Chiaki Yamazaki, Kentaro Hirai, Shotaro Futamura, Yohei Shido, Satoshi Matsumoto, Koji Otsuka, and Hideki Saruwatari (JAXA), Hidetoshi Nakagami and Mutsumu Nagase (Chiyoda Corporation), Tomohiro Kinoshita, Naomi Yoshino, and Katsunori Yogo, FY2024 Development Status of DRCS: ISS Demonstration of JAXA's CO2 Removal System, International Conference on Environmental Systems, 21st July 2024(Published online).
Masaru Saijo, Akinobu Hayakawa, Chiaki Yamazaki and Kentaro Hirai (JAXA), Tomohiro Kinoshita, Naomi Yoshino, Katsunori Yogo, Development of CO2 Removal System for the Gateway International Habitation Module, International Conference on Environmental Systems, 21st July 2024(Published online).
Fuminori Ito, Effect of process conditions on CO2 permeance and selectivity of polyvinyl alcohol/sodium polyacrylate membrane, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, 20 March 2024(Published online)
Fuminori Ito, Hidetaka Yamada, Selective CO2 permeation properties of a membrane composed of a three-component polymer blend and cesium carbonate, Soft materials, June 22th 2023
Vu Thi Quyen, Firoz C Alam, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, CO2 Capture Performance and Oxidative Degradation of Tetraethylenepentamine-Containing Adsorbents: Insight into the Contribution of Each Component, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, June 14th 2023
Nahoko Kuroki, Yuki Suzuki, Daisuke Kodama, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, and Hirotoshi Mori, Machine Learning-Boosted Design of Ionic Liquids for CO2 Absorpsion and Experimental Verification, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2023, 127, 2022-2027
Lie Meng, Teruhiko Kai, Shin-ichi Nakao, Katsunori Yogo, Modeling of Pre-combustion Carbon Capture with CO2-selective Polymer Membranes, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 123, February 2023, 103830
Vu Thi Quyen, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Stability of Polyamine Based Adsorbents to Gas Impurities for CO2 Capture, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan International Vol. 62 (2022), No. 12, pp. 2442-2445
Yuki Suzuki, Daisuke Kodama, Hirotoshi Mori, Nahoko Kuroki, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, and Hidetaka Yamada, CO2/Hydrocarbon Selectivity of Trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium Based Ionic Liquid, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2022,61,16584−16592
Shuhong Duan, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Teruhiko Kai, Shingo Kazama, Hydroxy-Functionalized PAMAM Dendrimer as a CO2-Selective Molecular Gate for CO2 Membrane Separation, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.920, p.22-28, May 2022
Fuminori Ito, Rie Sugimoto, Misato Mori, Hidetaka Yamada, Development of a polyvinyl alcohol/sodium polyacrylate composite polymer membrane with cesium carbonate as a mobile carrier for high-performance CO2 capture, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2022, 33, p.1677-1684
Tomohiro Kinosita, Katstunori Yogo, Simulation-Based Optimization of Fixed-Bed Continuous CO2 Capture Process with an Amine-Impregnated Solid Sorbent, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60, 27, p.9906-9914
Masahiro Seshimo, Bo Liu, Hey Ryeon Lee, Katsunori Yogo, Yuichiro Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki Shigaki, Yasuhiro Mogi, Hidetoshi Kita and Shin-ichi Nakao, Membrane Reactor for Methanol Synthesis Using Si-Rich LTA Zeolite Membrane, Membranes 2021, 11(7), 505
Quyen T. Vu, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Effects of Amine Structures on Oxidative Degradation of Amine-Functionalized Adsorbents for CO2 Capture, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2021, Vol. 60, No. 13, p.4942-4950
Fuminori Ito, Yuriko Nishiyama, Rie Sugimoto, Misato Mori, Hidetaka Yamada, High performance CO2-facilitated transport membrane fabricated by compounding amine-terminated dendrimer in composite of polyvinyl alcohol and water-absorbing agent, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2021 Vol. 58, No. 12, p.849-859
Masahiro Seshimo, hiromi Urai, Kazuaki Sasa, Hitoshi Nishino, Yuichiro Yamaguchi, Ryoichi Nishida and Shin-ichi Nakao, Bench-Scale Membrane Reactor for Metylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation Using Silica Membrane Module, Membranes 2021, 11(5), 326
Fuminori Ito, Yuriko Nishiyma, Shuhong Duan, & Hidetaka Yamada, Effects of the polymer composite composition and amine-based additives on the performance of a polymer composite CO2 separation membrane, Polymer Bulletin, 78, 513-528 (2021)
Firoz Alam Chowdhry, Kazuya Goto, Hidetaka Yamada, Yoichi Matsuzaki, A screening study of alcohol solvents for alkanolamine-based CO2 capture, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol.99, 2020, 103081
Toru Yamaguchi, Hidetaka Yamada, Takayuki Fujiwara, Kenji Hori, Simulations of dielectric constants and viscosities of organic electrolytes by quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol.312, 15 August 2020, 113288
Yoichi Matsuzaki, Shin Yamamoto, Hidetaka Yamada, Firoz. A. Chowdhury, and Kazuya Goto, Catalysis of CO2 Absorption in Aqueous Alkanolamine Solution by Boron Compounds: A Combined Computational and Experimental Study, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 29, 13016-13023, 2020
Hidetaka Yamada, Amine-based capture of CO2 for Utilization and Strage, Polymer Journal 53, 1,1-10 (2020)
Fuminori Ito and Hidetaka Yamada, Physical properties of microspheres prepared by blending poly(lactide-co-glycolide) and poly lactide, Bulletin of Materials Science 44, 20 (2021)
ShuntaroTsubaki, Kosuke Furusawa, Hidetaka Yamada, Tsuguhiro Kato, Takayuki Higasii, Satoshi Fujii, and Yuji Wada, Insights into the Dielectric-Heating-Enhanced Regeneration of CO2-Rich Aqueous Amine Solutions, ACS Sustinable Chemistry & Entineering 2020, 8, 36, 13593-13599
Duc Sy Dao, Hidetaka Yamada, and Katsunori Yogo, Enhancement of CO2 Adsorption/Desorption Properties of Solid Sorbents Using Tetraethylenepentamine/Diethanolamine Blends, ACS Omega 2020, 5, 37, 23533-23541, 2020
Fuminori Ito, Yuriko Nishiyama, Rie Sugimoto, Misato Mori, & Hidetaka Yamada, Factors for improving the performance of the separation membranes prepared by the blending of polyvinyl alcohol and a water absorbing agent, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, 60(6), 659-669,2021
Fuminori Ito, Yuriko Nishiyma, Rie Sugimoto, Misasto Mori, Hidetaka Yamada, CO2-Facilitated Transport Membranes Prepared by Blending Polyvinyl Alcohol and Various Water-Absorbing Agents, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138(15), 50191, 2021
Junpei Fujiki, Katsunori Yogo, Water adsorption on nitrogen-doped carbons for adsorption heat pump/desiccant cooling: Experimental and density functional theory calculation studies, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 492, 30 October 2019, pp. 776-784
Shuhong Duan, Teruhiko Kai, Shin-ichi Nakao, Effect of Carbonic Anhydrase on CO2 Separation Performance of Thin Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/Poly(ethylene glycol) Hybrid Membranes , Membranes 9(12), 167, 2019
Fuminori Ito, Yuriko Nishiyama, Shuhong Duan, Hidetaka Yamada, Examination of selection and combination of water-absorbing agent to blend with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in preparing CO2 separation membrane with high performance, Macromolecular Research, 28(4) 365-372 (2020)
Nobuhiko Hosono, Wenbo Guo, Kenichiro Omoto, Hidetaka Yamada, Susumu Kitagawa, Bottom-Up Synthesis of Defect-Free Mixed-Matrix Membranes by Using Polymer-Grafted Metal–Organic Polyhedra, Chemistry Letters Vol.48 No.6 pp. 597–600, 2019
Hidetaka Yamada, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Junpei Fujiki, Katsunori Yogo, Enhancement Mechanism of the CO2 Adsorption–Desorption Efficiency of Silica-Supported Tetraethylenepentamine by Chemical Modification of Amino Groups, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Vol.7 Issue10 pp. 9062-9726 May 20, 2019
Fuminori Ito, Hidetaka Yamada, Kiyoshi Kanamura, Hiroyoshi Kawakami, Preparation of Biodegradable Polymer Nanospheres Containing Manganese Porphyrin (Mn-Porphyrin), Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials Vol.29, 3, pp 1010–1018, 2019
Quyen T. Vu, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Oxidative Degradation of Tetraethylenepentamine-Impregnated Silica Sorbents for CO2 Capture, Energy Fuels Vol.33 Issue4 pp. 3370-3379, 2019
Hidetaka Yamada, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Shin Yamamoto, Kazuya Goto, Ab Initio Study of CO2 Capture Mechanisus in Aqueous 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol:Electronic and Steric Effects of Methyl Substituents on the stability of Carbamate, Industrial & Engineering Chmistry Research Vol.58 Issue8 pp. 3549-3554, 2019
