



Duoxing Yang, Ziqiu Xue, Simon A. Mathias, Analysis of Momentum Transfer in a Lid-Driven Cavity Containing a Brinkman-Forchheimer Medium, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 92, No.1, p101-118, 2012

北村圭吾, 薛自求, 千代延俊, 山田達也, 西澤修, 多孔質砂岩中に存在する低孔隙率の葉理面が超臨界CO2流動に与える影響: 弾性波速度による検討,Journal of MMIJ, Vol.128, p511-518, 2012

Saeko Mito, Ziqiu Xue, Tatsuya Sato,Effect of formation water composition on predicting CO2 behavior: A case study at the Nagaoka post-injection monitoring site, Applied Geochemistry, In press

Henry Garcia, Ziqiu Xue , Zhejun Pan, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Reservoir Simulation Verification of CO2 injection into an Onshore Aquifer, Nagaoka, Japan, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, submitted

Takahiro Nakajima, Ziqiu Xue, Evaluation of a resistivity model derived from time-lapse well logging of a pilot-scale CO2 injection site, Nagaoka, Japan, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.12, p288-299, 2013

Shun Chiyonobu, Jumpei Morimoto, Masayuki Torii, Motoyoshi Oda, Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary and paleoceanographic significance of the upper Miyazaki Group, southern Kyusyu, Southwest Japan, based on calcareous nannofossils and planktic foraminiferal assemblagesUnconformity between the Late Miocene-Pliocene accretionary complex and Pliocene trench-slope sediments, central Japan,The journal of the geological society of Japan, Vol.118, p109-116, 2012

Toshifumi Matsuoka, Ziqiu Xue, Geophysical Monitoring for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage-Case of Nagaoka CO2 Injection Site in Japan,The Contribution of Geosciences to Human Security, Chapter6, p87-102


Sato Kozo,Mito Saeko,Horie Tadashi,Ohkuma Hiroshi,Saito Hideki,Watanabe Jiro,Yoshimura Tsukasa, Monitoring and simulation studies for assessing macro- and meso-scale migration of CO2 sequestered in an onshore aquifer: Experiences from the Nagaoka pilot site, Japan. , International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.5, No.1,p125-137, 2011

Toyokazu Ogawa,Shigetaka Nakanishi,Takumi Shidahara,Tadahiko Okumura,Eiji Hayashi, Saline aquifer CO2 sequestration in Japan methodology of storage capacity assessment , International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.5, No.2, p318-326, 2011

Shi Ji-Quan, Xue Ziqiu, Durucan Sevket,
Supercritical CO2 core flooding and imbibition in Tako sandstone - Influence of sub-core scale heterogeneity, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.5, No.1, p75-87, 2011

Jongwook Kim, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Ziqiu Xue, Monitoring and detecting CO2 injected into water-saturated sandstone with joint seismic and resistivity measurements, Exploration geophysics, Vol.42, No.1, p58-68, 2011

小暮哲也, 北村圭吾, 山田達也, 西澤修, 薛自求, 多孔質砂岩中の定常流動状態における水ー超臨界CO2系の相対浸透率, 地学雑誌,Vol.120, No.6, p944-959, 2011


Shi Ji-Quan, Xue Ziqiu, Durucan Sevket, Supercritical CO2 core flooding and imbibition in Tako sandstone - Influence of sub-core scale heterogeneity, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.5, No.1, p75-87, 2011.

木山保, 西本壮志, 名子雅夫, 藤岡昌司, 薛自求, 石島洋二, 応力拘束条件における石炭の液体/ 超臨界CO2およびN2 圧入に伴う挙動, Journal of MMIJ, Vol.126, p148-155, 2010.

Nakatsuka Yoshihiro, Xue Ziqiu, Garcia Henry, Matsuoka Toshifumi, Experimental study on CO2 monitoring and quantification of stored CO2 in saline formations using resistivity measurements, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.4, p209-216, 2010.


西本 壮志, 薛 自求, 木山 保, 石島 洋二, CO2地中貯留におけるキャップロックの安全性評価に関する研究−超臨界CO2注入による泥質岩の閾値圧力測定- , 物理探査学会論文集, Vol.62,No.4, p421-436,2009

Kyosuke Onishi, Tetsuyuki Ueyama, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Dai Nobuoka, Hideki Saito, Azuma Hiroyuki, Ziqiu Xue, Application of crosswell seismic tomography using difference analysis with data normalization to monitor CO2 flooding in an aquifer , International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,Vol.3, No.3, p311-321, 2009

Xinglin Lei, Ziqiu Xue, Ultrasonic velocity and attenuation during CO2 injection into water-saturated porous sandstone: Measurements using difference seismic tomography , Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,Vol.176, No.3-4, p224-234, 2009

