> Results > RITE Today > 2007
RITE Today [2007]
RITE Today Vol.02 (2007)

RITE Today Vol.02 (2007)
- Yutaka Suzuki, Vice President, University of Hyogo
- Importance of Development of CCS Technology and Renewable Materials
R&D Activities
- Systems Analysis Group
- Studies that aim to contribute to international discussions and negotiations on climate change policy
- Chemical Research Group
- Looking ahead to future CO2 separation technologies and their challenges and innovations
- CO2 Sequestration Research Group
- R&D of CO2 Geological Storage Project, R&D of CO2 Ocean Sequestration Project
- Plant Research Group
- Carbon-sequestration with the use of Plants and Trees
- Microbiology Research Group
- Development of biorefinery technology -Utilizing microbiological functions-
- Topics
- 2006 Paper, Presentation and Publication