Fuminori Ito, Yuriko Nishiyama, Shuhong Duan, Hidetaka Yamada, Development of high-performance polymer membranes for CO2 separation by combining functionalities of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and sodium polyacrylate (PAANa), Journal of Polymer Research Vol.26, 106 (2019)
Ryoichi Nishida, Toshiki Tago, Takashi Saito, Masahiro Seshimo, Shin-ichi Nakao, Development of CVD silica membranes having high H2 permeance and steam stability and a membrane reactor for water gas shift reaction, Membranes 2019, 9(11), 140
Bo Liu, Rongfei Zhou(Nanjing Tech University), Katsunori Yogo, Hidetoshi Kita, Preparation of CHA zeolite(chabazite) crystals and membranes without organic structural directing agents for CO2 searation, Journal of Membrane Science 573, 333-343 (2019)
Shuhong Duan, Teruhiko Kai, Shingo Kazama, Development and fabrication of PAMAM-based composite membrane module with a gutter layer of Chitosan/PAA polymer double network for CO2 separation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (NMCI2018) Vol.296 pp 1-9, 2018
Quyen T. Vu, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Exploring the Role of Imidazoles in Amine-Impregnated Mesoporous Silica for CO2 Capture, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Vol.57 No.7 pp 2638–2644, 2018
Junpei Fujiki*, Katsunori Yogo, Eiji Furuya, Role of silanol groups on silica gel on adsorption of benzothiophene and naphthalene, Fuel Vol.215 (1 March 2018) pp.463-467
S H Duan*, T Kai, F A Chowdhury, I Taniguchi, S Kazama, Effect of addition of Proline, ionic Liquid [Choline][Pro] on CO2 separation properties of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer / poly(ethylene glycol) hybrid membranes, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 292 (2017) 012040
Hidetaka Yamada, Junpei Fujiki, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Katsunori Yogo*, Effect of isopropyl-substituent introduction into tetraethylenepentamine-based solid sorbents for CO2 capture, Fuel Vol.214 (15 February 2018) pp.14-19
Shin Yamamoto*, Hidetaka Yamada, Mitsuhiro Kanakubo, Tsuguhiro Kato, Development of Chemical CO2 Solvent for High-pressure CO2 Capture (3): Analyses on Absorbed Forms of CO2, Energy Procedia Vol.114 (July 2017) pp.2728-2735
Ryohei Numaguchi, Junpei Fujiki, Hidetaka Yamada, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Koji Kida, Kazuya Goto, Takeshi Okumura, Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, KatsunoriYogo*, Development of Post-combustion CO2 Capture System Using Amine-impregnated Solid Sorbent, Energy Procedia Vol.114 (July 2017) pp.2304-2312
Firoz Alam Chowdhury*, Kazuya Goto, Hidetaka Yamada, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Shin Yamamoto, Takayuki Higashii, Masami Onoda, Results of RITE's Advanced Liquid Absorbents Develop for Low Temperature CO2 Capture, Energy Procedia Vol.114 (Juy 2017) pp.1716-1720
Teruhiko Kai*, Shuhong Duan, Fuminori Ito, Satoshi Mikami, Yoshinobu Sato, Shin-ichi Nakao, Development of CO2 Molecular Gate Membranes for IGCC Process with CO2 Capture, Energy Procedia Vol.114 (July 2017) pp.613-620
Keisuke Hori, Tatsuhiro Higuchi, Yu Aoki, Manabu Miyamoto*, Yasunori Oumi, Katsunori Yogo, Shigeyuki Uemiya, Effect of pore size, aminosilane density and aminosilane molecular length on CO2 adsorption performance in aminosilane modified mesoporous silica, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 246 (2017) pp.158-165
Ryohei Numaguchi, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo*, Carbon Dioxide Absorption using Solid Sorbents Incorporating Purified Components of Tetraethylenepentamine, Energy Technology Vol. 5 issure 8 pp.1186-1190 August 2017
Koji Kida, Yasushi Maeta, Katsunori Yogo*, Pure silica CHA-type zeolite membranes for dry and humidified CO2/CH4 mixtures separation, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol.197, 2018, pp116-121
Koji Kida, Yasushi Maeta, Taichi Kuno, Katsunori Yogo*, Hydrogen Purification from Chemical Hydride Using Pure Silica Zeolite Membranes, Chemistry Letters Vol.46 No.12, 2017, pp1724-1727
Koji Kida, Yasushi Maeta, Katsunori Yogo, Synthesis of pure silica STT-type zeolite membrane, Materials Letters Vol. 209, 15 December 2017, Pages 36-38
Izumi Kumakiri, Lingfang Qiu, Bo Liu, Kazuhiro Tanaka, Hidetoshi Kita, Takashi Saito, Ryoichi Nishida, Application of MFI Zeolite Membrane Prepared with Fluoride Ions to Hydrogen/Toluene Separation, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.49, No.8
Koji Kida, Yasushi Maeta, Katsunori Yogo, Preparation and gas permeation properties on pure silica CHA-type zeolite Membranes, Journal of Membrane Science 522 (2017) 363-370.
Shuiliang Yao, Shan Weng, Yi Tang, Chenwei Zhao, Zuliang Wu, Xuming Zhang, Shin Yamamoto, Satoshi Kodama, Characteristics of OH production by O2/H2O pulsed dielectric barrier discharge, Vaccum, 126, 16–23 (April 2016)
Fuminori Ito, Optimization of a simple technique for preparation of monodisperse poly (lactide-co-glycolide) nanospheres, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 18, 262-269 (2016)
Hiroshi Machida, Shin Yamamoto, Hidetaka Yamada, Modeling of CO2 Solubility in Tertiary Amine Solvents using pKa, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 61, 2144-2148 (2016)
Ryo Nagumo, Yukihiro Muraki, Shuichi Iwata, Hideki Mori, Hiromitsu Takaba, Hidetaka Yamada, A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on CO2 Physical Absorption Mechanisms for Ethylene Glycol-Based Solvents using Free Energy Calculations, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55, 8200-8206 (2016)
Yukihiro Muraki, Ryo Nagumo, Hidetaka Yamada, Shuichi Iwata, Hideki Mori, Computational Chemistry Study on the Molecular Interactions for CO2 Loaded Diethylene Glycol, Triethylene Glycol, and Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether, Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, 59, 211-218 (2016)
Masami Onoda, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Kazuya Goto, Shigeaki Tonomura, Sustainable Aspects of Ultimate Reduction of CO2 in the Steelmaking Process (COURSE50 Project), Part 2: CO2 Capture, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2, 209-215 (2016)
Ryohei Numaguchi, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Analysis of CO2 absorption behavior of solid sorbent containing purified components of tetraethylenepentamine, Energy Technology, published online (2016)
Hidetaka Yamada, Comparison of Solvation Effects on CO2 Capture with Aqueous Amine Solutions and Amine-Functionalized Ionic Liquids, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120, 10563-10568 (2016)
Kazuya Goto, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Takayuki Higashii, Potential of Amine-based Solvents for Energy-saving CO2 Capture from a Coal-fired Power Plant, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 95, 1133-1141 (2016)
Junpei Fujiki, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Highly efficient post-combustion CO2 capture by low-temperature steam-aided vacuum swing adsorption using a novel polyamine-based solid sorbent, Chemical Engineering Journal, 307, 273-282 (2017)
Hidetaka Yamada, Duc Sy Dao, Junpei Fujiki, Katsunori Yogo, Mesoporous Silica Sorbents Impregnated with Blends of Tetraethylenepentamine and Alkanolamine for CO2 Separation, Separation Science and Technology, 2015, 50, pp 2948-2953
Xiao-Liang Zhang, Hidetaka Yamada, Takashi Saito, Teruhiko Kai, Kazuya Murakami, Makoto Nakashim, Joji Ohshita, Kazuki Akamatsu, Shin-ichi Nakao, Development of Hydrogen-Selective Triphenylmethoxysilane-Derived Silica Membranes with Tailored Pore Size by Chemical Vapor Deposition, Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 499, pp.28-35
Junpei Fujiki, Katsunori Yogo, The increased CO2 adsorption performance of chitosan-derived activated carbons with nitrogen-doping, Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, pp.186-189
Hiroshi Machida, Hidetaka Yamada, Yuich Fujioka, Shin Yamamoto, CO2 Solubility Measurements and Modeling for Tertiary Diamines: Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2015, 60, pp.814-820
Junpei Fujiki, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Enhanced Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide on Surface-Modified Mesoporous Silica-Supported Tetraethylenepentamine: Role of Surface Chemical Structure, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2015, 215, pp.76-83
Duc Sy Dao, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Response Surface Optimization of Impregnation of Blended Amines into Mesoporous Silica for High-Performance CO2 Capture, Energy Fuels, 2015, 29 (2), pp.985-992
