201511004/, Nov. 2015
K. Akimoto, Climate Change Response Strategy and the Role of Japan, The Political Economy of Japan and the EU: challenges and Strategies, Chatham house, Nov. 13, 2015, UK
K. Akimoto, GHG emissions projections of INDCs and strategic response to risk, Media Forum on Climate Change Risk: How to see INDCs of Each Country - From the Point of View of Risk, NIES and IR3S, Nov. 5, 2015
K. Wada, How to promote low-carbon investment for mitigation actions in developing countries -The role of the Climate Technology Center and Network-, on the website of Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo, Oct. 2015
K. Akimoto, Energy mix in 2030, Workshop Organized by Safety and Security Academy of Sciences, ’Is the future energy good enough? ’, Oct. 14, 2015
K. Akimoto, Role of iron and steel sector in responding to global warming, Iron and Steel Session, Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF), Oct. 7, 2015
K. Akimoto, Japan’s strategic energy plan, including energy security, The 16th Senior Network (SNW) Symposium, Atomic Energy Society in Japan, Oct. 3, 2015
K. Akimoto, Assessment of relationships between climate change and energy security in the RITE ALPS Project, CD-Links Kick-off Meeting, IIASA, Sep. 29, 2015, Austria
K. Akimoto, Evaluation of energy mix and the future issues related to energy policy, Energy Social Meeting, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Sep. 7, 2015
K. Akimoto, Toward the realization of the energy mix and reduction of GHG emissions, Committee on Environment, Limestone Association of Japan, Sep. 4, 2015
K. Akimoto, Evaluation of energy mix and the future issues related to energy policy, Meeting of Fukui Atomic Energy Council for Peaceful Uses, Aug. 6, 2015
A. Hayashi, Evaluation of global energy crop production potential up to 2100 under socioeconomic development and climate change scenarios, International Forum & The Tenth Renewable Energy Exhibition 2015, Jul. 31, 2015
K. Wada, K. Akimoto, Y. Arino, RITE's approach to uncertainty analysis for mitigation/geoengineering strategies, EMF Snowmass Workshop, Jul. 24, 2015
K. Akimoto, Evaluation of INDCs from a perspective of international equity, 2015 CIGS Symposium on Climate Change, Canon Institute for Global Studies, Jul. 23, 2015
K. Akimoto, CO2 marginal abatement costs of each country, Meeting of Global Environmental Strategy WG, Keidanren, Jul. 17, 2015
K. Akimoto, B. Shoai Tehrani, Overview and assessment of Japan’s energy mix and INDCs, MILES Project meeting, Jul. 8, 2015, France
K. Akimoto, Energy mix and GHG emission reduction targets, RITE Alumni Association, Jul. 3, 2015
K. Akimoto, Domestic and international policy trends and issues of renewable energy with a focus on solar power, Science Council of Japan, Jul. 2, 2015
K. Akimoto, Comparing emission mitigation effort, Duke Environmental and Energy Economics Working Paper Series, Jun. 2015
K. Wada, Technology transfer negotiations in the context of UNFCCC, Mechanisms Study Meeting, Jun. 26, 2015
K. Wada, The status of technology transfer negotiations, The 45th TECUSE Study Meeting, Jun. 24, 2015
K. Akimoto, Japan’s energy mix and strategies to reduce GHG emissions after 2020, Special Lecture for On-site Representative of Mines and Refineries, Japan Mining Industry Association, Jun. 10, 2015
K. Akimoto, Trends towards COP21 and the future strategies to reduce CO2 emissions, Environmentally Friendly Case Study Meeting, The Japan Machinery Federation, Jun. 5, 2015
K. Akimoto, Part III, Model Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation Strategy, Climate Change and Energy, Japanese Perspective on Climate Change Mitigation Strategy, Jun. 2015
J. Oda, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Analysis of diffusion of next-generation cars under global CO2 emissions reduction scenarios, Technical Meeting for Information and Systems Electronics: Rare Metal Resource Restrictions and Next-generation Energy technology, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, May. 27, 2015
K. Wada, Implications of INDCs, The 44th TECUSE Study Meeting, May. 20, 2015
K. Akimoto, Estimate for electricity generation costs by source, Research Commission for the Nuclear Energy Policy and Supply and Demand, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, Apr. 23, 2015
Y. Arino, K. Akimoto, F. Sano, T. Homma, J. Oda, T. Tomoda, Estimating the option value of solar radiation management under uncertain climate sensitivity, Ireland-Japan International Energy Modeling Workshop, Apr. 16, 2015