Kozo Sato, Saeko Mito,Tadashi Horie , Hiroshi Ohkuma, Hideki Saito, Jiro Watanabe, Tsukasa Yoshimura, Monitoring and simulation studies for accessing macro- and mesoscale migration of CO2 sequestered in an onshore aquifer: Experiences from the Nagaoka pilot site, Japan , International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, In press

Toyokazu Ogawa,Shigetaka Nakanishi,Takumi Shidahara,Tadahiko Okumura,Eiji Hayashi, Saline aquifer CO2 sequestration in Japan methodology of storage capacity assessment , International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,査読中

Se-Min Jeong , Toru Sato, Baixin Chen, Shigeru Tabeta, Numerical simulation on multi-scale diffusion on CO2 injected in the deep ocean in a practical scenario, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.4, No.1, p64-72, 2010

Se-Min Jeong , Toru Sato, Baixin Chen, Shigeru Tabeta, Development of a multi-scale ocean model by using particle laplacian method for anisotropic mass transfer, International Journal for Numerical methods in Fluids, In press

Se-Min Jeong , Toru Sato, Baixin Chen, Diffusion simulation of CO2 discharged in mesoscale deep ocean by using moving-nesting grid technique, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, . Vol.19, No.4, p1-6, 2009


Spetzler Jespe, Xue Ziqiu, Saito Hideki, Nobuoka Dai, Azuma Hiroyuki, Nishizawa Osamu, Case Story: Time-Lapse Seismic Crosswell Monitoring of CO2 injected in an Onshore Sandstone Aquifer, Geophysical Journal International, Vol.172, p214-225, 2008.

Mito Saeko, Xue Ziqiu, Ohsumi Takashi, Case study of geochemical reactions at the Nagaoka CO2 injection site, Japan., International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.2, p309-318, 2008.

Murai Shigeo, Fujioka Yuichi, Challenges to the Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.3, No.1, p37-42, 2008.

秋元 圭吾, 高木 正人, 日本におけるCO2地中貯留の経済性評価, 資源と素材, Vol.124, p44-49, 2008.

君島 晋, 佐藤 章吾, 二酸化炭素地中貯留実証実験での油層工学的諸物性の測定と評価, 資源と素材, Vol.124, p61-67, 2008.

薛 自求, 渡辺 二郎, 長岡実証試験サイトにおける二酸化炭素挙動モニタリングへの物理検層の適用, 資源と素材, Vol.124, p68-77, 2008.

斉藤 秀樹, 信岡 大, 東 宏幸, 棚瀬 大爾, 薛 自求, 長岡実証試験サイトにおける二酸化炭素圧入実験の坑井間弾性波トモグラフィによるモニタリング, 資源と素材, Vol.124, p78-86, 2008.

大熊 宏, 地下深部塩水層における二酸化炭素地中貯留のシミュレーション技術および長岡圧入実証試験への適用, 資源と素材, Vol.124, p87-94, 2008.

薛 自求, 地中貯留における CO2挙動モニタリングについて, 資源と素材, Vol.124, p44-49, 2008.

棚瀬 大爾, 薛 自求, 嘉納 康二, 長岡における二酸化炭素圧入実証試験, 資源と素材, Vol.124, p50-60, 2008.

三戸 彩絵子, 薛 自求, 大隅 多加志, 二酸化炭素地中貯留における地球化学反応特性について― 長岡実証試験サイトの地層水分析例―, 地学雑誌, Vol.117, No.4, p753-767, 2008.

薛 自求, 松岡 俊文, 長岡プロジェクトからみた二酸化炭素地中貯留技術の現状と課題, 地学雑誌, Vol.117, No.4, p734-752, 2008.

薛 自求, 中尾 信典, CO2 地中貯留― 世界各国の技術動向と政策動向および日本の課題, 地学雑誌, Vol.117, No.4, p722-733, 2008.


Sorai M., Ohsumi T., Ishikawa M., Tsukamoto K., Feldspar dissolution rates measured using phase-shift interferometry: Implications to CO2 underground sequestration, Applied Geochemistry, Vol.22, p2795–2809, 2007.

Horne Ronald, Xue Ziqiu, Pressure transient analysis of a long-term supercritical CO2 injection experiment at Nagaoka Japan, Energy Convension and Management, 投稿中(2006/2010), 2007.

Akimoto Keigo, Takagi Masato, Tomoda Toshimasa, Economic evaluation of the geological storage of CO2 considering the scale of economy, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.1, p271-279, 2007.