Shunsuke Tanaka, Tomoko Shimada, Kosuke Fujita, Yoshikazu Miyake, Koji Kida, Katsunori Yogo, Joeri F. M. Denayer, Miki Sugita and Takahiko Takewaki, Seeding-free aqueous synthesis of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 membranes: How to trigger preferential heterogeneous nucleation and membrane growth in aqueous rapid reaction solution, Jourmal of membrane Science,472, 29-38 (2014)
Teruhiko Kai,Shuhong Duan,Shingo Kazama,Ikuo Taniguchi,Hiroshi Jinnai,A compatible crosslinker for enhancement of CO2 capture of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer-containing polymeric membranes,Journal of Membrane Science,Vol. 475,1 February 2015,pp.175-183
Tsuyoshi Watabe,Katsunori Yogo,Synthesis and CO2 Adsorption Properties of Hydrophobic Porous Coordination Polymer Featuring [Zn9(MeBTZ)12]6+ Building Units,Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan,Vol. 87 ,No. 6,2014,pp.740-745
Kazuya Goto,Hidetaka Yamada,Takayuki Higashii,A Simple Method of Evaluating Alkanolamine Absorbents for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture,Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan,Vol. 47,No. 6,2014,pp. 463-470
Tsuyoshi Watabe,Katsunori Yogo,Efficient CO2 Adsorption on Amine-impregnated Mesoporous Silica Sorbents: Interpretation of Moderate Amine Loading,Chemistry Letters,Vol.43,No.6,2014,pp. 790-792
Hidetaka Yamada,Yoichi Matsuzaki,Kazuya Goto,Quantitative Spectroscopic Study of Eqilibrium in CO2-Loaded Aqueous 2-(Ethylamino) ethanol Solutions,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2014,Vol.53,Issue 4,pp.1617-1623
Shuhong Duan,Teruhiko Kai,Takashi Saito,Kota Yamazaki,Kenichi Ikeda,Effect of Cross-Linking on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hybrid Membranes for CO2 Separation,Membranes 2014,Vol.4,Issue 2,pp. 200-210
Satoshi Kodama,Kazuya GotoF,Hidetoshi Sekiguchi,Process Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Capture for Coal-fired Power Plants,Energy and Environment Research; Vol. 4,No. 2,2014,pp.105-116
S. Kazama, K. Haraya, Optimization of CO2 concentration captured by membrane technology - Possibility of reduction in CO2 capture energy and cost -, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.969-975, 2013
K. Goto, S. Kazama, A. Furukawa, M. Serizawa, S. Aramaki, K. Shoji, Effect of CO2 purity on energy requirement of CO2 capture processes, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.806-812, 2013
N. Takahashi, K. Matsuzaki, T. Funai, T. Wada, H. Fukunaga, T. Takatsuka, H. Mano, Effects of membrane properties on CO2 desorption from chemical absorbents using a membrane flash process, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.1060-1066, 2013
T. Tomioka, T. Sakai, H. Mano, Carbon dioxide separation technology from biogas by membrane/absorption hybrid method, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.1209-1217, 2013
T. Watabe, Y. Nishizaka, S. Kazama, K. Yogo, Development of Amine-Modified Solid Sorbents for Postcombustion CO2 Capture, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.199-204, 2013
K. Yogo, H. Takeyama, K. Nagata, Pore-fill-type Palladium-Porous Alumina Composite Membrane for Hydrogen Separation, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.1104-1108, 2013
I. Taniguchi, T. Kai, S. Duan, S. Kazama, PAMAM Dendrimer Containing Polymeric Membrane for Preferential CO2 Separation Over H2 - Interplay between CO2 Separation Properties and Morphology , Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.1067-1075, 2013
Y. Matsuzaki, H. Yamada, F.A. Chowdhury, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, M. Onoda, Ab Initio study of CO2 capture mechanisms in monoethanolamine aqueous solution:reaction pathways from carbamate to bicarbonate, Energy Procedia, Vol.37, pp.400-406, 2013
H. Yamada, F.A. Chowdhury, Y. Matsuzaki, K. Goto, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, Effect of alcohol chain length on carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous solutions of alkanolamines, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.499-504, 2013
S. Yamamoto, H. Machida, Y. Fujioka, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, Development of Chemical CO2 Solvent for High-Pressure CO2 Capture, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.505-517, 2013
F.A. Chowdhury, H. Yamada, T. Higashii, Y. Matsuzaki, S. Kazama, Synthesis and Characterization of New Absorbents for CO2 Capture, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.265-272, 2013
S. Duan, T. Kai, S. Kazama, I. Taniguchi, H. Jinnai, Effect of Phase-separated structure on CO2 separation performance of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer immobilized in a poly(ethylene glycol) network, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol.1, Issue 46, pp.14514-14523, 2013
S. Yamamoto, T. Higashii, Chemical Stability of Secondary-Alkanolamine-Based CO2 Solvents under Stripping Condition, Chemistry Letters, Vol.42, No.12 pp.1559-1561, 2013
J. Fujiki, K. Yogo, Polyethyleneimine-functionalized biomass-derived adsorbent beads for carbon dioxide capture at ambient conditions, Chemistry Letters, Vol.42, No.12 pp.1484-1486, 2013
T. Watabe, K. Yogo, Isotherms and Isosteric Heats of Adsorption for CO2 in Amine-Functionalized Mesoporous Silicas, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol.120, pp.20-23, 2013
H. Yamada, F.A. Chowdhury, T. Higashii, Y. Matsuzaki, M. Onoda, Ab Initio study of CO2 capture mechanisms in monoethanolamine aqueous solution: reaction pathways for the Direct Conversion between Carbamate and Bicarbonate, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.117, Issue 38, pp.9274-9281, 2013
H. Yamada, Y. Matsuzaki, F.A. Chowdhury, T. Higashi, Computational investigation of carbon dioxide absorption in alkanolamine solutions, Journal of Molecular Modeling, Vol.19, pp.4147-4153, 2013
D.S. Dao, H. Yamada, K. Yogo, Large-pore mesostructured silica impregnated with blended amines for CO2 capture, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.52, pp.13810-13817, 2013
S. Yamamoto, T. Higashii, Behavior Characterization of Heat-Stable Salt in Amine-Based Solvent for CO2 Capture Process from Blast-Furnace Gas, Chemistry Letters, Vol.42, No. 5, pp.532-534, 2013
H. Yamada, F.A. Chowdhury, K. Goto, T. Higashii, CO2 solubility and species distribution in aqueous solutions of 2-(isopropylamino)ethanol and its structural isomers, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control Vol.17, pp.99-105, 2013
S. Duan, I. Taniguchi, T. Kai, S. Kazama, Development of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/polyvinyl alcohol hybrid membranes for CO2 capture at elevated pressures, Energy Procedia, Vol.37, pp.924-931, 2013
T. Kai, I. Taniguchi, S. Duan, F.A. Chowdhury, T. Saito, K. Yamazaki, K. Ikeda, T. Ohara, S. Asano, S. Kazama, Molecular Gate Membrane: Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/polymer Hybrid Membrane Modules for CO2 Capture, Energy Procedia, Vol.37, pp.961-968, 2013
S. Duan, T. Kai, I. Taniguchi, S. Kazama, Development of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hybrid Membranes for CO2 Separation, Desalination and Water Treatment Journal, Vol. 51, Issue 25-27, pp.5337-5342, 2013
F.A. Chowdhury, H. Yamada, T. Higashii, K. Goto, M. Onoda, CO2 Capture by Tertiary Amine Absorbents: A Performance Comparison Study, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.52, Issue 24, pp.8323-8331, 2013
S. Duan, I. Taniguchi, T. Kai, S. Kazama, Poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/poly(vinyl alcohol) hybrid membranes for CO2 capture, Journal of Membrane Science Vol.423-424, pp107-112, 2012
M. Miyamoto, Y. Fujioka, K. Yogo, Pure Silica CHA Type Zeolite for CO2 Separation Using Pressure Swing Adsorption at High Pressure, Journal of Materiasl Chemistry. Vol. 22, Issue 38, pp.20186-20189, 2012
I. Taniguchi, S. Kazama, H. Jinnai, Structural analysis of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer immobilized in cross-linked poly(ethylene glycol), Journal of Polymer Science PartB:Polymer Physics, Vol.50, Issue 16, pp.1156-1164, 2012
I. Taniguchi, Y. Ootera, F.A. Chowdhury, K. Tomizaki, T. Kai, S. Kazama, Polymeric Membranes Composed of Polystyrenes Tethering Amino Acids for Preferential CO2 Separation over H2, Polymer Bulletin, Vol.69, Issue 4, pp.405-415, 2012
H. Yamada, T. Higashii, F.A. Chowdhury, K. Goto, S. Kazama, Experimental study into carbon dioxide solubility and species distribution in aqueous alkanolamine solutions, WIT Trans. Ecol. Envir. Vol. 157, pp.515-523, 2012