K. Akimoto, Electricity generation costs by source, focusing on nuclear power cost, The 8th Exchange Meeting of Mass Media, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Mar. 30, 2015
K. Akimoto, The INDCs prospects, the relationship of INDCs with the 2 degree C target and implications for international exchange, The Fourth Case Study Meeting, Green Forum 21, Mar. 23, 2015
K. Wada, The trend of technology negotiation and the study on CTCN, The 42nd TECUSE Study Meeting, Mar. 18, 2015
K. Akimoto, Estimates for the nation’s economic value of nuclear power, Academic Study Group, Society of Public Utility Economics, Mar. 17, 2015
K. Wada, Progress on co-benefits research, International Workshop, Bridging
Atmospheric Science and Policy in Asia: Identifying Areas for Collaborative Research, IIASA-IGES, Mar. 10, 2015
K. Akimoto, Consideration towards the development of energy mix, Symposium for Consideration of Japan's Energy Mix, Mar. 6, 2015
K. Akimoto, Toward the development of Japan’s energy mix and INDC, Joint Meeting of Global Environmental Strategy WG / Climate Change Strategy WG, Keidanren, Mar. 5, 2015
K. Akimoto, The trend of mitigation efforts response to global warming and outlook for COP21, Lecture on Current Affairs / Situation, Japan Foreign Traders Association, INC., Mar. 4, 2015
K. Akimoto, The current situation and the future of electricity supplies, Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers (JAM) Symposium, Feb. 21, 2015
K. Akimoto, Climate change policies and trends of Japan and the world: Challenges for COP21, Keynote Lecture, Aichi Pref. Environment Prize Ceremony, Feb. 19, 2015
K. Akimoto, Electricity generation costs by source - Towards the development of the future energy mix-, Meeting for Energy Public Relations, Feb. 5, 2015
K. Akimoto, Overview of Strategic Energy Plan, Workshop on Energy Policy, Aomori Prefecture Association of Villages and Towns, Feb. 2, 2015
K. Akimoto, The future of energy and environment, Regional Energy Seminar in Hiroshima, Jan. 30, 2015
K. Wada, F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Heterogeneity of technology adoption in the transportation sector, ADVANCE Meeting in Utrecht, Jan. 22, 2015, Netherlands
B. Shoai Tehrani, Current conditions of energy and climate mitigation policies in Japan & the analyses with RITE model, MILES Kick-off Meeting, Jan. 15, France
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, K. Wada, T. Homma, DNE21+ team report of preliminary model run of SLCF/AQ MIP, 2nd Meeting of EMF30, Nov. 20, 2014, U.S.
K. Akimoto, Proposal of review methods for comparability efforts of pledged targets and their example assessments, COP20 Side Evene (Japan Pavilion), Dec. 9, 2014, Peru
K. Akimoto, Reading long-term emission scenarios in IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Joint Expert Meeting of Global Environment Committee of MOE Central Environment Council and the Global Environmental Subcommittee of METI Industrial Structure Council for Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, Nov. 25, 2014
K. Wada, A Summary of IPCC AR5, TECUSE Study Meeting, Nov. 19, 2014
K. Akimoto, Mid- and log-term emission reduction targets and the realizing scenarios in Japan, CIGS China-Japan Expert Meeting on Climate Change, Canon Institute for Global Studies, Nov.15, 2014
K. Akimoto, WG3 Climate change mitigation -Long-term scenario-, The First Workshop of 2014 Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Nov. 14, 2014
K. Akimoto, Scientists challenges to global warming –Study on system analyses for strategies in response to global warming-, SSH Science Festival, Nov. 8, 2014
K. Akimoto, The overview of IPCC WG3 Fifth Assessment Report and the future challenges of Japan's climate change policy, Electrical Review, Oct. 2014
K. Akimoto, Submission of emissions reduction targets after 2020, Joint Meeting of Global Environmental Strategy WG and Global Warming Measures WG, Keidanren, Oct. 24, 2014
K. Akimoto, ALPS Project-studies on policies and measures for climate change and sustainable development toward green growth, IIASA Seminar: Exploring Future Collaboration with the Japanese Research Community, Oct. 13, 2014
K. Akimoto, THE ACEEE 2014 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SCORECARD: ‘Myth that Japan is superior in energy efficiency’ is no longer true? Is China superior to Japan?, On the web page of International Environmental Economic Institute (IEEI), Sep. 22, 2014