White Sephen, Xue Ziqiu, Saito Tetuya, Modeling and Analysis of the Pressure Response in the CO2 Injection Experiment Conducted at Iwanohara, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 投稿中(2006/2010), 2007.

Shi Ji-Quan, Xue Ziqiu, Durucan Sevket, Seismic monitoring and modelling of supercritical CO2 injection into a water-saturated sandstone: Interpretation of P-wave velocity data, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.1, p473-480, 2007.

棚瀬 大爾, 地下深部塩水層(帯水層)への二酸化炭素圧入証試験およびモニタリング, 石油学会誌ペトロテック, 2007.


Xue Ziqiu, Lei Xinglin, Laboratory study of CO2 migration in water-saturated anisotropic sandstone, based on P-wave velocity imaging, Exploration Geophysics, Vol.37, No.1, p10-18, 2006.

Xue Ziqiu, Tanase Daiji, Watanebe Jiro, Estimation of CO2 saturation from time-lapse CO2 well logging in an onshore aquifer, Nagaoka,Japan, Exploration Geophysics, Vol.37, No.1, p19-29, 2006.

Saito Hideki, Nobuoka Dai, Azuma Hiroyuki, Xue Ziqiu, Tanase Daiji, Time-lapse crosswell seismic tomography for monitoring injected CO2 in an onshore aquifer, Nagaoka, Japan, Exploration Geophysics, Vol.37, No.1, p30-36, 2006.


Li Xiaochun, Ohsumi Takashi, Koide Hitoshi, Akimoto Keigo, Kotsubo Hironori, Near-Future Perspective of CO2 Aquifer Storage in Japan:Site Selection and Capacity, Energy, Vol.30, No.11-12, p2360-2369, 2005.

Xue Ziqiu, Ohsumi Takashi, Koide Hitoshi, An experimental study on seismic monitoring of a CO2 flooding in two sandstones, Energy, Vol.30, No.11-12, p2352-2359, 2005.

Okamoto Ikuo, Li Xiaochun, Ohsumi Takashi, Effect of Supercritical CO2 as the Organic Solvent on Cap Rock Sealing Performance for Underground Storage, Energy, Vol.30, No.11-12, p2344-2351, 2005.

Zwingmann N., Mito S., Sorai M., Ohsumi T., Preinjection Characterisation and Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration Potential in the Haizume Formation, Niigata Basin, Japan. Geochemical Modelling of Water-Minerals-CO2 Interaction, Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP,, Vol.60, No.2, p249-258, 2005.

薛 自求, 大隅 多加志, 二酸化炭素吸着に伴う石炭の膨潤特性及び浸透性への影響に関する実験的研究, 資源と素材, Vol.121, p231-239, 2005.

薛 自求, 二酸化炭素地中貯留と岩石物性の地殻工学への応用, 地学雑誌, Vol.114, No.6, p988-1002, 2005.

薛 自求, 大隅 多加志, 帯水層貯留におけるCO2挙動のモニタリング技術開発に関する実験的研究, 日本地下水学会誌, Vol.47, No.1, p29-44, 2005.

鹿園 直建, 親松 克典, 深田 鉄平, CO2地中処分のナチュラルアナログ研究:山梨県白州地域における地下水−岩石相互作用, 日本地下水学会誌, (特集号), 2005.


Akimoto Keigo, Kotsubo Hironori, Asami Takayoshi, Li Xiaochun, Uno Motoo, Tomoda Toshimasa, Ohsumi Takashi, Evaluation of carbon dioxide sequestration in Japan with a mathematical model, Energy, Vol.29, p1537-1549, 2004.

Xue Ziqiu, Ohsumi Takashi, Seismic wave monitoring of CO2 migration in water-saturated porous sandstone, Exploration Geophysics, Vol.35, p25-32, 2004.

薛 自求, 大隅 多加志, 二酸化炭素注入に伴う多孔質砂岩の透気係数と弾性派速度の測定に関する実験的研究, 資源と素材, Vol.20, No.2, p91-98, 2004.

[2003 - 2001]

Song Y., Nishio M., Chen B, Someya S., T. Ohsumi, Measurement on CO2 Solution Density by Optical Technology, Journal of Visualization, Vol.6, No.1, p41-51, 2003.

Song Yongchen, Nishio Masahiro, Chen Baixin, Someya Satoshi, Uchida Tutomu, Akai Makoto, Measurement on the Density of CO2 Solution by Mach-Zehnder Interferometry, Annals of the New York Academy of Science, Vol.972, p206-212, 2002.

Koide H., Yamazaki K., Subsurface CO2 Disposal with Enhanced Gas Recovery and Biogeochemical Carbon Recycling, Environmental Geosciences, Vol.8, No.3, p218-224, 2001.

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