M. Miyamoto, A. Takayama, S. Uemiya, K. Yogo, Study of Gas Adsorption Properties of Amidoamine-Loaded Mesoporous Silica for Examing Its Use in CO2 Separation, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.45, No.6, pp395-400, 2012
K. Goto, F.A. Chowdhury, S. Kodama, H. Okabe, Y. Fujioka, CO2 absorption characteristics of 2-Isopropylaminoethanol(IPAE) aqueous solution, ACS Symposium Series, “Recent Advances in Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Chemistry”, Vol. 1097, pp.317-331, 2012
K. Goto, S. Kodama, H. Okabe, Y. Fujioka, Energy performance of new amine-based solvents for CO2 capture from blast furnace gas, ACS Symposium Series, “Recent Advances in Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Chemistry” Vol. 1097, pp.71-85, 2012
S. Yamamoto, H. Machida, Y. Fujioka, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, Novel amine solution development for high pressure CO2 capture and application examination to IGCC gas, ACS Symposium Series, “Recent Advances in Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Chemistry”, Vol. 1097, pp.87-98, 2012
M. Miyamoto, A. Takayama, S. Uemiya, K. Yogo, Gas permeation properties of amine loaded mesoporous silica membranes for CO2 separation, Desalination and Water treatment, Vol. 34, pp.266-271, 2011
K. Goto, H. Okabe, F.A. Chowdhury, S. Shimizu, Y. Fujioka, M. Onoda, Development of novel absorbents for CO2 capture from blast furnace gas, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 5, pp. 1214-1219, 2011
H. Yamada, Y. Matsuzaki, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, Density functional theory study on carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous solutions of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol using a continuum solvation model, J. Phys. Chem. A Vol. 115, pp.3079-3086, 2011
K. Goto, F.A. Chowdhury, H. Okabe, S. Shimizu, Y. Fujioka, Development of a Low Cost CO2 Capture System with a Novel Absorbent under the COCS Project, Energy Procedia, Vol. 4, pp.253-258, 2011
F.A. Chowdhury, H. Okabe, H. Yamada, M. Onoda, Y. Fujioka, Synthesis and selection of hindered new amine absorbents for CO2 capture, Energy Procedia, Vol. 4, pp.201-208, 2011
H. Yamada, Y. Matsuzaki, H. Okabe, S. Shimizu, Y. Fujioka, Quantum chemical analysis of carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous solutions of moderately hindered amines, Energy Procedia, Vol. 4, pp.133-139, 2011
K. Yogo, T. Watabe, Y. Fujioka, Y. Matsukuma, M. Minemoto, Development of an energy-saving CO2-PSA process using hydrophobic adsorbents, Energy Procedia, Vol. 4, pp.803-808, 2011
N. Takahashi, Y. Furuta, H. Fukunaga, T. Takatsuka, H. Mano, Y. Fujioka, Effects of membrane properties on CO2 recovery performance in a gas absorption membrane contactor, Energy Procedia, Vol. 4, pp.693-698, 2011
K. Nagata, M. Miyamoto, T. Watabe, Y. Fujioka, K. Yogo, Preparation of Pore-fill-type Palladium-Porous Alumina Composite Membrane for Hydrogen Separation, Chemistry Letters Vol.40, No.1, pp.19-21, 2011
Xiao-Liang Zhang, et al., Development of Hydrogen-Selective Triphenylmethoxysilane-Derived Silica Membranes with Tailored Pore Size by Chemical Vapor Deposition, Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 499, pp.28-35
K. Yogo, H. Takeyama, K. Nagata, Pore-fill-type Palladium-Porous Alumina Composite Membrane for Hydrogen Separation, Energy Procedia, Vol. 37, pp.1104-1108, 2013
M. Miyamoto, Y. Fujioka, K. Yogo, Pure Silica CHA Type Zeolite for CO2 Separation Using Pressure Swing Adsorption at High Pressure, Journal of Materiasl Chemistry. Vol. 22, Issue 38, pp.20186-20189, 2012
K. Nagata, M. Miyamoto, T. Watabe, Y. Fujioka, K. Yogo, Preparation of Pore-fill-type Palladium-Porous Alumina Composite Membrane for Hydrogen Separation, Chemistry Letters Vol.40, No.1, pp.19-21, 2011
Kazuya Goto, Katsunori Yogo, Takayuki Higashii, A review of efficiency penalty in a coal-fired power plant with post-combustion CO2 capture, Applied Energy, vol.111, pp.710-720, 2013
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth, Innovative CO2 Capture Technologies with Chemical Absorption, Adsorption, and Membranes, State of the Art:CCS Technologies 2023, August 28th 2023
Firoz A. Chowdhury、Development of low-temperature regenerable non-aqueous solvent (NAS) for high CO2 solubility and low viscosity、化学工学会第55回秋季大会、2024年9月13日.
山田秀尚, 藤木淳平, Firoz A. Chowdhury, 山本信, 余語克則, 新規ポリアミンを用いた二酸化炭素分離回収用固体吸収材の開発, 化学工学会第83年会 2018年3月13日-15日
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Shin Yamamoto, Hidetaka Yamada, Kazuya Goto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Masami Onoda, Development of Non-aqueous Amine Based Absorbents for Post-combustion CO2 Capture, 化学工学会第83年会 2018年3月13日-15日
山田秀尚, 藤木淳平, Firoz A. Chowdhury, 山本信, 余語克則, 新規ポリアミンを用いた二酸化炭素分離回収用固体吸収材の開発, 化学工学会第83年会 2018年3月13日-15日
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Hidetaka Yamada, Shin Yamamoto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Masami Onoda, Development of Non-aqueous Amine Based Absorbents for Post-combustion CO2 Capture, 化学工学会第83年会 2018年3月13日-15日
Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Hidetaka Yamada, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Masami Onoda, Liquid Speciation Studies in Amine-CO2-EGL system for CO2 Absorbents with 13C-NMR, 化学工学会第49回秋季大会 2017年9月20日-22日
Kazuya Goto, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Takayuki Higashii, Potential of Amine-based Solvents for Energy-saving CO2 Capture from Coal-fired Power Plant, 第26回日本エネルギー学会大会 2017年8月1日
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Tsuguhiro Kato, Structure-Performance Relationships Between Ionic Liquid-Amine Solutions for CO2 Capture, 化学工学会第81年会, 2016年3月13日-15日
Xiaoliang Zhang, 山田秀尚, 斉藤崇, 甲斐照彦, 赤松憲樹, 中尾真一, Purification of hydrogen from mixture gas containing methylcyclohexane and toluene using triphenylmethoxysilane-derived membranes by chemical vapor deposition, 日本膜学会第37年会, 2015年5月14-15日
Xiaoliang Zhang, 山田秀尚, 斉藤崇, 甲斐照彦, 赤松憲樹, 中尾真一, Development of hydrogen-selective triphenylmethoxysilane-derived membranes by chemical vapor deposition, 化学工学会第80年会, 2015年3月19日-21日
Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Takayuki Higashii, Masami Onoda, Shingo Kazama, Selection of Amine Absorbents for CO2 Capture, 化学工学会第77回年会, 2012年3月16日
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Low-temperature regenerable water-lean solvent for energy efficient CO2 capture, Second Symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for the Global Environment (CUUTE-2), 13rd November 2024.
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Lie Meng, Soji Yamaguchi, Masahiro Seshimo, Kazuya Goto, Kazuyuki Kitamura, Toshinori Muraoka, Masahiko Mizuno and Katsunori Yogo, The First Bench-Scale Carbon Capture Test Center in Japan, Greenhouse Gas Technology conference (GHGT-17), 23rd October 2024.
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Material needs targeting non-aqueous solvent development for high CO2 solubility and low viscosity, Greenhouse Gas Technology conference (GHGT-17), 22nd October 2024.
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Yoichi Matsuzaki(NSC), Development of novel water-lean solvent for energy efficient CO2 capture, Greenhouse Gas Technology conference (GHGT-17), 22nd October 2024.
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Quyen T. Vu, Tomohiro Kinoshita, Takayasu Kiyokawa, Junichiro Kugai, Naoki Kikuchi, Katsunori Yogo, Development of New Polyamine-based Solid Sorbents for Direct Air CO2 Capture, Greenhouse Gas Technology conference (GHGT-17), 22nd October 2024.
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Fuminori Ito, Lie Meng, Masahiko Mizuno and Katsunori Yogo, Development of CO2 molecular gate membrane module systems for pre-combustion CO2 capture, Greenhouse Gas Technology conference (GHGT-17), 21st October 2024.
Chiaki Yamazaki, Kentaro Hirai, Shotaro Futamura, Yohei Shido, Satoshi Matsumoto, Koji Otsuka, and Hideki Saruwatari (JAXA), Hidetoshi Nakagami and Mutsumu Nagase (Chiyoda Corporation), Tomohiro Kinoshita, Naomi Yoshino, and Katsunori Yogo, FY2024 Development Status of DRCS: ISS Demonstration of JAXA's CO2 Removal System, 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems, 24th July 2024.
Masaru Saijo, Akinobu Hayakawa, Chiaki Yamazaki and Kentaro Hirai (JAXA), Tomohiro Kinoshita, Naomi Yoshino, Katsunori Yogo, Development of CO2 Removal System for the Gateway International Habitation Module, 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems, 24th July 2024.
Teruhiko Kai, Lie Meng, Soji Yamaguchi, Masahiro Seshimo, Kazuya Goto, Toshinori Muraoka, Masahiko Mizuno and Katsunori Yogo, New test center for CO2 capture materials in RITE, The 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environment ICEE2024, 16th July 2024.
