Home > Events > CCS Technical Workshop 2023 - From Research and Development to Deployment-, Tokyo, 24 January 2023


CCS Technical Workshop 2023 - From Research and Development to Deployment-, Tokyo, 24 January 2023

The Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) Technical Workshop 2023 will be hosted by the Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology Research Association (GCS) and will take place on 24th January 2023 in Tokyo, Japan with live streaming.

The workshop will focus on the latest domestic and international CCS technology developments and challenges, which are essential for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

The GCS has conducted research and development (R&D) towards CO2 geological storage implementation in Japan through the projects commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

With the growing need for societal CCS implementation, METI has started to develop the CCS Long-term Roadmap to establish a business environment toward the start of CCS business by 2030. The CCS Long-Term Roadmap Intermediate Summary, issued in May 2022, specifies concrete actions to achieve the target, including cost reduction in the entire CCS value chain, ideal support from the government, and the legislation of domestic laws required for CCS business.

In this workshop, overseas and GCS leading experts will participate and present to highlight the latest CCS projects and policy design updates. GCS efforts to develop and scale up innovative CCS technologies will also be reported, including the field demonstration of optic fiber sensing technology.

We look forward to welcoming you personally or virtually at the workshop.


Note: Due to the situation of COVID-19, the event will be held in a hybrid style that combines physical conference with Live Streaming.


Note: In order to prevent infections, the number of attendees at the venue will be limited. Therefore, we may not be able to ensure seats for all who register to participate at the venue.


Note: We will send an email of on-site participation guide by the middle of January to those who have secured a seat. We ask to print out the email and bring it with you for your attendance at the venue.


Note: We will send a web participation email in the middle of January to those who wish to participate online.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 10:40~17:00 (JST, UTC+9) (Registration starts at 10:00 a.m.)
Physical Conference with Live Streaming
Bellesalle Tokyo Nihonbashi, B2F Hall (Tokyo, Japan)
Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology Research Association (GCS), Japan
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Registration fee
Registration deadline
Deadline for on-site participation: Thursday, January 12
Deadline for online participation: Tuesday, January 17
Japanese, English (simultaneous interpretation available)


Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site are strictly prohibited.



Prof. Toshifumi Matsuoka, Emeritus Professor, Kyoto University



Registration for physical meeting


Opening remarks
Shinichi Hiramatsu, President, Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology Research Association


Co-organizer’s remarks 1
Norihiko Saeki, Director for CCUS (CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage), Oil and Gas Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry


Co-organizer’s remarks 2
Eiji Uehara, Director General, Environment Department, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization


Scene Setting
Prof. Toshifumi Matsuoka, Emeritus Professor, Kyoto University


Presentation 1: Developing the CCTUS Infrastructure in the United States
Traci Rodosta
Program Manager, Storage Validation and Testing Infrastructure, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Office of Fossil Energy & Carbon Management
Abstract and CV  Presentation

11:50-13:00 Lunch Break - Poster Session -

Presentation 2: Updates on Integrated Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Projects in North Dakota
Charles D. Gorecki
CEO, Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC), University of North Dakota (UND)
Abstract and CV  Presentation


Presentation 3: CCS in Australia’s transition to a low emissions future
Enabling industrial scale emission abatement

Matthias Raab
Abstract and CV  Presentation

14:40-15:05 Coffee Break - Poster Session -

Presentation 4: Developing CCS in the Netherlands: Porthos Project
Filip Neele
Senior project manager CO2 storage, TNO
CV  Presentation


Presentation 5: From Research and Development to Demonstration for Commercial Deployment
Ziqiu Xue
General Manager, Technical Division, Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology Research Association
Abstract and CV  Presentation


Prof. Toshifumi Matsuoka, Emeritus Professor, Kyoto University


Closing remarks
Shinsuke Nakao, Director, Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology Research Association


Note: Presenters, subjects, and times may be subject to change.


CCS Technical Workshop 2023 Secretariat
E-mail: ccsws@rite.or.jp
Phone: +81-3-5549-6911

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