K. Akimoto, Prospect of the energy mix and nuclear power under electricity liberalization, Academic Study Group, The Japan Society of Public Utility Economics, Sep. 18, 2014
K. Akimoto, Emission paths, emission reduction cost and economic impacts, IPCC International Symposium, Sep. 16, 2014
K. Akimoto, The points of IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and the future energy and environmental policy, Energy and Environmental Education Seminars for Teachers (for junior high school teachers), Sep. 6, 2014
K. Akimoto, The points of IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and the future energy and environmental policy, Energy and Environmental Education Seminars for Teachers (for high school teachers), Aug. 26, 2014
K. Akimoto, Global warming and sustainable development scenario - Based on the strategic energy plan and the IPCC report, Committee for Promoting Global Environment Technology, Osaka Science Technology Center, Aug. 11, 2014
K. Akimoto, Evaluations on emission pathways and climate mitigation policies and measures in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.43 No.3 pp.42-48, 2014
K. Akimoto, The new energy basic plan, Energy and Resources, Vol.35 No.5 pp.281-285, Sep. 2014
K. Akimoto, H. Kudo, T. Sugiyama, J. Fujino, A. Kurosawa, Evaluation on voluntary action plan for greenhouse gas emission reductions –The Special Session in the 33rd Meeting of JSER-, Energy and Resources, Vol.35 No.5 pp.339-342, Sep. 2014
K. Akimoto, Quantitative analyses on emission reduction efforts under the voluntary action plan in Japan, Workshop on Voluntary Actions: Experience and Lessons, Aug. 6, 2014, Japan
K. Akimoto, Towards the development of a new strategic response to climate change, OMA Techno Forum, Osaka Management Association, Jul. 30, 2014
K .Akimoto, The strategic energy plan and the future energy mix prospect, Workshop for the Next-generation Electric Network, Institute of Applied Energy, Jul. 17, 2014
K. Akimoto, Evaluation of scenario, technology and policy of IPCC WG3 Fifth Assessment Report, Green Forum 21, Jun. 17, 2014
K. Akimoto, Evaluation of scenario, technology and policy of IPCC WG3 Fifth Assessment Report, Monday Meeting, Mitsui Group, Jul. 14, 2014
K. Akimoto, The new strategic energy plan and the future challenges, Workshop for the Social Common Capital, Development Bank of Japan, Jul. 2, 2014
K. Akimoto, Towards the optimum energy mix -Quantitative analyses and evaluation-, “Symposium: the Desired Energy Mix and Climate Change Measures” hosted by Keidanren / Environmental Measures Promotion Foundation, Mar. 26, 2014
K. Akimoto, The strategic energy plan and the establishment of future energy mix, Energy Policy Meeting, Japan Society of Energy and Resources, May 14, 2014
K. Akimoto, The future energy in Japan -From the environmental and economic viewpoint-, Energy Technology Committee, Osaka Science & Technology Center, Feb. 28, 2014
K. Akimoto, The new strategic energy plan, Comprehensive Energy Workshop, Aomori Prefecture, Feb. 21, 2014
K. Akimoto, Quantitative analysis on evaluation of the Voluntary-Action-Plan, Review Meeting for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Second Voluntary-Action-Plan, Feb. 10, 2014
K. Akimoto, Perspective on energy and environmental policies, Committee on Environmental Issues, Toyama Association of Corporate Executives, Feb. 6, 2014
K. Akimoto, A New energy policy, Regular Study Meeting, Women’s Energy Network (WEN), Jan. 28, 2014
K. Oshima, Chapter 9 Industry & living environment (Editor), Chronological Environmental Tables 2013-2014, Maruzen Publishing, Dec. 2013
K. Akimoto, The future energy planning, Policy Forum, The Federation of Electric Power Related Industry Worker's Unions of Japan, Dec. 10, 2013
J. Oda, Trends in the iron and steel industry in South Korea and China: Changes in supply and demand structure from the viewpoint of energy policy in South Korea and China, The Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association, Dec. 6, 2013
K. Akimoto, Impacts of energy options on the cost and economy, Symposium on Energy Policies, Kansai Economic Federation, Nov. 29, 2013
J. Oda, Energy policies and their possible impacts on economy, environment, and security, APO Workshop on Energy Policy in APO Economies, Pakistan, Nov. 19, 2013
K. Akimoto, Issues on the review of climate change measures and energy policies, Resource and Energy Subcommittee, The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Oct. 29, 2013