Vu Thi Quyen, Promoting the CO2 Capture Performance in the Mesostructured Cellular Silica Foam Supported Polyamines by Ether Groups, The 12th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST23), 17 November 2023
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Development of novel non-aqueous solvent for efficient CO2 capture, The 12th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology (ICSST23), 16 November 2023
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Development of novel water-lean solvent system by tuning amine absorbents structure: A significant improvements in CO2 solubility and viscosity, IEAGHG 7th Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-7), September 26th 2023
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Low-temperature regenerable novel non-aqueous absorbent for efficient CO2 capture, IEAGHG 7th Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-7), September 26th 2023
Quyen T. Vu, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Tomohiro Kinoshita, Takayasu Kiyokawa, Yusuke Ohata, Junichiro Kugai, Toshinori Muraoka, Katsunori Yogo, Development of high oxidation resistant and low temperature regenerable amine solid sorbents for post-combustion CO2 capture, IEAGHG 7th Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-7), September 25th 2023
Chiaki Yamazaki, Kentaro Hirai, Shotaro Futamura, Satoshi Matsumoto and Hideki Saruwatari, Ayako Yamamoto, Hidetoshi Nakagami, Mutsumu Nagase, Tomohiro Kinoshita, Naomi Yoshino, Katsunori Yogo, The FY2022 development status of CO2 Removal System for ISS demonstration, 52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems, July 17th 2023
Shuhong Duan, Teruhiko Kai, Shin-ichi Nakao and Katsunori Yogo, Effect of Mimic Enzyme ZC on CO2 Separation Performance of PAMAM Dendrimer/PVA Hybrid Membranes for CO2 Separation, 13th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes(ICOM2023), July 14th 2023
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Fuminori Ito, Nobuhiko Fuchigami, Lie Meng, Koji Baba, Masahiko Mizuno, Shin-ichi Nakao, Katsunori Yogo, Development of CO2 molecular gate membrane module systems for pre-combustion CO2 capture, 13th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes(ICOM2023), July 12th 2023
Lie Meng, Teruhiko Kai, Shin-ichi Nakao and Katsunori Yogo, Towards 90% CO2 Capture Ratio and 95% CO2 Purity: A Simulation Study of Pre-combustion Carbon Capture with Facilitated Transport Membranes, 13th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes(ICOM2023), July 11th 2023
Masahiro Seshimo, Akiyoshi Fujii, Yuta Nishikawa, Nobuyuki Shigaki, Katsunori Yogo, Hidetoshi Kita and Shin-ichi Nakao, Development of long-scale Si-rich LTA zeolite membrane for methanol synthesis membrane reactor, 13th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes(ICOM2023), July 10th 2023
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Significant Improvements in CO2 Solubility and Viscosity by Structure Modified Polyamine-Containing Non-aqueous Solvent, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering, 2023年3月17-19日
Vu Thi Quyen, Katsunori Yogo, Improvement of CO2 accessibility over tetraethylenepentamine-loaded SiO2 doped with ether amines, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering, 2023年3月17-19日
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Structure modified polyamine based non-aqueous solvent for high CO2 solubility and low viscosity, 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies(GHGT-16), 23-24 Oct 2022
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Development of single/mixed-amine containing water-lean CO2 absorbents:
A significant improvements in CO2 solubility and viscosity, 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies(GHGT-16), 23-24 Oct 2022
Vu Thi Quyen, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Polyamine-Based Adsorbents for CO2 Capture, 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies(GHGT-16), 23-24 Oct 2022
Shohei Nishibe, Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, Takeshi Okumura, Ryohei Numaguchi, Tomohiro Kinoshita, Takayasu Kiyokawa, Quyen T. Vu, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Katsunori Yogo, Kazuo Tanaka, Demonstration of Kawasaki CO2 Capture (KCC) Moving-bed System with Sol
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Fuminori Ito, Kenjiro Ishiguro, Keisuke Sugita, Shin-ichi Nakao, Development of molecular gate membrane modules for pre-combustion CO2 capture, The First Symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for the Global Environment (CUUTE-1), Online, December 14-17, 2021
Thi Quyen Vu, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Stability of Amine Solid Sorbents for Postcombustion CO2 Caputure, The First Symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for the Global Environment (CUUTE-1), Online, December 14-17, 2021
Thi Quyen Vu, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Oxidative Deterioration of Polyamnes-Inpregnated Solid Sorbents: Effect of Amine Structures , IEAGHG 6th Post Combustion Caputure Conference (PCCC-6), Online, October 19-21, 2021
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Low-temperature regeneration mixed amine absorbents for efficient CO2 Caputure, IEAGHG 6th Post Combustion Caputure Conference (PCCC-6), Online, October 19-21, 2021
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Modification of Polyamine Structure for Low Viscous Non-Aqueous CO2 Capture, IEAGHG 6th Post Combustion Caputure Conference (PCCC-6), Online, October 19-21, 2021
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Kazuya Goto, Shin Yamamoto, and Yoichi Matsuzaki, Guide to evaluate low viscous non-aqueous solvent for post-combustion CO2 capture, 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-15), Online, March 15-18, 2021
Quyen Thi Vu, Hidetaka Yamada, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Katsunori Yogo, Degradation behavior of purified components of tetraethylenepentamine impregnated solid sorbents for CO2 capture, 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-15), Online, March 15-18, 2021
Hidetaka Yamada, Tomohiro Kinoshita, Takayasu Kiyokawa, Quyen T. Vu, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Junpei Fujiki, Shohei Nishibe, Yusuke Hasegawa, Takeshi Okumura, Atsushi Kano, Ryohei Numaguchi, Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, Katsunori YogoAdvanced low-temperature-regenerable solid sorbent system for post-combustion CO2 capture, 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-15), Online, March 15-18, 2021
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Fuminori Ito, Kenjiro Ishiguro, Koji Baba, Keisuke Sugita, and Shin-ichi Nakao, Development of CO2 molecular gate membrane modules for pre-combustion CO2 caputure, Internatinal Congress on Membranes & Processes 2020 (ICOM2020) Dec. 9、2020 (online)
Shuhong Duan, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Teruhiko Kai, Hydroxy-Functionalized PAMAM Dendrimer as a CO2-Selective Molecular Gate for CO2 Membrane Separation, The Fifth International Conference on New Material and Chemical Industry (NMCI2020) Nov.15, 2020 (online)
Junpei Fujiki, Katsunori Yogo, Experimental and DFT Calculation Studies on Water Vapor Adsorption on Nitrogen-Doped Carbons, FOA2019(13th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption), May 26-31, 2019
Atsushi Hyono, Riu Yoshitani, Mai Takase, Keita Suzuki, Fuminori Ito, and Makoto Chiba, Preparation and Mnuplation of Silver Nanostructure with Plasmon Activity By a Simple Method, PRiME 2020 (ECS, ECSJ, & KECS Joint Meeting) Oct.4-9, 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii
Masahiro Seshimo, Hiromi Urai, Yuichiro Yamaguchi, Shin-ichi Nakao, Influence of steam on permselective performance of dimethoxydiphenylsilane-derived silica membrane, 18th APCChE2019, Sep. 23-27, 2019
Hiromasa Fukuda, Masahiro Seshimo, Masahiko Matsukata, Effect of the gel composition for the synthesis of AlPO4-34 crystals and membranes, 15th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM2018), 2018年6月18-22日
Masahiko Matsukata, Daiki Yoshida, Yusuke Hashizume, Motomu Sakai, Masahiro Seshimo, Experimental and simulation study of membrane reactor for methanol synthesis using ZSM-5 zeolite membrane, 15th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM2018)
Genki Kobayashi, Kohei Matsumoto, Masahiro Seshimo, Masahiko Matsukat, Influence of ZSM-5 membrane structure on permselectivity, The 11th Conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS11), 2018年6月3-6日
Shin-ichi Nakao, Advanced CO2 Caapture Technologies in RITE Chemical Research Group, 5TH POST COMBUSTION CAPTURE CONFERENCE (PCCC5), Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 17-19, 2019
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Shin-ichi Nakao, Development of CO2 Molecular Gate Membranes for post-combustion and pre-combustion, 5TH POST COMBUSTION CAPTURE CONFERENCE (PCCC5), Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 17-19, 2019
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Hidetaka Yamada, Shin Yamamoto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Development of amine-based non-aqueous absorbent for post-combustion CO2 capture, 5TH POST COMBUSTION CAPTURE CONFERENCE (PCCC5), Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 17-19, 2019
Quyen T. Vu, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Oxidative Degradation of Polyamine-Containing CO2 Adsorbents, 5TH POST COMBUSTION CAPTURE CONFERENCE (PCCC5), Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 17-19, 2019
Shohei Nishibe, Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, Okumura Takeshi, Ryohei Numaguchi, Kazuo Tanaka, Hidetada Yamada, Shin Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kinosita, Katsunori Yogo, Development of CO2 Capture Technology with Solid Sorbent Utilizing Low-Temperature Steam: Progress in Bench-Scale Demonstration, 5TH POST COMBUSTION CAPTURE CONFERENCE (PCCC5), Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 17-19, 2019
Hidetaka Yamada, Ryohei Numaguchi, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Shin Yamamoto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Kazuya Goto, Molecular Mechanism of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in the Amine-CO2-H2O System, 5TH POST COMBUSTION CAPTURE CONFERENCE (PCCC5), Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 17-19, 2019
Shin Yamamoto, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, CO2 Separation and Capture System with Polyamine-Supported Solid Absorbent, 5TH POST COMBUSTION CAPTURE CONFERENCE (PCCC5), Kyoto, Japan , Sep. 17-19, 2019
Teruhiko Kai, Development of CO2 Molecular Gate Membranes for CO2 Capture, The 12th Conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS 12), Jeju, Korea July 2-5, 2019
Shuhong Duan, Teruhiko Kai, Shin-ichi Nakao, Effect of Membrane Thickness and Carbonic Anhydrase on CO2 Separation Properties of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/Poly(ethylene glycol) Hybrid Membranes, The 12th Conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS 12), Jeju, Korea July 2-5, 2019
Hidetaka Yamada, Simulation of Amine-Based CO2 Capture Using Transtion State Theory, 17th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization - ICCDU 2019, Aachen, Germany, Jun. 23-27, 2019
Kazuya Goto, Firoz. A. Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Shin Yamamoto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Masami Onoda, Development of Amine-based Solvents for CO2 Capture from Blast Furnace Gas, World Hydrogen Technologies Convention(WHTC)2019, Tokyo, Japan, Jun. 2-7, 2019
Kazuya Goto, Development of CO2 Molecular Gate Membrane for IGCC with CO2 Capture, CEM10/MI-4 Innovation Showcase, Vancouver Canada, May 28–29, 2019
Kazuya Goto, RITE Solid Sorbent for Energy-Saving CO2 Captur, CEM10/MI-4 Innovation Showcase, Vancouver Canada, May 28–29, 2019
Kazuya Goto, Development of CO2 Capture, CEM10/MI-4 Innovation Showcase, Vancouver Canada, May 28–29, 2019
Shin-Ichi Nakao, Hiromi Urai, Kazuaki Sasa, Masahiro Seshimo, Hitoshi Nishino, dehydrogenation of metylcyclohexane by a membrane reactor with silica membranes, World Hydrogen Technologies Convention(WHTC2019), Tokyo International Forum
Masahiro Seshimo, Hiromasa Fukuda(Waseda Univ.), Motomu Sakai(Waseda Univ.), Masahiko Matsukata(Waseda Univ.), Effect of gel composition for the HF-free synthesis of AlPO4-34, International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals 2018, Yokohama, Au
Masahiro Seshimo, Hiromasa Fukuda(Waseda Univ.), Masahiko Matsukata(Waseda Univ.), Structural change of CHA-type aluminophosphate membrane under HF-free synthesis conditions, The11th conference of the Aseanian Membrane Society(AMS11), Brisben, Jul. 04, 20
Shin-ichi Nakao, Hiromi Urai, Kazuaki Sasa, Hitoshi Nishino, Ryohei Numaguchi, Ryoichi Nishida, Operation of small scale membrane reactors with CVD sillica membranes for MCH dehydrogenation reaction, 158th The International Conference on Inogranic Membra
Masahiro Seshimo, Inorganic membranes and the applications, I2CNER International Workshops 2018, Kyushu University, Feb. 02, 2018
Takeshi Okumura, Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, Atsushi Kanou, Yusuke Hasegawa, Shigeki Inoue, Koujirou Tsuji, Satoshi Fujita, Mizuki Nabeshima, Hidetaka Yamada, Shin Yamamoto, Nobuyuki Takayama, Katsunori Yogo, Demonstration Plant of the Kawasaki CO2 Capture (KCC) System with Solid Sorbent for Coal-fired Power Stations, 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-14), Melbourne, Australia, October 21-26, 2018
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Development of Amino-Functionalized New Task Specific Ionic Liquids (TSILs) for Efficient CO2 Capture, 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-14), Melbourne, Australia, October 21-26, 2018
Hidetaka Yamada, Shin Yamamoto, Junpei Fujiki, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Nobuyuki Takayama, Kazuya Goto, Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, Takeshi Okumura, Ryohei Numaguchi, Shohei Nishibe, Katsunori Yogo, Advanced post-combustion CO2 capture system using novel polyamine-based solid sorbents, 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-14), Melbourne, Australia, October 21-26, 2018
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Fuminori Ito, Satoshi Mikami, Yoshinobu Sato, Shin-ichi Nakano, Development of CO2 molecular gate membrane modules for IGCC process with CO2 capture, 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-14), Melbourne, Australia, October 21-26, 2018
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Hidetaka Yamada, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Masami Onoda, A guide to evaluate non–aqueous solvents and amine absorbent structures for post-combustion CO2 capture, 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-14), Melbourne, Australia, October 21-26, 2018
Kazuya Goto, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Shin Yamamoto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Masami Onoda, Development of novel solvents of CO2 removal from blast furnace gas, 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-14), Melbourne, Australia, October 21-26, 2018
Shin Yamamoto, Development of Chemical CO2 Solvent for High-Pressure CO2 Capture (4) : Potentiality for Low-Temperature Regeneration, 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-14), Melbourne, Australia, October 21-26, 2018
Hidetaka Yamada, Ryohei Numaguchi, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Shin Yamamoto, Kazuya Goto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Masami Onoda, Liquid-liquid phase separation induced by carbon dioxide absorption in amine-water system, 23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-29, 2018
Quyen Thi Vu, Hidetaka Yamada, Katsunori Yogo, Impregnation of Tetraethylenepentamine and Imidazoles Binary Amine in Mesoporous Cellular Foam Silica for CO2 Capture, The 11th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology, Busan, South Korea, Nov 9-11 2017
Kazuya Goto, (Plenary Lecture, Invited) Research and Development of CO2 Capture Technlogy for CCS, The 11th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology, Busan, South Korea, Nov 9-11 2017
Hidetaka Yamada, (Keynote, Invited) The Chemistry of Amine-Based CO2 Capture, The International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov 8-9 2017
Junpei Fujiki, Hidetaka Yamada, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Ryohei Numaguchi, Katsunori Yogo, Post-combustion CO2 capture by low-temperature steam-aided vacuum swing adsorption using a novel polyamine-based solid sorbent, 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, Oct 2-5 2017
Hidetaka Yamada, (Keynote, Invited) RITE's Advanced CO2 Capture Technologies, 9th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage, Trondheim, Norway, Jun. 12-14 2017
Hidetaka Yamada, Junpei Fujiki, Ryohei Numaguchi, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Koji Kida, Kazuya Goto, Katsunori Yogo, Post-combustion CO2 capture using N-(isopropyl)-tetraethylenepentamine-based solid sorbent, IEA Clean Coal Centre’s 8th international conference on clean coal technologies, Cagliari, Italy, May 10 2017
Hidetaka Yamada, (Invited) A study of the chemical reactions involved in amine-based CO2 capture, I2CNER INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP 2017, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, Feb. 3 2017
Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Tsuguhiro Kato, Chemically Tunable Ionic Liquid-Amine Solutions for CO2 Capture, ILSEPT2017, Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel, Malaysia, Jan. 8-11 20
Ryoichi Nishida, Emi Matsuyama, Ryohei Numaguchi, Hiromi Urai, Shin-ichi Nakano, Development of Practical Membrane Reactores for Dehydrogenating Methylcyclohexane to Supply High-purity Hydrogen, 21th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016 June 14, 2016
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Hidetaka Yamada, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Shin Yamamoto, Takayuki Higashii, Masami Onoda, Results of RITE’s Advanced Liquid Absorbents Develop for Low Temperature CO2 Capture, 13th Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies(GHGT-13), Lausanne, Switzerland, 14-18 November 2016
Shin Yamamoto, Hidetaka Yamada, Mitsuhiro Kanakubo, Tsuguhiro Kato, Development of Chemical CO2 Solvent for High-Pressure CO2 Capture (3) : Analyses on Absorbed Form of CO2, 13th Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies(GHGT-13), Lausanne, Switzerland, 14-18 November 2016
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Fuminori Ito, Satoshi Mikami, Yoshinobu Sato, Shin-ichi Nakano, Development of CO2 molecular gate membrane for IGCC process with CO2 capture, 13th Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies(GHGT-13), Lausanne, Switzerland, 14-18 November 2016
Ryohei Numaguchi, Junpei Fujiki, Hidetaka Yamada, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Koji Kida, Kazuya Goto, Takeshi Okumura, Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, Katsunori Yogo, Development of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture System Using Amine-Impregnated Solid Sorbent, 13th Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies(GHGT-13), Lausanne, Switzerland, 14-18 November 2016