K. Akimoto, Strengthening Cooperation between Australia and Japan on Energy and Resource Strategy, The Australia-Japanese Business Co-operation Committee Meeting, Oct. 22, 2013
K. Akimoto, Comments on ‘Asia/World Energy Outlook 2013’, the 413th regular research meeting, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, Oct. 21, 2013
K. Akimoto, Long-term technological measures for global warming response, Vital Spark Seminar, International Conference Hall, Kyoto University, Oct. 10, 2013
M. Yamaguchi, Re-designing Japan’s FIT – Learning from European experiences, Vital Spark Seminar, International Conference Hall, Kyoto University, Oct. 10, 2013
K. Akimoto, Views on the mid-term target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and scenarios toward 2050, Environment and Energy Committee, Japan Association of Corporate Executive, Oct. 9, 2013
K. Akimoto, Japan’s new plan on environment and energy innovation, Vital Spark Seminar, Keidanren Kaikan, Oct. 8, 2013
K. Akimoto, The basic energy plan and climate change measures, Joint meeting of Industrial Economy, Community Revitalization and Environment/Energy Committee, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sep. 17, 2013
K. Akimoto, Key points of the outlook and review for energy and environment policies, Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Sep. 10, 2013
K. Akimoto, A review of mid-term greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, Global Environmental Strategy WG, Keidanren, Aug. 22, 2013
T. Homma, Analysis of the impact of the energy price increase on recycling-based industries, the 79th Technical Meeting for Recycling-based Society, Global Environment Forum Kansai, Aug. 8, 2013
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, T. Tomoda, F. Sano, Review of CO2 emission reduction in the iron and steel industry: Energy/carbon efficiency & material efficiency, Debriefing session after the 36th IAEE Annual International Conference, Korea, Jul. 23, 2013
K. Akimoto, Key points of outlook and review for energy and environment policies, Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Jul. 22, 2013
K. Akimoto, Review of long-term CO2 reduction target, Symposium on Climate Change, The Canon Institute for Global Studies, Jul. 10, 2013
T. Homma, K. Akimoto, Economic impact of the electricity price increase on manufacturing sectors in the Kansai region, published on the web of International Environment and Economic Institute, Jun. 28, 2013
K. Akimoto, Impact assessment and community application of ALPS Project achievements, Scenario initiative WS, Jun. 10, 2013
K. Akimoto, Key points of outlook and review for energy and environment policies, Technical Environment Committee, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jun. 5, 2013
G. Prins, M. E. Caine, K. Akimoto et al., THE VITAL SPARK: INNOVATING CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL, London School of Economics, Jun. 2013
K. Akimoto, Chapter 3 Mitigation target and effort-sharing among regions and countries,
Chapter 5 Cost of mitigation, Chapter 8 Potential for energy efficiency improvement and barriers, Chapter 10.3 Energy and environmental strategy trends and analysis after nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant, Feasible Climate Change Mitigation -A Balanced Approach to Policy, Economy, Technology and Energy - in Japanese, Maruzen Publishing, Mar. 2013
K. Akimoto, Chapter 1, Current status and future perspective of climate change - what is climate change: Entities and background factors of climate change, Environment project working paper, Takushoku University, Mar. 2013
K. Akimoto, K. Wada, F. Sano, Current issues on integrated assessment models for climate change mitigation, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, Vol.92, No.3, pp.224-231, Mar. 2013
K. Akimoto, Issues on the ‘Options for energy and environment’ provided by the Japanese government, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy Vol.92 No.1 pp.2-8, Jan. 2013
K. Akimoto, Impacts of the energy mix plan on business management, Committee of Business Management, The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Feb. 7, 2013
M. Nagashima, Chapter 4 Technology transfer by Japanese automobile manufacturers and eco-car policy in Thailand, Chapter 9 How to survive negotiations on climate change technologies, Japan’s Greentech at Risk, Energy Forum, Feb. 2013
K. Akimoto, IMAC report, Energy-water-land interactions, The second scenario initiative meeting, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Dec. 12, 2012