Takashi Nakamoto, Yusuke Waratani, Toshinori Muraoka, Shin Yamamoto, Tsuguhiro Kato, Cost study of high-pressure CO2 capture processes, ASCON-IEEChE 2016,Yokohama, Japan, 13-16 November 2016
Kazuya Goto, Influence of Post-combustion CO2 Capture on Energy performance of a Thermal Power Plant, ASCON-IEEChE 2016,Yokohama, Japan, 13-16 November 2016
Hidetaka Yamada, Junpei Fujiki, Ryohei Numaguchi, Koji Kida, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Katsunori Yogo, Development of Novel Amine Solid Sorbents for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture, 11th European Conference on Coal Research and its Applications, Sheffield, UK, 5-7 September 2016
Hidetaka Yamada, Calorimetric Study of Absorption of CO2 in Amine-Based Solvents, 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2016
Yukihiro Muraki, Ryo Nagumo, Hidetaka Yamada, Shuichi Iwata, Hideki Mori, Molecular Dynamics Study on CO2 Solution-Diffusion Mechanisms in Ethylene Glycol-Based Materials, The 10th Coference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS10),Nara, Japan, 26-29 July 2016
Teruhiko Kai, Shuhong Duan, Ikuo Taniguchi, Shingo Kazama, Effect of Carbonic Anhydrase on CO2 Separation Properties of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/Poly(ethylene glycol) Hybrid Membranes, The 10th Coference of Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS10),Nara, Japan, 26-29 July 2016
Firoz A. Chowdhury, Tsuguhiro Kato, Chemically Tunable Ionic Liquid-Amine Solutions for CO2 Capture, The 6th Korea CCS International Conference, Jeju, Korea, 27-29 January 2016
Takayuki Higashii, Advanced CO2 Capture Technologies at RITE, The 6th Korea CCS International Conference, Jeju, Korea, 27-29 January 2016
Takayuki Higashii, CO2 capture technology for CCS, Taiwan International Green Industry Show 2015- Seminar, Taipei, Oct.1, 2015
Junpei Fujiki, Katsunori Yogo, Carbon dioxide adsorption on chitosan derived N-doped carbon, International Conference on Coal Science & Technology 2015, Australia, Sep.27-Oct.1, 2015
Ryohei Numaguchi, Hidetaka Yamada, Kazuya Goto, Katsunori Yogo, Analysis of the Rate-Limiting Step in Carbon Dioxide Absorption to Amine-Impregnated Solid Sorbent, 3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference, Canada, Sep.8-Sep.11, 2015
Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Tsuguhiro Kato, Takayuki Higashii, Masami Onoda, Development of Novel Single Amine Absorbents and Their Blends for CO2 Capture, 3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference, Canada, Sep.8-Sep.11, 2015
Hidetaka Yamada, Ryohei Numaguchi, Firoz A. Chowdhury, Kazuya Goto, Tsuguhiro Kato, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Masami Onoda, Effects of CO2 Absorption on the Lower Critical Solution Temperature Phase Separation in Amine-H2O Systems, 34th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Czech Republic, Aug.30-Sep.3, 2015
Hiroshi Machida, Hidetaka Yamada, Shin Yamamoto, Modeling of CO2 Solubility in Tertiary Amine Solvent Using pKa, 7th International Symposium on Molecular Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation, Japan, Aug.4-7, 2015
Xiao-Liang Zhang, Hidetaka Yamada, Takashi Saito, Teruhiko Kai, Kazuki Akamatsu, Shin-ichi Nakao, Hydrogen Separation in the Hydrogen-Methylcyclohexane-Toluene Gaseous Mixtures through Triphenylmethoxysilane-derived Silica Membrane by Chemical Vapor Deposition, 9th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society, Taiwan, Jul.19-21, 2015
Teruhiko Kai, Development of CO2 molecular gate membrane for CO2 capture and storage (CCS), International Workshop on "Recent Progress on Membrane Separation and CO2 Capture", Japan, Jul.16, 2015
Takayuki Higashii, Advanced CO2 capture technologies at RITE, 2015 Taiwan-Japan CCT/CCS Information Exchange Program, Taipei, Jan.22, 2015
Kazuya Goto,Hidetaka Yamada,Takayuki Higashii,CO2 Absorption Into Apueous Solutions Of Hindered Amines,ICSST14,Oct.30-Nov.1,2014
Firoz Alam Chowdhury,Tsuguhiro Kato,Kazuya Goto,Yocihi Matsuzaki,Takayuki Higashii,Masami Onoda,Selection And Development Of Specific Synthetic Amine Absorbents For CO2 Catupure,ICSST14,Oct.30-Nov.1,2014
Hidetaka Yamada, Duc Sy Dao, Junpei Fujiki, Katsunori Yogo, CO2 Separation and Capture Using Mesoporous Silica Sorbents Impregnated with Blended Amines, 18th Symposium on Separation Science and Technology for Energy Applications, Oct.27-30, 201
Hidetaka Yamada,Duc Sy Dao,Firoz A. Chowdhury,Junpei Fujiki,Tsuyoshi Watabe, Kazuya Goto,Katsunori Yogo,Develompent of amine-impregnated solid sorbents for CO2 capture,GHGT-12,Oct.5-9,2014
Shuhong Duan,Takashi Saito,Kota Yamazaki,Kenichi Ikeda,Ikuo Taniguchi, Shingo Kazama,Teruhiko Kai,Development of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/ poly(ethylen glycol) hybrid membranes for CO2 capture at elevated pressures,GHGT-12,Oct.5-9,2014
Kazuya Goto,Hidetaka Yamada,Katsunori Yogo,Takayuki Higashii,Energy requirements of post-combustion CO2 capture by amine absorbents,GHGT-12,Oct.5-9,2014
Firoz Alam Chowdhury,Hidetaka Yamada,Yoichi Matsuzaki,Kazuya Goto, Takayuki Higashii,Masami Onoda,Development of Novel Synthetic Amine Absorbents for CO2 Capture,GHGT-12,Oct.5-9,2014
Takashi Nakamoto,Toshinori Muraoka,Shin Yamamoto,Takayuki Higashii,Study on hight-pressure CO2 capture process,GHGT-12,Oct.5-9,2014
Shin Yamamoto,Hidetaka Yamada,Takayuki Higashii,Development of Chemical CO2 Solvent for High-Pressure CO2 Capture(2): Addition Effect of Non-Aqueous Media on Amine Solutions,GHGT-12,Oct.5-9,2014
Kota Yamazaki,Shuhong Duan,Takashi Saito,Ken-ichi Ikeda,Ikuo Taniguchi, Teruhiko Kai,CO2 gas separation properties of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/poly(vinylalcohol) hybrid membranes,The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2014,Aug.24-30,2014
Hidetaka Yamada, Density Functional Theory Study on Amine-Functionalized Ionic Liquids for CO2 Capture, 2nd International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification Technology, Jun.29-Jul.2, 2014
Shuhong Duan,Takashi Saito,Kota Yamazaki, Ikuo Taniguchi,Kenichi Ikeda, Shingo Kazama,Teruhiko Kai,Improvement of CO2 Separation Performance of Thin Poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/poly(ethylene glycol) Hybrid Membranes,ICOM2014, Jul.20-25,2014
Teruhiko Kai,Membrane technology for hydrogen society,7th KIFEE International Symposium,Mar.18,2014
Duc Sy Dao, Hidetaka Yamada,Kazuya Goto,Katsunori Yogo,,Amine-impregnated mesostructured silica for high-performance CO2 capture,247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition,Mar.16-20,2014
Hidetaka Yamada,Kazuya Goto,Katsunori Yogo,Duc Sy Dao,Computational Study on the Chemistry of Amine-based Absorbents for CO2 Capture,247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition,Mar.16-20,2014
Firoz Alam Chowdhury,Hidetaka Yamada,Kazuya Goto,Takayuki Higashii,Yoichi Matsuzaki,Development of New Amine Absorbents for CO2 Capture,UTCCS2, Jan.28-30,2014
Xiao-Liang Zhang, et al., Hydrogen Separation in the Hydrogen-Methylcyclohexane-Toluene Gaseous Mixtures through Triphenylmethoxysilane-derived Silica Membrane by Chemical Vapor Deposition, 9th Conf. of Aseanian Membrane Society, Taiwan, Jul.19-21, 2015
T. Saito, T. Kai, S. Duan, K. Yamazaki, I. Taniguchi, K. Ikeda, The Effect of Water Vapor on Separation Performance of PAMAM dendrimer/cross-linked PEG hybrid Membrane, IMSTEC2013, Nov. 28, 2013
J. Fujiki, K. Yogo, Synthesis and characteristics of amine functionalized biopolymers for CO2 capture, 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 6, 2013
K. Goto, H. Yamada, T. Higashii, Prediction of Reaction Rate constant of Carbon Dioxide Absorption into Aqueous Amine Solution, 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 7, 2013
K. Yamazaki, S. Duan, T. Saito, K. Ikeda, I. Taniguchi, T. Kai, Effect of cross-linking on separation properties of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/poly(vinyl alcohol) hybrid membranes for CO2 separation, Engineering with Membranes 2013, Sep. 5, 2013
S. Nakao, CVD silica membrane and membrane reactor using silica membranes, Japanese-Norwegian Workshop Membranes for Sustainable Energy Technology, Aug. 27-28, 2013
T. Saito, S. Nakao, M. Seshimo, K. Akamatsu, K. Miyajima, Effect of physically adsorbed water molecules on the H2-selective performance of a silica membrane, Japanese-Norwegian Workshop Membranes for Sustainable Energy Technology, Aug. 27-28, 2013
T. Kai, Molecular Gate Membrane:Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/polymer Hybrid Membrane Modules for CO2 Capture, Japanese-Norwegian Workshop Membranes for Sustainable Energy Technology, Aug. 27-28, 2013
S. Nakao, Development of CO2 capture technology in RITE, Japanese-Norwegian Workshop Membranes for Sustainable Energy Technology, Aug. 27-28, 2013
S. Duan, T. Kai, T. Saito, K. Yamazaki, K. Ikeda, Effect of cross-linking on the mechanical and thermal properties of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/poly(vinyl alcohol) hybrid membranes for CO2 separation, AMS8(the 8th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society), Jul. 17, 2013
M. Hino, I. Taniguchi, T. Kai, K. Yogo, Room-temperature processable polymer from renewable resources, Kyoto International Symposium on Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers, Dec. 10, 2012
S. Kazama, K. Haraya, Optimization of CO2 concentration captured by membrane technology - Possibility of reduction in CO2 capture energy and cost -, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov.