K. Wada, Evaluation, diagnostics and uncertainty in Integrated Assessment Model / AMPERE project, The second scenario initiative meeting, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Dec. 12, 2012
K. Akimoto, Power supply and policy challenges in the future from the perspective of global warming, Electrical Review, Dec. 2012
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, Japanese steel industry: world leaders in energy efficiency, IEEI website, Oct. 26, 2012
K. Akimoto, Peaceful use of nuclear power seen from the public living environment, Workshop, National Council for Peace and against Nuclear Weapons, Oct. 25, 2012
J. Oda, Japanese steel industry: world leaders in energy efficiency, Heavy Industry Press Club, Oct. 3, 2012
K. Akimoto, Energy policy movements, Kiryu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sep. 28, 2012
K. Akimoto, Economic impact and issues of the energy and environment council options, Press Seminar, International Environmental Economic Institute, Sep. 27, 2012
K. Akimoto, Summary of IPCC IPCC WG3 scenario analysis, The first scenario initiative meeting, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Sep. 10, 2012
K. Akimoto, Energy and environment strategy in Japan, Lunch Meeting, Ministry of Finance Japan, Sep. 4, 2012
K. Akimoto, Trying to understand 'Options for Energy and the Environment' correctly and deeply, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry News, Sep. 1, 2012
K. Akimoto, FOD status: IPCC WG3 Chapter 6 Assessing Transformation Pathway, Workshop on Industrial Chapter, IPCC WG3, METI, Aug. 21, 2012
K. Akimoto, RITE analysis of energy and environmental strategy options and points of concern, Economic Model Debate on Energy and Environmental Strategy Options, Kankeiren, Aug. 10, 2012
K. Akimoto, Trends of developing IPCC integrated scenarios and overview, IPCC WG3, National Executive Committee, METI, Aug.3, 2012
K. Wada, Implication of climate change policies from emissions trading, renewable energy and energy conservation policies in EU, Electrical Review, Aug. 2012
K. Akimoto, Analysis of the energy and environment council options & potential alternative strategy, Symposium on Japan's Energy Policy, Toward a National Debate on Options -the Nature of Energy and Environment Policy-, Jul. 23, 2012
K. Akimoto, New strategy for energy and CO2 emission reduction, "Energy & Environment" Technical Committee, Japan Techno-Economics Society, Jul. 11, 2012
K. Akimoto, Summary of RITE analysis on options of energy and envitonmental strategies, The Canon Institute for Global Studies, Jul. 10, 2012
K. Akimoto, Energy and environmental strategy impact on economy and industry, Academic Forum sponsored by Science Council of Japan, "Now, a strong step to reconstruction -considering the post-quake energy and industrial reconstruction-", Jul. 3, 2012
K. Akimoto, Toward the establishment of a new climate change framework, Exploratory Committee on a New Climate change Framework, IGES, Jul. 2, 2012
K. Akimoto, Global warming and energy outlook : Greenhouse gas emissions and global warming impacts、Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy pp.605-607, Jul. 2012
K. Akimoto, An economic analysis on options of energy and environmental strategies, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jun. 15, 2012
K. Akimoto, Options of energy and environmental strageties, Energy Policy Exploratory Committee of the Federation of Electric Power Related Industry Worker's Union of Japan, Jun. 1, 2012
K. Akimoto, Economic and CO2 impact analysis in 2030 using RITE energy and economic models, Joint Meeting of Subcommittee on the Post-2013 Countermeasures and Global Environment Committee, Central Environment Council, May 28, 2012
K. Akimoto, Economic impact analysis in 2030 using RITE energy and economic models (2), Fundamental Issues Subcommittee, Advisory Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, METI, May 21, 2012
K. Akimoto, The cost of nuclear power and economic research, Study Session of Democrats parliamentary group, Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, May 14, 2012
K. Akimoto, Economic impact analysis in 2030 using RITE energy and economic models, Fundamental Issues Subcommittee, Advisory Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, METI, May 9, 2012
K. Akimoto, Impact of energy issues on the Japanese economy, General meeting, Nagano Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mar. 26, 2012
K. Akimoto, Chapter 3: Mitigation target, Chapter 5, Cost of mitigation, Chapter 8: Potential for energy efficiency improvement and barriers, Climate Change Mitigation -A Balanced Approach to Climate Change- (Springer), Jan. 2012
K. Akimoto, Japan's strategy for the realization of true green growth, 5th High-tech Top Seminar, Keihanna, Feb. 15, 2012
K. Wada, Co-benefits of energy efficiency in the context of climate change mitigation, IGES International Workshop on a Co-Benefits Approach, Feb. 13, 2012, Hayama, Japan
K. Akimoto, Primary consequences of nuclear power phase-out and condensation -the impacts on economy, household budgets and CO2 emissions-, Energy Forum Vol. 58 No.686, Feb. 2012
K. Akimoto, Climate Change Mitigation and Balanced Energy toward Sustainable Development, Energy for the future, Dec. 2011
K. Akimoto, Strategies for the achievement of green growth, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium, Dec. 1, 2011
K. Akimoto, SSP, RCP, ALPS Scenarios, The Second Workshop on Scenarios and Climate Change Impact Assessment, Nov. 15, 2011
A. Hayashi, K. Akimoto, Food Production and Aglo-land Use in the 21st Century -Development of Quantitative Scenarios by Using a Global Model-, The Second Workshop on Scenarios and Climate Change Impact Assessment, Nov. 15, 2011
K. Akimoto, T. Homma, J. Oda, F. Sano, K. Wada, R. Janssen, R. Steenblik, Promoting Energy Efficiency Through Trade, OECD Trade and Environment Working Paper No. 2011-07, 2011
K. Akimoto, Energy and Environmental Policies and Technology Perspectives, Kagawa Next Generation Manufacturing Study Group, Nov. 19, 2011
M. Nagashima、Game-theoretic analysis of international climate agreements: Introduction of the latest paper and future perspectives, Workshop on "Economic analysis relating to the environment and energy resources strategy after 2011 Kanto-Tohoku Earthquake", Sep. 22, 2011
K. Akimoto, Estimate of Power Generation Costs, Commissioners' Regular Meeting, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, Sep. 13, 2011
M. Nagashima, Importance of Minimizing Social Barriers to Adoption of Energy-efficient Technologies for Realizing Emission Reductions, Symposium on IPCC-AR5 (Mitigation Policy and Transformation Pathways), posted on the website, Sep. 1, 2011
K. Akimoto, Proper Understanding of Scenario, Symposium on IPCC-AR5 (Mitigation Policy and Transformation Pathways), posted on the website, Sep. 1, 2011
K. Akimoto, Estimate of Power Generation Costs, Workshop on Costs, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, Sep. 1, 2011
K. Akimoto, Look at the Forest, Roots and Soil, Daily Global Warming News, Sep. 2011
M. Nagashima, Insights from Game-Theoretic Analysis on the Design of International Climate Agreements, International Public Policy Studies, Vol.16 No.1, Sep. 2011
K. Akimoto, Risks and Response Strategies of Global Warming, "Research Project on Disaster Risk Management that Tackles Global Environmental Change", chaired by Prof. Morimoto, Institute of World Study, Takushoku University, Jun. 21, 2011
K. Akimoto, Estimate of Power Generation Costs by Energy Source and Issues of Solar Belt Planning, Monthly Business i. ENECO, Vol.49 No.7, 2011
K. Akimoto, Energy and Climate Change Policy Perspectives, "Japan's strategy of Global Warming", Intellectual Café, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technologies, The University of Tokyo, Jun. 2, 2011
K. Akimoto, Global Scenarios for Climate Change Response Measures, CO2 Stabilization Workshop, CO2 Stabilization Workshop, Apr. 21, 2011
K. Akimoto, Global Warming Suppression and Scenarios for Nuclear Power and Distributed Energy System, "The Trend of international energy and environmental issues", Symbio Community Forum, Mar. 4, 2011
K. Akimoto, The Ways to Stop Global Warming of our Country - International Contributions of the Low-carbon Technologies, Environment Strategy Council, Global Environment Forum-Kansai, Feb. 3, 2011
K. Akimoto, Global Climate Policies and Their Analysis by RITE, Innovative Environmental Technology Symposium, Dec. 2, 2010
K. Akimoto, Mid- and Long-term Scenarios for Global Warming Mitigation, ELECTRICAL REVIEW, Dec. 2010
K. Akimoto, Impacts of Carbon Leakage by Climate Policies in Japan, British Embassy Tokyo, Oct. 7, 2010
K. Akimoto, Analyses of Emission Reduction Costs, Political Measures Working Group, Global Environment Subcommittee, Environment Committee, Industrial Structure Council, Sep. 13, 2010
M. Nagashima, The Mid- and Long-term Climate Policy Scenario, The Second Lecture Meeting, Global Environment Technology Forum, Osaka Science & Technology Center, Sep. 13, 2010