F.A. Chowdhury, H. Yamada, T. Higashii, Y. Matsuzaki, S. Kazama, Synthesis and Characterization of New Absorbents for CO2 Capture, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 21, 2012
S. Yamamoto, H. Machida, Y. Fujioka, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, Development of Chemical CO2 Solvent for High-Pressure CO2 Capture, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 21, 2012
Y. Matsuzaki, H. Yamada, F.A. Chowdhury, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, M. Onoda, Ab Initio study of CO2 capture mechanisms in monoethanolamine aqueous solution: reaction pathways from carbamate to bicarbonate, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 21, 2012
T. Kai, I. Taniguchi, S. Duan, S. Kazama, Molecular Gate Membrane: Poly(amidoamine) Dentrimer/polymer Hybrid Membrane Modules for CO2 Capture, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 21, 2012
S. Duan, I. Taniguchi, T. Kai, S. Kazama, Development of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/polyvinyl alcohol hybrid membranesfor CO2 capture at elevated pressures, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 21, 2012
T. Tomioka, T. Sakai, H. Mano, Carbon dioxide separation technology from biogas by "membrane/absorption hybrid method", 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 21, 2012
K. Goto, S. Kazama, A. Furukawa, M. Serizawa, S. Aramaki, K. Shoji, Effect of CO2 purity on energy requirement of CO2 capture processes, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 20, 2012
N. Takahashi, K. Matsuzaki, T. Funai, T. Wada, H. Fukunaga, T. Takatsuka, H. Mano, Effects of membrane properties on CO2 desorption from chemical absorbents using a membrane flash process, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 20, 2012
T. Watabe, Y. Nishizaka, S. Kazama, K. Yogo, Development of Amine-Modified Solid Sorbents for Postcombustion CO2 Capture, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 20, 2012
K. Yogo, H. Takeyama, K. Nagata, Pore-fill-type Palladium-Porous Alumina Composite Membrane for Hydrogen Separation, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 20, 2012
H. Yamada, F.A. Chowdhury, Y. Matsuzaki, K. Goto, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, Effect of alcohol chain length on carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous solutions of alkanolamines, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 20, 2012
I. Taniguchi, T. Kai, S. Duan, S. Kazama, Poly(amidoamine) dendrimer containing polymeric membrane for preferential CO2 separation over H2-Interplay between CO2 separation properties and morphology, 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), Nov. 19, 2012
I. Taniguchi, S. Duan, T. Kai, S. Kazama, Preferential CO2 separation over H2 with poly(amidoamine) dendrimer immobilized in a poly(ethylene glycol) network, 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 2, 2012
T. Kai, Current status of CCS technology in Japan, KIFEE2012, Sep. 11, 2012
H. Yamada, Y. Matsuzaki, T. Higashii, Computational investigation of the absorption of carbon dioxide into alkanolamine solution, Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2012, Sep. 11, 2012
M. Hino, I. Taniguchi, T. Kai, Low-temperature processable degradable polymers from renewable materials, Asian Workshop on Polymer Processing 2012, Aug. 30, 2012
I. Taniguchi, Room-temperature processable degradable plastics, Asian Workshop on Polymer Processing 2012, Aug. 29, 2012
S. Duan, T. Kai, I. Taniguchi, S. Kazama, Development of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hybrid Membranes for CO2 Separation, AMS7(the 7th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society), Jul. 6, 2012
T. Kai, Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/Polymer Hybrid Membranes for CO2 Capture, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research(I2CNER) International Workshop, Feb. 2, 2012
Y. Fujioka, K. Goto, Decreasing energy of CO2 recovery for CO2 capture & storage, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research(I2CNER) International Workshop, Feb. 2, 2012
S. Yamamoto, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, Generation Behavior of Heat-Stable Salt in Novel Chemical Solvent for CO2 Capture Process from Blast-Furnace Gas, 2011 AIChE Annual meeting, Oct. 18, 2011
S. Kazama, Advanced CO2/H2 Separation Materials Incorporating Active Functional Agents, GCEP symposium, Oct. 5, 2011
S. Kazama, Development of Molecular Gate Membrane for CO2 Capture, The Fourth CSLF Ministerial Meeting, Sep. 20, 2011
K. Goto, F.A. Chowdhury, S. Yamamoto, T. Higashii, S. Kazama, Development of Novel Absorbents for Energy-Saving CO2 Capture System, 14th Asian Chemical Congress(14ACC), Sep. 6, 2011
T. Kai, S. Duan, I. Taniguchi, S. Kazama, Development of poly(amidoamine) dendrimer/polymer hybrid membranes for CO2/H2 separation, ICOM2011, Jul. 25, 2011
K. Goto, S. Kodama, Y. Fujioka, S. Kazama, R. Satoh, M. Iwamura, Y. Artanto, J. Jansen, P. Pearson, E. Meuleman, Evaluation of a novel absorbent for CO2 capture in a pilot plant with coal combustion gas containing high concentration of SO2, The 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Technologies (APCSEET2011), Jul. 12, 2011
H. Yamada, T. Higashii, F.A. Chowdhury, K. Goto, S. Kazama, Experimental study into carbon dioxide solubility and species distribution in aqueous alkanolamine solutions, Sustainable Chemistry 2011, Jul. 9, 2011
K. Goto, F.A. Chowdhury, S. Kodama, S. Yamamoto, T. Higashii ,H. Okabe, S. Kazama, Development of a novel CO2 capture system with chemical absorption for the integrated steel works, 1st International Conference on Energy Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel industry, Jun. 29, 2011
S. Duan, T. Kai, I. Taniguchi, S. Kazama, Development of Molecular Gate Membrane for CO2 Capture, 6th Japan-China Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Jun. 23, 2011
S. Kazama, Advanced CO2 Separation Using Molecular Gates, Carbon Capture Workshop, May 27, 2011
F.A. Chowdhury, T. Higashii, K. Goto, M. Onoda, S. Kazama, Synthesis and selection of new amine absorbents for CO2 capture, 1st Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC1), May 17, 2011
S. Kazama, Membranes in precombustion, International Symposium on Environment,Energy and Materials, Mar. 10, 2011
T. Kai, S. Kazama, CO2 Membrane Separation, CCS WORKSHOP, Feb. 22, 2011
日本エネルギー学会論文賞受賞 Kazuya Goto, Firoz Alam Chowdhury, Hidetaka Yamada, Takayuki Higashii, Potential of Amine-based Solvents for Energy-saving CO2 Capture from Coal-fired Power Plant, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 95, 1133-1141 (2016)
余語克則、Research and development for DAC in RITE (Moonshot Project)、First U.S. -Japan CCS/Carbon Recycling Working Group Meeting, Online, December 9-10, 2021
後藤和也、Carbon Dioxide Capture, A Key Technology for Achieving Carbon-Neutral Society、10th China-Japan Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Online, November 29, 2021
Hidetaka Yamada, Toru Yamaguchi, Takayuki Fujiwara, Kenji Hori, Development of the Kinetics Simulator Based on Transition State Theory and its Application to CO2 Absorption Reactions, 34th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics 2018年6月7日
I.Kumakiri, L.Qui, B.Liu, K.Tanaka, H.Kita, T.Saito, R.Nishida, Synthesis of MFI Zeolite Membranes in Fluoride Media and Their Applications for Hydrogen Separation, The 10th Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society July 27, 2016
Junpei Fujiki, Advanced Development of CO2 Capture by Solid Sorbents, 2016 CSLF Annual Meeting in Tokyo, Japan Technical Workshop, 2016年10月5日
Teruhiko Kai, Development of Molecular Gate Membrane for CO2 Capture, CSLF Project: CO2 Separation from Pressurized Gas Stream, 2016 CSLF Annual Meeting in Tokyo, Japan Technical Workshop, 2016年10月5日
Kazuya Goto, Development of CO2 Capture Technology by Chemical Absorption System, 2016 CSLF Annual Meeting in Tokyo, Japan Technical Workshop, 2016年10月5日
Shin-ichi Nakao, Results from CSLF-recognized Project:CO2 Separation from Pressurized Gas, 2016 CSLF Annual Meeting in Tokyo, Japan Technical Group Meeting, 2016年10月4日
Takayuki Higashii, Recent Activity of ISO/TC265/WG1 on Capture, 2016 CSLF Annual Meeting in Tokyo, Japan
Technical Group Meeting, 2016年10月4日