K. Akimoto, Analyses of Emission Reduction Costs, Task Force Meeting, Political Measures Working Group, Global Environment Subcommittee, Environment Committee, Industrial Structure Council, Sep. 1, 2010
K. Akimoto, Overview of Global Warming Mitigation and Role of Nuclear Power; Toward Sustainable Measures against Global Warming, ATOMOZ, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Sep. 2010
J. Oda, Comparable Energy Efficiency for Key Sectors across Countries, ELECTRICAL REVIEW, Sep. 2010
T. Homma, Consumption-based Measurement of CO2 Emissions by Country, ELECTRICAL REVIEW, Aug. 2010
K. Akimoto, RITE Model Analyses and Mid-term Target -Issues and Views, Society for Environmental Economics Model, Japan Center for Economic Research, Jul. 7, 2010
F. Sano, K. Akimoto, Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen Accord, ELECTRICAL REVIEW, Jul. 2010
K. Akimoto, Perspectives on Global Warming Measures: Feasibility of the Mid- and Long-term Target and Assessment of the Mid- and Long-term Roadmap, The First Project Meeting, Resource and Environment Committee, Kyushu Economic Federation, Jun. 25, 2010
K. Akimoto, Necessity of Integrated Analyses of Materials and Energy, and Policy and Measures, Energy- and Environment-Specific Symposium, The University of Tokyo, Jun. 3, 2010
K. Akimoto, Global Warming Measures and Sustainable Development, ELECTICAL REVIEW, Jun. 2010
K. Akimoto, 'Challenges for the Future', the First Step to Establish a New Social System, Seminar -Environment/CSR-, JST Symposium, JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) Symposium, Mar. 13, 2010
K. Akimoto et al., 'Challenges for the Future', the First Step to Establish a New Social System, Seminar -Environment/CSR-, JST Symposium, The monthly journal of global environment, Feb. 2010
K. Akimoto, Global Warming Mitigation and CO2 Reduction Technologies, Monthly Chemical Engineering, Jan. 2010
K. Akimoto, Response to Global Warming, China Research Center, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 'Monthly Science and Technology Newsletter of China', Jan. 2010
RITE, The Economics of Climate Change in Southeast Asia: A Regional Review, Asian Development Bank, Apr. 2009
K. Akimoto, Simulation of Global Warming, Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Dec. 2009
K. Akimoto, Verification of 25% GHG Reduction-How Much CO2 Emission Could Be Reduced?, Energy Forum, Dec. 28, 2009
K. Akimoto, The 46th "Day of Nuclear Power" Commemoration Symposium Green New Deal Age and Nuclear Power―Environmental, Economic Harmony and Role of Nuclear Power, Nuclear Power Culture, Japan Atomic Energy Relation Organization, Dec. 2009
K. Akimoto, Japan's Mid-term Target in the Post-Kyoto Framework, Environment Solution Technology, Nov. 2009 (monthly journal by Japan Industrial Publishing CO., LTD.)
K. Akimoto, Six Alternatives for the Mid-term Target in Japan, Journal of Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry, Nov. 2009
K. Akimoto, The Countermeasures against Global Warming and Prospects for the Railroad Industry, The 46th Cybernetics Symposium, Japan Railway Engineer's Association, Nov. 12, 2009
K. Akimoto, The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Global Environmental Issues, Concentrating on Global Warming, The 50th Environmental Session, the General Insurance Association of Japan, Nov. 6, 2009
K. Akimoto, International Trend of Post-Kyoto Protocol and Japan's Mid-term Target, Takaoka Aluminium Meeting, Oct. 23, 2009
K. Akimoto, Technology Innovation toward Low Carbon Society, Economic Trend, Oct. 2009
K. Akimoto, Study on the Mid-term Target of Japan, Intellectual Café, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, Sep. 25, 2009
K. Akimoto, Study on the Mid-term Target of Japan; International fairness and Compliance with Long-term Target, Summer Wrokshop, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Sep. 24, 2009
K. Akimoto, Firm Actions with Eyes toward Scientific Facts, Gyousei, Cabinet Secretariat 'Comment on the Mid-Term Target for Global Warming Measures,' Sep. 2009
K. Akimoto, Mid- and Long-term Energy Supply and Demand Systems in Japan, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers TOKAI Symposium, Sep. 10, 2009
K. Akimoto, Mid-term Target against Global Warming and Nuclear Power, Energy for the Future、Sep. 2009
K. Tokushige, Technological Outlook toward Cool Earth 50 and Analysis of Mid-term Target Establishment, Environment Solution Technology, Aug. 2009 (monthly journal by Japan Industrial Publishing CO., LTD.)
K. Akimoto, Mid- and Long-term Strategies to Combat Global Warming, Conference on Energy in Chugoku Region and Promotion Policies against Global Warming, Jul. 14, 2009
K. Akimoto, Methodology on the Establishment of Low-carbon Strategic Scenario, Ritsumeikan University Seminar, Jun. 18, 2009
K. Akimoto, International Trend of Post-Kyoto Protocol and Japan's Mid-term Target, Environment Board, Toyama Employer's Association, May. 20, 2009
K. Akimoto, Six Alternatives and Stances to be taken toward Post-Kyoto Protocol, Environment and Safety Board Seminar, Kansai Economic Federation, Apr. 24, 2009
K. Akimoto, Mid-term Target; Model Analysis Suggestions, The 152th Nippon Keidanren Gusethouse Forum, 'Mid-term Target, Post-Kyoto Protocol and Role of business toward the Effective Measures against Global Warming', Feb. 25, 2009
J. Oda, Public Support for Energy R&D, The 30th Anniversary of Institute of Applied Energy, "Oshima prize-winning paper"、Feb. 2009.
Y. Kaya, K. Akimoto, Y. Nagata, Low Carbon Economy, Nikkei Publishing Inc., Nov. 2008.
K. Akimoto, Technology Development and Diffusion and Global Warming Mitigation through Sectoral Approach, New-Earth 2008 International Symposium on Technologies for Mitigating Global Warming, Nov. 2008
K. Akimoto, Global Warming Issue and Post-Kyoto Framework, Instrumentation & Process Control Engineers' Association, Newletter "INSTREAM", Vol.33、No.2 Spring issue, 63, 2009.
K. Akimoto, Policital Discussion on CO2 Issues, The 24th Seminar of Japan Institute of Energy, Kansai Division, Oct. 15, 2008.
K. Akimoto, Post-Kyoto: Sectoral Approach, Japan Society of Energy ans Resources, Jul. 11, 2008.
K. Akimoto, Is It Possible to Achieve Halving Greenhouse Gases until 2050?, Journal of Japan Electric Association, Jun. 2008.
K. Akimoto, Toward Sustainable Development Low Carbon Society-The ALPS Project-, Journal of Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry, Jun. 2008.
K. Akimoto, Mitigation cost of global warming - The ambitious target should be discussed considering the costs, Asahi Shinbun, Opinion, Jun. 14, 2008.
K. Akimoto, Energy Strategy toward Low-carbon Society and Issues, The 2nd Survey Committee of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Jun. 10, 2008.
J. Oda, K. Akimoto, A. Hayashi, T. Homma, F. Sano, T. Tomoda, A Desired Stabilization Target of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration, Communications of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol. 53, No. 4, Apr. 2008.
K. Akimoto, Post-Kyoto Regime - Achievement both of Environmental Measures and Economic Growth, Economic Trend, Apr.2008.
K. Akimoto, Consider also Mitigation Costs - Global Agreement is a Top Priority, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Jun.2007.
K. Akimoto, Outlook of Global Warming Impacts, Mitigations and Adaptations and the Suggestions, Soils and Foundations, Feb. 2007.
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時松宏治、「エネルギーと地球温暖化対策における革新的技術の役割」、動力別紙 WECシドニー大会特集号、Nov.2004.
小杉隆信、時松宏治、周 イ生、「中国における新エネルギー技術導入の費用対効果に関する定量的検討-天然ガスコージェネレーションシステム導入を例として-」、政策科学(立命館大学政策科学部紀要)、Vol.9、No.2、39-44、Jan.2002.
周 イ生、「日中比較から見た技術移転によるCO2削減のポテンシャル」、政策科学(立命館大学政策科学部紀要)、Vol.9、No.2、45-54、Jan.2002.
周 イ生、「気候変動枠組における途上国の参加問題-中国を事例として」、政策科学(立命館大学政策科学部紀要)、Vol.9、No.1、1-20、Nov.2001.